ISSN 1692-715X printed version
ISSN 2027-7679 electronic


Scope and policy

The Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud (Latin American Journal of Social Sciences for Childhood and Youth) is a biannual publication that feature research results and inter and trans-disciplinary analysis whose quality allows the presentation of unpublished works. The Journal also gathers and debates knowledge about childhood and youth of Colombia, Latin America and the Caribbean. In this way, it contributes to the research of such complex fields of study from diverse disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives, such as the neurosciences, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pedagogy, linguistics, history and philosophy.

Its basis is the Doctorate program in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth of the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Niñez y Juventud, de la Universidad de Manizales y el Cinde (Center of Advanced Studies in Childhood and Youth). This is the result of a partnership between the University of Manizales and CINDE in Manizales, Colombia. It is aimed at readers interested in theory, studies practices, research, analysis and gaining deeper insight into children and young people as well as designing, evaluating and comparing programs and policies on childhood and youth. The Journal accepts papers in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, preferably derived directly from research formally endorsed by universities, research centers and public and private financing entities.

General Information

The Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud does not charge for the processing and shipping of the paper.

The Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud is a publication indexed by the Índice Bibliográfico Nacional Publindex de Colciencias and meets the criteria of scientific quality established by that institution. For this reason, receives papers corresponding to the following typology:

Types of articles and sections

The following types of articles are listed in the first (Theory and meta-theory) and second (Studies and research) sections of the journal. These receive a double-blind evaluation, are included in the OJS and are considered internationally as citable articles:

1. Scientific and technological research paper. Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of a completed research project. Its structure must adapt to the APA style (6th edition, 2010), displaying four main sections: introduction (including the contextualization of the problem, its conceptual referents, the state of the art minimally updated to the last three years, its objective and question), method (epistemological foundation, sample description, design, methodology, techniques and instruments with their validation, ethical consent, and data analysis techniques), results (in correspondence with the instruments) and discussion (similarities and differences or the results with the research of other authors, limitations, results importance and applications, and recommendations).

2. Theoretical paper. Document that presents results derived from an investigation, from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective by the author on a specific topic. This is to advance in its theoretical development originally, to present a new theory on a topic or to analyze an existing one. In its presentation should include: the problem contextualization, relevant literature (including the most updated), the process of collecting and analyzing the information and the final interpretation or reflection by the author(s).

3. Literature review. Document product of a research, where the results of other researches, published or not, are analyzed, systematized and integrated on a field in science or technology, in order to give an account of the advances and development tendencies. State of art, literature reviews and meta-analyzes may be part of these papers, as long as the methodology with which this research was conducted is included. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references, including the last three years. The presentation should include: the problem contextualization, the process of collecting and analyzing information, the previous investigations summary, the analysis that information and the suggestions regarding possible new ways to the problem solution.

4. Brief report. A brief document that presents original, preliminary or partial results of a scientific or technological research under development, which, due to their importance, require prompt dissemination.

5. Case study. Document that presents the results of a study about an individual, a group, a community, an organization or a particular situation, in order to illustrate the technical and methodological experiences considered, the resolution of a specific problem or the possible derived applications of the analysis or work done. It includes a systematic review of the literature on analogous cases (also incorporating the most up-to-date). The presentation should include: a detailed description of the case, the methodological process of analysis, description of the pertinent ethical issues, conclusions derived from it and recommendations.

6. Topic review. Document that presents either the critical analysis or the theoretical construction on a particular topic; but unlike types two and three papers, these are not derived from a formal research. The author(s) must clarify the analysis process carried out.

The types 1-6 papers are included in the first (Theory and metatheory) and second (Studies and research) sections. Other types of intellectual production are also received, such as:

Other types of intellectual production are also received, which are included in the third (reports and analysis) and fourth (revisions and reviews) sections.

7. Letters to the Editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions towards the documents published in the Journal, that the Editorial Committee consider constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic from the related scientific community. These letters are included in the fourth section.

8. Others. We receive brief analyses of studies, essays, audiovisual material, events, local processes and ongoing projects that are of interest to social researchers and other members of the academic community. The Journal also receives systematizations of work related to children and young people or work carried out by this population, as well as interviews with thinkers in these fields. Since these documents do not have the character of a scientific article and are not peer-reviewed, there is more freedom for the format they are written in (although they must maintain citation standards). However, given that they are unpublished, they must pass a review of their originality and style correction in the editorial process carried out by the Journal. These materials will be published in the 3rd and 4th sections of the Journal.

