ISSN 1692-3324
printed version

ISSN 2248-4094
online version



Scope and policy

Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín intends to spread research results in fields such as: civil engineering, environmental engineering, financial engineering, telecommunication engineering, computer science engineering, and related areas, through the publication of texts in the form of scientific, research articles, reflection articles, revision articles, short articles, case reports, topic revision, letters to the publisher, leading article, translations or reflection documents not resulting from research.


Method and Preparation of Texts

People who send articles to be published in Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín should attach such article with evidence showing it has not been published before, author’s copyright, and proof verifying it has not been proposed to be published in any other media simultaneously. Besides, the author should hand over the patrimonial copyrights to the institution, which shall be authorized to release such article by any printed or electronic media, including Internet.

Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín is a technical journal in which high-quality articles and revisions from engineering research works will be published. In agreement with COLCIENCIAS PUBLINDEX, the journal will give priority to the following kind of texts:

1) Scientific and Technological Research Articles. This kind of documents show in detail original results from finished research projects. Structure commonly used shows four important parts: Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions.

2) Reflection Articles. This kind of documents show finished research results from the author’s analytical, interpretative, and critical point of view about a specific topic and using original sources.

3) Revision Articles. This kind of documents result from a finished research where both published and unpublished research results are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, about a scientific or technological area, with the purpose of accounting for development trends and advancements. These documents characterize for their careful bibliographic revision of at least 50 references

4) Other Documents: Other documents qualifying to be published upon the Publishing Committee’s judgment (dissertations, summary of contributions, bibliographic review and thesis, discussions, etc.)


Sending of manuscripts

People interested in submitting their papers to evaluation, for the sake of publishing in Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medelllín, should observe the following conditions. Papers not complying with the journal’s topic and style requirements will be returned without being evaluated.

• Papers can be written either in Spanish or English. Articles already published or in process to be published in another journal will be rejected. Also, the journal has a policy to only publish articles having the written support of all its authors. Every article should include Spanish and English abstracts.
• The author will submit the article in CD format duly labeled and having a printed copy in white letter-size (215 x 280 mm or 8.5 x 11 inches) bond paper, specifying the kind of word processor used (WORD is preferable). The article should be written on the front side only, double-space, margins: 2.5 cm on each margin, 12-size Arial letter, and 15 to 40 pages long at the most.
• All pages of the article should have a consecutive number on the right upper corner, starting with page 2.
• The paper should be divided as follows and observing the following sequence: First page should include title and key words, followed by the name(s) of the author(s), academic degrees or positions indicating his/her authority in the field, address, telephones, e-mail, and fax (each author should include all these items). Pages 2 and 3 should include an abstract written in Spanish and English, respectively, with a maximum extension of 15 lines each. Next pages should include introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgement, and bibliography.


Tables and Figures

• Tables and figures should be cited in the text; they should be numbered following the order in which they were cited by the first time in the text. Please avoid redundancy among tables, figures, and text. Labeling of each table should be placed above the table. Symbols should be footnoted in table.
• All illustrations, including photographs, charts, maps, and graphs are classified as figures. Figures should be printed in a high-resolution printer, with lines and letters having an appropriate size in such a way they can be easily viewed when reduced to be published. Photographs should be B/W high-quality printed. Figures having a size higher than 215x280 mm or color printed are not allowed. A number and a legend should be placed on the bottom of each figure, making reference to it in the appropriate place within the text. Legend of each figure or table should be eloquent enough so that figures or tables can be read on an independent way.


Abbreviations and Style

• By no means, words should be divided at the right margin in any part of the text, including words linked by a dash or those divided by their syllables. Dashes should not be used to extend a line until right margin.
• Metric System and its abbreviations should be used for all measures, and decimals should be used instead of fractions (for example, 0.6), except for equations. Besides, footnotes should be avoided. Do not include page breaks or end of sections.
• When needing to highlight words or phrases, do not use bold letters, but italics.



When citing references in the text, guidelines with the following examples should be followed:

• Gómez (1998), if the author’s name is part of the sentence and (Gómez, 1998), if the author’s name is not part of the sentence.
• (Gómez, 1998, 2000), when two articles of the same author have been cited at the same time.
• Gómez, 1998a, 1998b), for two articles of the same author and in the same year.
• When an article has three of more authors, first author’s name should be cited only, followed by et al., (Gómez et al., 1998).
• Where there are two or more publications of different authors in the same year, those publications should be cited in an alphabetical order; when dealing with publications of different authors in different years, chronological order should be followed.

List of reference should be alphabetically made based on the first author’s first surname, according to the following examples:

When citing a book: Author’s surname(s) written in fixed capital letter, initials of the given name(s), publishing year, title, place of publishing, publishing house, and reference pages.
- BOOCH, G. 1998. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide. Reading (Massachusetts). Addison. Wesley. 482pp.

• Articles in a Journal: Surname(s) of the Author(s) written in fixed capital letter, initials of the given name(s), publishing year, title, journal’s name, volume, and pages.
- ANDERSEN, J. M. (1974). Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgest and the Role of Sediments in Six Shallow Danish Lakes. Archiv für Hidrobiologie, 74: 528-550.

• Chapter in an Edited Volume: Surname(s) of the Author(s), initials of the given name(s), year, title, editors, text title, publishing house, place of publishing, and pages.
- FISHER, S. G. 1992. Pattern, process and scale in freshwater systems: some unifying thoughts. En: Guiller, P.S., Hildrew, A.G. & Ralliaelli, D.G. (ed.). Aquatic ecology: scale, patern and process. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford, pp. 575-591.

• For texts downloaded from Internet: Surname(s) of the Author(s), initials of the given name, date published on the net of last date updated, title, and URL name of the site from which it was downloaded.

As it is a publishing with arbitration, the journal receives, reviews, and sends all articles to the Publishing Committee, which approves publishing based on the concept of specialized evaluating peers. Within the following three months from the date of reception of the article, the author will be noticed about the approval or rejection decision. Once the author has been notified about the Publishing Committee’s remarks, he/she will be given two weeks to return the article with corresponding suggested amendments; otherwise, the article will be rejected. Original documents received will be kept as part of the journal’s file.

Three editions of the journal will be granted as a copyright. Those editions will be sent to each author or to each group of authors.



The paper should be sent to:

Comité Editorial
Revista Ingenierías
Universidad de Medellín
Carrera 87 N° 30-65
Apartado Aéreo 1983
Medellín, Colombia


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© 2009
Universidad de Medellín

Carrera 87 No. 30-65
Apartado Aéreo 1983
Medellín, Colombia

Tel.: (574) 340 53-35
Fax: (574) 340 52 16