ISSN 1909-9762
Printed version

ISSN 1909-9991
Online version




  • Director
    PhD. Yeison Javier Montagut Ferizzola
    School of Engineering of Antioquia
    Envigado, Colombia
  • Editorial direction
    Marcela Restrepo Bernal
    School of Engineering of Antioquia
    Envigado, Colombia


Editorial Committee

  • John Bustamante Osorno, M.D., PhD
    Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Felipe García Quiroz, M.S., PhD
    The Rockefeller University
    United States
  • Juan Carlos Ramírez Giraldo, M.S., PhD
    Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
    United States
  • Christian Roux, PhD
    Télécom Bretagne, Université européenne de Bretagne
  • Andrés Felipe Salazar Gómez, PhD (c)
    Boston University
    United States
  • Róbinson Torres Villa, M.S., PhD
    School of Engineering of Antioquia - CES University


Scientific Committee

  • Daniel Gallego-Pérez, PhD
    Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. The Ohio State University
    United States
  • Claudia Prieto, PhD
    Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • Sylvana García Rodríguez, PhD
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    United States
  • Felipe Prósper Cardoso, PhD
    University of Navarra
  • Santiago Reyes Ramírez, PhD
    Mayo Clinic
  • Natalia Higuita Castro, PhD (c)
    The Ohio State University
    United States
  • Alejandro Roldán Alzate, PhD
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    United States
  • Catalina Tobón Zuluaga, PhD
    Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, ITM


Support Committee

  • Carlos Ruiz Ibáñez, M.S.
    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
  • Carolina Arboleda Clavijo, M.S., PhD (c)
    Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH)
  • Ever Augusto Torres Silva, M.S. (c)
    Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Christian Andrés Díaz León, M.S., PhD (c)
    EAFIT University
  • Natalia M. Zapata Linares, M.S., PhD
    University of Navarra


Ethics Committee

  • PhD. Julio Enrique González Villa
  • Lawyer Olga Lucía Ocampo Toro
  • MCs. Nathalia Vélez López de Mesa
  • MCs. Rubén Darío Hernández Pérez
  • MCs. Diana Tróchez Wílchez
  • Especialist Julián Aguirre Vélez


Editorial Assistance

  • Editorial coordination
    Catalina Calle Arango 
    School of Engineering of Antioquia
  • Editorial assistance
    Adriana Ospina Rodríguez
    School of Engineering of Antioquia


Editorial Production

  • Translations into english and portuguese
    Gabriel Jaime Aristizábal Correa (Go Bilingual)
    Mallory Craig-Kuhn (Go Bilingual)
  • HTML Design
    Carlos Andrés Pinilla Díaz
  • Design and Layout
    Fondo Editorial —EIA—
  • Cover design
    Catalina Calle Arango
  • Printing
    Xpress Estudio Gráfico Digital

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