Notes regarding the 3rd (Reports and Analysis) and 4th (Revisions and Reviews) sections. The aim of these two sections is to establish dialogue between researchers, public policy and social and educational institutions. As a result, these sections are fundamental to the objectives and raison d'être of the magazine.

However, it is very important that authors making submissions to these two sections take into account that these publications, because they are not scientific articles, will not be included in the Journal’s OJS platform, nor will they be considered "citable documents" by the majority of international evaluation and indexing agencies.

Editorial parameters

The following standards must be met by the articles in the Theory and Meta-theory and Studies and Research sections. Please note that these are strictly enforced, so manuscripts that do not conform to these standards will be returned to their authors.

Title: Every paper must start with a title that summarizes its core. Its extension should not exceed 12 words. Likewise, it must be presented in the three languages used by the Journal: Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Name of the author or authors: the full and standardized name of the author or authors must be presented, followed by their corresponding affiliations (the institution in which they work), cities and countries. This will be followed by a presentation of their academic experience (previous studies, their most advanced degree and the corresponding institutions), e-mail address and, finally, their ORCID code (, as well as H5. 

It is important to standardize the name and surname of each of the authors based on international standards (interested parties can consult the information on the website): If a reference of an author is cited within the paper, this should follow the Journal’s chosen international standards, as well as with the final list of references. Any citations of the authors in other publications should also be done in the same way as this facilitates searching for the authors at an international level and their appearance in bibliometric indexes.

The following is an example of the author’s name with institutional affiliation:

Jorge Iván González** 

Assistant Professor National University of Colombia

**Bachelor’s in philosophy from the Javeriana University of Bogotá, Master’s degree in Economics from Los Andes University, Doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Louvain (Belgium), professor of the National University of Colombia. Invited professor of the Doctorate program in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth of the CINDE (Center of Advanced Studies in Childhood and Youth) and the University of Manizales. Email:

The name of the research funding entity (if one exists) is required and the relevant code. 

Abstract: A summary in Spanish, English and Portuguese is also required, maximum 130 words. It should be clarified at the beginning that it is an analytical summary. This abstract is a complete summary that is used by the indexation services and allows to index and retrieve the paper; therefore, it should be attractive and accurate, so that it draws the attention of potential readers.

The following aspects of the summary should be taken into account, in the case the paper is the result of a finished research (type 1 to 5),

It has to be analytical.

It has to mention the problem addressed by the research

It has to mention the participants and their characteristics.

It has to mention the methodology used in the research.

It has to mention the research main results and conclusions. 

It mustn’t have bibliographic references. 

In the case of papers that are not the result of finished research (ie, type 6), a descriptive summary should be used in which the information developed in the paper is expressed in a synthetic, clear and precise manner, especially the methodological process. This should also have less than 130 words and should be clarified at the beginning that it is a descriptive summary.

Keywords: Indicate some keywords (from 3 to 10) that quickly help the reader identify the paper’s topic. The keywords, without exception, have to be taken from a Thesaurus, indicating its name (at the end of the list).

The paper’s title, the abstract and keywords have to be translated to Portuguese (resumo, palavras-chave) and to Spanish (resumen, palabras clave) by a translator with an expertise in the social field.

Text: After the abstracts and keywords, an abbreviated table of contents has to be written in bold, with Arabic numerals and a horizontal layout. Example:

-1. Introduction. -2. The economic method: the difference between pure economy and applied economy. -3. The Samuelson paradigm. -4. Alternatives to the Samuelson vision. -5. Public policies, childhood and youth. -6.  Conclusions - List of references

Length: articles do not have a maximum word limit. However, the greatest possible economy of language is recommended. As a reference point, the average number of words of articles published is 7500 words (from the title to the list of references). 

Footnotes: The footnotes have to be at the bottom of the page, using WordTM automatic system. Its number should be limited to the minimum possible, this in order to improve the paper’s readability.

Tables and graphs: Graphic material are listed consecutively as mentioned in the text. They must have a precise title that precedes them. Its presentation should follow the APA style (6th ed.) Information that is subject to copyright or other proprietary rights for which you don’t have prior written permission should not be included. Without this, it is not possible to include the material. This must be detailed in a note at the end of the article. Do not include tables or figures whose information is subject to copyright without having previously obtained the corresponding written permission; this should be included in a note at the end of each one. The tables and figures made by the authors should not be referenced as their own. Within the paper text, each table or figure must be referenced by its number and not by phrases such as "the following table", since the layout process may require placing them in a position not so close to the line on which it is referenced. For the specific case of the photographs, the faces of the children, without the proper authorization of their parents or guardians should be blurred. In the case of adult photographs, the procurement of an informed consent is also recommended.

