ISSN 1657-4702
printed version



Scope and policy

Latin American Journal of Bioethics, is the scientific publication of the Department of Humanities at the Nueva Granada Military University, is published with the ISSN 1657-4702 in print.

Latin American Journal of Bioethics publishes bioethics and applied ethics. Priority will be given work on bioethical issues important to Latin America and the Caribbean. The magazine has a pluralistic, interdisciplinary, non-denominational. The journal is aimed at professionals in the following disciplines: health sciences, humanities and social sciences, educational sciences, applied sciences and other professionals interested in the topic of bioethics and applied ethics.

Currently, Latin American Journal of Bioethics is visible in LILACS (Latin American Literature in Health Sciences), and process DIALNET indexed in databases other national and international.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The Latinamerican Journal of Bioethics will accept manuscripts that adjust to the following classification proposed by Colciencias:

1) Article of Scientific and Technological Research. Documents that present on a detailed way, the original results of experimental, clinical, epidemiological and human science investigation projects. The structure generally utilized contains four main elements: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

2) Deliberation Articles. Documents that present research results from an analytical perspective, interpretative or critical of the author, on a specific subject, based on original sources.

3) Review articles. Documents result of an investigation where the results of investigations published or not published, on a field in science or technology, are analyzed, systematized and integrated with the purpose of accounting the advances and the development tendencies. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.

4) Short Article. Brief documents that present preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological research that generally require a quick diffusion.

5) Case Report. A document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation with the purpose of presenting the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

6) Topic Review. Documents result of the critical review of literature on an individual topic.

7) Letters to the Editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions on documents published in the Journal that in opinion of the Publishing Committee constitute important contributions to the discussion of the subject by the scientific community of reference.

Structural Scheme for Manuscripts

The text must be written in Word, letter Arial type number 12 to double-space with margins of at least 2.5 cm. The titles and subtitles will be written in small letter and the length of the text must not exceed 15.000 words, including pictures and graphs.

The front page of the manuscript will contain: a) title of the paper; b) full name of each author, professional title, and current academic position; c) institutional affiliation; d) section, department, service and Institutions due credit for the execution of the paper; e) the declarations of discharge of responsibility if it exist; f) electronic and postal address of the corresponding author (including phone and fax numbers).

Title, Abstract and Key Words
The title, abstract and key words must be written up in Spanish and English and the article contents may be written in Spanish or English.

The title, which must not occupy more than three lines, will represent concisely the content of the article.

The Abstract, of semi structured type, must not be more than 500 words and will describe the objective of the study or investigation, the used methodology, the most important results and conclusions.

After the abstract, the author must choose between three and five key words, that also could be short phrases, remembering that for both, in Spanish and in English, the terms THESAURUS of the APA (American Psychological Association)

It will have to express the purpose of the article and a summary of the logical foundation of the study or observation. The strictly pertinent references must be mentioned, without turning into an extensive review of the subject. In the Introduction the results of the work are not included.

Materials and Methods
The methods, population and sample, techniques and procedures must be mentioned in a precise manner in order that they can be reproduced.

The results must be presented with a logical sequence within the text, along with the tables, figures or illustrations, emphasizing the most important observations. The data organized in the tables or illustrations must not be repeated in the text.

The author will explain the meaning of the results and its limitations, including the implications in future research, but without repeating them in detail, since they already were in the results. Also there will be emphasis in the new aspects and relevancy of the study and conclusions will be proposed deducted from the results, avoiding statements that lack scientific support. The nexus of the conclusions with the objectives of the study must be established, avoiding general statements. When it is appropriate, recommendations can be included.

Figures, Tables and Photos

The maximum number for figures, tables and photos for each article is eight and they will be included at the end of the document, after the bibliographical references. The author must specify titles and legends of each one of the images. The author will be responsible to annex the respective publication authorization by the copyright holder if the images are not its property.

At the end of the text, it is allowed to acknowledge one or more people or institutions that made substantive contributions to their work. It can be specified the type of support: financial, technical, logistic, etc.

Of conflicts of interests and financing
In the cases that conflicts of interest exist related to the project support, the author must state them. For original research, the author must specify the financing sources

References will have to be numbered consecutively following the order in which they are mentioned for the first time in the text (system of mention order), following the recommendations of the APA: (American Psychological Association)

If a reference is mentioned more than once, its original number will be used in later citations. Article summaries can not be used as reference and when it is an accepted article, but not yet published, this one will be mentioned within the references as in “in press” or “next to be published”; in this last case, one must have the written authorization from the author and verification that it has been accepted for publication.


Sending of manuscripts

By written communication directed to the Editor of LATINAMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS the authors will send the original version of the article by electronic mail to the E-mail: or by magnetic form to the following postal address:

Editor Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética
Departamento de Humanidades
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Carrera 11 No 101- 80
Bogota, D.C. Colombia.

The articles must be accompanied by a letter of presentation directed to the Editor, in which the authors submit into consideration the manuscript for publication, along with the annexed format in which it is specified that it is a work not published previously, not sent to another simultaneous publication and that all the authors agree, as much with their content, as with yielding the publication rights to the Latinamerican Journal of Bioethics.

The Editor will confirm receipt of the manuscripts received, informing the authors about the acceptance for evaluation, or of the suggestions to include them in this process. Once accepted they will be sent for evaluation by expert pairs, that will recommend to the Publishing Committee their publication or rejection, annexing the respective suggestions that may be methodological, of content, or style. Those suggestions will be sent to the authors, so that they can make the suggested adjustments. In case of disagreement, the authors will express their concepts to the editor, and he will send them to a second or third expert and with the new concept, the Publication Committee will make a definitive decision that will be opportunely communicated to the authors.

In case of accepting the manuscript for publication, the authors will only maintain the author´s rights, since the publication´s rights, will be property of the Latinamerican Journal of Bioethics, for this reason they can not be reproduced partially or totally without written permission of the Editor. The authors will yield to the Department of Humanities of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, the exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, translation and public communication of their work by any means printed, audio-visual or electronic one.

Papers appearing in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not represent the thoughts of the Editor, or Latinamerican Journal of Bioethics or Department of Humanities of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

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© 2010 "Nueva Granada" Military University

"Nueva Granada" Military University
Department of Humanities
Carrera 11 No 101-80, Torre D
PBX (571) 2757300 Ext. 347
Fax (571) 2159689 - 2147280
Bogota, D.C. - Colombia