ISSN 0121-246X ISSNe 2145-7670 |
Our Journal has the following sections:
The papers for publication must be unpublished, therefore, neither the article nor part of it, could have been published or requesting publication in another journal; except for those briefs or press reports published as a result of a scientific meeting. In agreement with the Editor, the previous publication of data contained in an article, could be accepted. The Editorial Board requests the authors to prepare their papers following the “Standard requirements for papers presented to biomedical journals”, and recommends them to review said document at as a guideline to prepare their papers. Next, there is a summary of the most important aspects to be considered. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
It must be kept in mind that, to be considered the author of a paper is necessary to have contributed to its conception and design, to the analysis and interpretation of the data or to the review of a part of the article, with significant input. Papers reporting human experimentation must inform about the ethical considerations of the study; additionally, they must be regulated by the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. The patients must remain anonymous and, in general, not mention information that permits their identification. Likewise, animal experimentation must indicate compliance with ethical norms. The paper must be presented in the following sequence: title page, abstract in Spanish and English, key words in Spanish and English, text of the paper, acknowledgments, bibliographical references, tables and figures. The tables and figures must be inserted in the text in the corresponding place. The authors must keep copy of all the material submitted. Title page it must include the title of the paper in Spanish and English, clearly reflecting its content, the names of the authors with their academic degrees and institutional affiliation; also, it must indicate the sources of financing. The name of the author to whom correspondence must be submitted should be clearly specified with address, telephone, fax and e mail address. Abstracts and key words the abstracts structured in Spanish and English must have a maximum of 250 words each, they must include the Introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. The use of references must be avoided. Under the abstract, the authors must write three to ten key words or short sentences that will help index the article. The selection of the key words must be done based on the health sciences descriptor (DESC), prepared by Bireme and used in LILACS, and which can be looked up at, look for DeCs at the link. The key words in English must be looked up Medical Subject Headings del Index Medicus, Text The text must be written in one column, double spaced, paged, in Times New Roman size 12 font, also, it must include: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, when the articles are derived from an original research. The original and copies must be printed on letter size paper. When abbreviations or initials are used, the first time they must be preceded by the complete words from which they originated. References must be written according to the order in which they appear in the text, in Arabic numbers and as super indexes. The reference citing style must be the one accepted by the standard requirements for biomedical journals. All the authors must be cited when there are six or less, if there are more, the first six ones are cited and next, “et al”. Personal communications must not be referred. Keep in mind the following examples for the use of capital letters and punctuation in the references:
Ex: Dratman MB. Introducción a las enfermedades del sistema endocrino y el mecanismo de acción de las hormonas. En: Rose LE. Medicina Interna en Odontología. Barcelona: Salvat; 1972. p. 1223-1235. To cite as reference the Revista de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia, the following abbreviation must be used: Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq. Tables and figures Tables must have Arabic numbering according to the order in which they appear in the text. The title must appear on the upper part and the notes on the lower part. The columns headings must contain the symbols of the units used. Footnotes must explain the abbreviations used. Each table must be in Word or Excel format (never as images) for a good impression. Photographs, graphs and drawings (figures) must have Arabic numbering system in the order in which they appear in the text. At the end of the legend of micro photographs, the scale must be indicated. Black and white and color photographs must be clear and with sufficient contrast for a good impression. The Editorial Board may limit the number of tables and figures. Photographs of persons must no permit their identification. When a figure or table has already been published, the author’s permission for its reproduction must be annexed and also, credit to the original publication must be given. The costs of impression of color material are not paid by the Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq, therefore, they must be assumed by the authors. |
Sending of manuscripts
The paper must be sent through the Open Journal System (OJS) The five steps established in the system must be followed: 1. Beginning.2. Enter the Meta data. 3. Enter submittal. 4. Enter supplementary records. 5. Confirmation. In order to avoid inconvenient, these steps must be carried out consecutively and in one session. |
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