Annexes: Annexes mustn’t be included at the end of the paper, all of them have to be incorporated analytically within the paper body as previously indicated (tables, graphs, photos, etc.). However, the author can submit annexes in digital form (through links) only if these documents are stored in services that allow the maintenance of this information indefinitely and provide DOI codes for them (for example, or

Reference system: the latest version of the APA style guide is required. 

List of references: must include all (and only) the sources cited within the text (including tables, graphs and notes). The reference system of the latest version of the APA will be used (sixth, 2010), that is, the surname-date system, which should be used consistently within the text and in the footnotes. In the general references it is enough to put the author(s) last name, followed by the date in parentheses. If the precise reference of a textual citation is given, the respective page is added after the date, preceded by a comma, a space, a "p" (if there are several pages, "pp"), a period and a space. For example:

Hedegaard, M. (2005). Strategies for dealing with conflicts in value positions between home and school: Influences on ethnic minority students’ development of motives and identity. Culture Psychology, 11(2), 187-205. doi:10.1177/1354067X05052351

Inclusive language: Inclusion of gender in the paper writing must be taken into account, for example: when talking about children, saying “boys and girls” (inclusive gender language).

Evaluation and review process

• The Journal, with the consent of the author(s), will carry out the necessary editorial changes in order to give the paper the greatest possible clarity, accuracy and coherence. As a result, it is recommended to write with greater stringency, using good spelling, writing in homogenous and clear paragraphs and aiming to accurately use punctuation marks. The author(s) have to avoid redundancies and the reiterative use of acronyms as these don’t replace the original word(s) and make the readers become tired and lose initiative to read their text.

• The papers are submitted to a double-blind review by at least two peers that have a month to deliver their evaluative report. Once the proposed document has been evaluated, the author(s) will receive the evaluation report for them to review and adjust the paper. They will have a deadline set by the editor to return the duly revised paper. In the opinion of the first evaluators, or of the editing team, the corrected paper may be sent to a new evaluation by the first peers, or by different ones.

• Once the paper has been uploaded to the Journal’s Open Journal System, all of the authors are in agreement for the granting of copyright to the Journal if the paper is approved for publication. This assignment agreement allows the editing team to protect the material on behalf of the author(s) without them giving up authorship. The copyright assignment includes the exclusive rights to the paper’s reproduction and distribution, including the supplements, the photocopied reproductions, electronic formats, translations or any other type.

• The paper’s galley proofs will be sent to the author(s) before printing the Journal. The corrections have to be limited to typing mistakes. New lines, phrases or paragraphs are not accepted. The line and page to be modified in the page proofs have to be indicated.

• The Journal’s Open Journal System allows for online communication so that the Journal’s authors are aware of their work status. The web address of the Open Journal System is:

Journal’s email contact: 

Specific guide for creating the final list of references

Because of the Journal’s emphasis on science and academia, use a list of references (documents used effectively as a basis for research) and not a bibliography (documents that have served as a basis for the authors, but that have not necessarily been used in the investigation). In that sense, all citations should appear in the list of references and all references should have been cited in the text. It is important to include in the references the source directly consulted, for example, if the consulted was a summary, report this and not the entire paper, as if it had been read. In the same way, it is important whenever it is possible to use the original sources and not quotes from these texts by other authors. 

Books with one author

The author’s surname(s), a comma, a space, the initial(s) of the name followed by a period, space, year in parenthesis, period, space, book title (in italics and only capitalizing the first letters of the most important words in accordance with the grammar and spelling standards of the original language), period, space, city (in the case of the United States, state abbreviation; e.g. Boston, MA), colon, space, publisher and period. If it is a corporate author, the institution’s complete name is written. Neither acronyms nor abbreviations may be used.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the Book. City: Publisher.

Books with two or more authors: The names of the authors are separated by &. In situations with more than two or less than six authors, the names are separated with a comma and between the second-to-last and last names a & is written. When there are six or more authors, the seventh and subsequent names are abbreviated in lower-case, without italics and with a period at the end. This applies to the list of references; in order to be able to cite the work in the text (when there are more than six authors), only the first author is mentioned, and the following are abbreviated as et al.

