ISSN 0121-4993
printed version


Scope and policy


The Engineering Magazine is a bi-annual publication of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de los Andes which is setting out to serve as a medium for publishing original and unpublished articles based on the results of the academic and professional activities, with high scientific or technological quality in the different fields of engineering.

The Engineering Magazine hopes to be one of the principal vehicles for publishing the knowledge of Engineering in Colombia and Latina America and to be highly consulted and recognized in the academic and scientific circles of the region.

The Engineering Magazine, by focusing on topics of engineering, is directed especially at the national and international academic and scientific community. Nevertheless, the Dossier section will cover specific themes relevant to society and therefore will reach a more general audience with interest in such topics from the focused perspective of the different discipline areas of engineering.


Article’s selection process


The evaluation process (which lasts from 3 to 6 months) consists of a pre-selection of articles by the editorial committee and afterward a double blinded evaluation will be performed by a pair of academics specialized in the topic. The articles are graded as: Accepted, Accepted with minor corrections, Accepted with major corrections, or Not Accepted. Once the editorial committee has the evaluations, a letter is sent to the author(s) with the verdict and a document with the evaluations and the suggestions and changes to be made (content and form) as suggested by the evaluators. The authors will have two months from the sending date of the verdict to make the necessary changes and to send it back. Once the second version has been received, the editorial committee will once again send it on to the evaluators to give their final verdict. According to this final verdict, the editorial committee will make their final decision regarding the publication of the article. Once approved, the author receives notification by email and will have to sign a publication authorization authorizing the intellectual property rights and the publication in the optical, magnetic and electronic mediums, on network, and the incorporation of the title, author(s), abstracts and the complete texts of the articles in the national and international databases or WebPages. In accordance with copyright laws, each collaborator will receive two copies of the issue in which the text will be published.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


The Engineering Magazine is a bi-annual publication of the Engineering Faculty of the Universidad de los Andes in which the most outstanding research brought forward by researchers and docents will be presented to the community as well as new technical proposals and documented revisions on current topics in the different fields of engineering.

Each issue of the magazine will have three main sections: The Technical Section , which includes articles on diverse engineering topics; the Dossier which will be focused on articles based on specific proposals made by the editorial and scientific committees; and the A Look Back Section in which milestones which have taken place at the Universidad de los Andes are presented.

Academics and professionals are encouraged to send their unpublished articles on outstanding papers and research for the Technical Section as well as the Dossier . We also encourage our readers to write and send us articles responding to previously published materials which will serve as a response, analysis or deeper exploration of these articles. These will be included in a Public Forum Section.

The articles should be sent in printed and magnetic format to the following address:
Revista de Ingeniería
Facultad de Ingeniería
Universidad de los Andes
Cr. 1 Este # 19 A-40
Edificio Mario Laserna oficina ML313
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Teléfono: 3394949 ext. 3338
Correo electrónico:

Original and unpublished articles will be considered (in Spanish or English) written in Word or Latex which are no longer than 8 letter-size pages (including images and graphs) with symmetrical margins of 2.5 cm., without columns, written in Times New Roman font size 12 and single spaced.

The images should be in black and white and have a high resolution (300 dpi in actual size) and should be sent within the text and in an independent electronic file (jpg or tiff format). The tables, charts and graphics should be sent in their original file so as to be able to make modifications.

The articles should be presented in the following format:
1) Title in Spanish or English (the least number of words to adequately describe the content of the article).
2) Date.
3) Name(s) of the author(s), educational level, current institutional affiliation, City and Country.
4) A 100-word summary in Spanish.
5) A summary or abstract of 100 words in English.
6) Key words in English and Spanish, which will make up part of LEMB (Material Heading Listings for Libraries)
7) Introduction
8) Development points
9) Conclusion
10) Bibliography*
11) A short summary of the resumes of each of the authors involved and their respective email addresses.
12) Address, mail and telephone contact numbers.
13) Information and email addresses of 2 possible expert candidates in the topic the article develops. They should not be connected to the institution with which the author(s) is currently connected.
The articles which do not comply with this format will not qualify to begin the evaluation process.

*The bibliography corresponds to the cited or referenced texts used in the article and only appears at the end. Each citation should end with a number in brackets in ascending form that corresponds with each reference.

[#] initials. Last name. Title of the book. Tr. Initials. Last name of the translator. Place of publication:Publisher, year, pp. (pages referenced).

Chapter of a book or a report:
[#] initials. Last name. "Title of the chapter". Title of the book.initials.last name of the editor or compiler of the book. (ed.) or (comp.). Tr. Initials. Last name of the translator. Place of publication:Publisher, year, pp. (pages of the chapter).

Magazine Article:
[#]initials. Last name. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine. Short name of the magazine, Vol. No. Month, year, pp. (pages of the article).

Internet Page:
[#] "Title of the document".Author or editor of the page. Name of the company or institution responsable for the page. Date of visiting, Available: URL.

Article presented in a conference:
[#] initials. Last name. (year, month). "Title". Presented in: Title of the Conference. [Type of electronic medium]. Available: URL.


Sending of manuscripts


The articles should be sent in a printed and a magnetic copy to:

Revista de Ingeniería
Facultad de Ingeniería
Universidad de los Andes
Cr. 1 Este # 19 A-40
Edificio Mario Laserna oficina ML313
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Tel. +(57.1) 3394949 ext. 3338
Correo electrónico:


[Home] [Cuerpo editorial] [Instrucciones a los autores] [Subscripción]

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 1991 Universidad de los Andes

Facultad de Ingeniería
Cr. 1 Este # 19 A-40
Edificio Mario Laserna oficina ML313
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Tel. +(57 1) 3394949 ext. 3338