ISSN 1657-7027 |
Scope and policy
The Health Management and Policies Journal is a peer
reviewed academic journal, which publishes original
articles on Reviews, Research Results, Reflection, and
Summaries, about health, health systems, and all other The Health Management and Policies Journal is directed to students, academia, researchers, health professional, and other professionals interested in subjects related to health administration, public health, and health policies. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Papers must have the following length according to their field: • Essays and presentations: maximum 25 pages. Presentation of the papers The title of the work and the full name of the authors must be on the first page of the text. In page footnotes should be indicated his academic degrees, positions and the institution they belong to. It must be clear who the main author is and the author who will deal with the correspondence, stating their addresses -physical and electronic. If the work was presented in an event, it must specify the full name of it, the sponsoring institutions, as well as the city and the date it was carried out. If it is the product of a funded research, it is necessary to mention the entities, the number and date of contract, the project execution time and the institutions involved. A separate sheet should include a brief review of each author, indicating their academic or professional career and their intellectual production. Originals are intellectual property of collaborators. Summary and key words The manuscript must have a summary in English and Spanish (abstract), of maximum 150 words. They should not have references, titles and subtitles. To select the six (6) key words in Spanish, see descriptors in DECS of BIREME (in Also, to select the six (6) key words in English, see Medical Subject Heading (MESH), of the Index Medicus (available at ). Categories of work The Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud (Journal of Management and Health Policy) publishes the following categories of works: • Research paper: a document that presents in detail the original results of research projects. • Articles of review: documents from a research whit analyzed, systematized and integrated results of research, published or unpublished, with the purpose of giving account of the progress and the development trend. It is known for its careful literature review of at least 50 references. • Short article: a brief document that presents original preliminary results or partial results of a research. • Case report: a document that presents the results of a case study. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on similar cases. • Topic review: a document of the critical review of the literature on a particular topic. • Translation: translations of classical or current texts of particular interest to the journal. • Essay: a brief text, philosophical, literary or scientific, that presents an opinion of the author on a specific topic. • Bibliographic reviews: descriptive and critical presentation of recent publications of interest to the journal. Structure of the articles The research reports will follow the following structure, which may vary according to the nature of the study: summary; introduction, that includes the problem, the justification, the objectives and the theoretical foundations of the project; a section of materials and methods, indicating the type of study, the sources of information, the universe, the population and a sample, the variables and the processing analysis of the information; the results section, and a final discussion and conclusions, and the references cited. The tables and charts must go with their captions (title and sources), restricted to the strictly necessary and including in different pages, numbered consecutively and grouped at the end of the text. In the body of the text will be indicated where to find them. Include charts in its original format or convert them to TIF ( Tagged Image File ) or EPS (Encapsulated) (PostScript ). The preferred font for charts is Helvetica. If the files are on Macintosh, convert them to one of the above-mentioned formats. They will be only used for clarifications or to provide additional data; they must not be used to do citations, because they go inside, in the body of the text. References must be numbered in sequence, according to their appearance in the text, with numerals in parentheses. The list of references starts in a separate sheet at the end of the article, strictly following the International Publishers Committee of Medical Journals: Requirements of uniformity for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. See the following are examples. 1 Journal articles. A. Standard article Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 25; 347 (4): 284-7. B. When there are more than six authors: list the first six authors, followed with "et al." C. Corporate authors: A. Autores personales Canguilhem G. The normal and the pathological. New York: Zone Books; 1991 B. Editors or compilers C. Chapters of a book Nota: en español: [en]. 3 Presentations Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings
of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto; Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996. Escobar AL. Malária no sudoeste da Amazônia: uma meta-análise [Dissertação de Mestrado]. Rio de Janeiro: Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz;
1994. Paiva CH. Samuel Pessoa: a scientific trajectory in the context of public health campaigns
and developmentalism Brazil. Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos. En prensa 2006. A. Articles of online journals Nota: en español: [serie en internet], [citado en], [aprox. 2 páginas], [disponible en]. B. Monograph in Internet Nota: en español: monografía en internet] |
Sending of manuscripts
The text must be sent to the Direction of the journal, Calle 40 no. 6-23, building Gabriel Giraldo, 8th floor , Graduate Programs in Health and Social Security Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, in a floppy disk or compact disc, along with a printed version and two photocopies, in font 12, double spaced, with a Letter stating that: • All authors know and agree with its contents. |
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