Chapter in published book: 

The author’s surname(s) and initials are written exactly the same as in the previous case. Afterwards, the year in parenthesis, period, space and the chapter’s title in normal font, without quotation marks, period, space, “In”, space, initial(s) of the name(s) of the editors or compilers, space, surname, comma, in parenthesis if they are editors or compilers (abbreviated “Ed.” if it is an editor or “Eds.” if there are more than one, “Comp.” or “Comps.” if it is one or more compilers), comma, space, book title (in italics), space and in parenthesis the first and last chapter pages are written (abbreviated “pp.” for “pages”, and the numbers are separated with a slash). Afterwards, a period, space, city (in the case of the United States: city, abbreviated state; e.g.: Boston, MA), colon, space, publisher, period.


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the Book (pp. xxx-xxx). City: Publisher. 

Journal paper:

The author’s surnames and initials are written the same as in the first case. Afterwards, the year in parenthesis, period, space and the paper’s title in normal font, without quotation marks, period, space, Journal’s name in italics, coma in italics, Journal’s volume number in italics and with Arabic numerals (without writing “vol.”), comma in italics, first and last pages separated by a slash in normal font, period. The first letter of the keywords (except articles, prepositions, conjunctions) of the Journal’s title is capitalized. If the numbering of the volume’s fascicles is consecutive, the fascicle’s number is not written. If all of the volume’s fascicles begin with a new numbering, the fascicles number is written in parenthesis, in Arabic numerals and in normal font. If there aren’t any volumes but numbers, “n.” is written and the number in Arabic numeral and in normal font size. The page numbers should not be preceded by the abbreviation ‘p.’.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of the paper. Title of the Journal, v.(n.), xx-xx. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx 

Book or report from an institution:

The institution is neither abbreviated nor the acronym used. After the institution’s name goes a period. If it is a ministry, secretariat, administrative department etc., as all these names are similar first name of the ministry, secretariat, etc., and the write the country. 

Dictionaries or Encyclopedias:

Firstly, the name of the author or editor is written (“Ed.” in parenthesis when it is an editor). After the title of the dictionary or encyclopedia and after a space, the edition is written in parenthesis, if it is not the first, comma and the consulted volume. Neither the term nor the page is written.

Presentations or conferences in symposiums, congresses, meetings, etc.:

If the submission is published in a book with a publisher, the publication has to be indicated and cited as a chapter of a published book. The title of the symposium, congress or meeting has to be in normal font with the first letters of the key words capitalized. If the submission is not published, the month the event took place is written, separated by a comma after the year. After the title of the presentation or conference (which is in normal font) a period is written and space, “Presentation presented in”, the complete name of the congress with the keys words capitalized, comma, space, city, comma, space, country, period.

Undergraduate or Graduate Thesis:

After the author’s surname and initials, the year the thesis was defended is written in parenthesis. The title of the thesis should be written in italics, with only the first letter of the title in capitals; this should be followed by a period, space and the type of degree the thesis comes from should be in parenthesis. After this, you should include the details of its publication. When it is a doctoral thesis that hasn’t been published, this should be stated in parenthesis: “Unpublished doctoral thesis”, with a period following the final parenthesis. This is followed by the name of the university, comma, and the city.

Structure: published thesis.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the thesis (Doctoral thesis/Master’s thesis). Details of the publication.

Structure: unpublished thesis.

Author, A. A. (Year of dissertation). Title of the thesis (Unpublished Doctoral thesis/Master’s thesis). Name of the university, city.

Electronic Media on the Internet:

If it is a paper that was copied from a print version in a Journal, the same format for Journal papers is used, putting in brackets “[Electronic version]” after the paper’s title. If the Journal is only published online and not in print, the same format is used putting in brackets after the Journal’s title “[Online Journal]”. If it is a document that doesn’t belong to a Journal but appears in the webpage of another person or institution, the rest of the data available is written after the title. In these three cases written at the end is “Consulted the”, the last date the webpage was consulted (in the format“[day] of [month] of [year]”), space, “in the URL”, space and the complete URL beginning with “http//” so that the reader can copy the URL to their browser and view the same document. A final period is not written after the URL. All of the URLs that appear in the final list of references have to be directly verified before sending the paper to the Journal (the URL is selected; hold down Control+C to copy and Control+P to paste it into the browser and the document should appear on the screen. If this doesn’t happen there is a problem with the URL).

Sending Originals

The journal OJS system address is as follows:

Contact Address of the journal:

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 2019 Center for Advanced Studies in Childhood and Youth of the Cinde-University of Manizales Alliance.

Calle 59 No. 22 - 24 Barrio los rosales
Teléfonos: (57-6) 8933180 - (576) 8828000 Ext. 315 - 309
Manizales - Colombia