ISSN 0120-4823
printed version



Scope and policy

Editorial policy

Our editorial policy favors reflections, discussions, outreach and interdisciplinary
significant contributions around topics such as:

1. Trends theoretical and methodological issues relating to the field of communication and its multi-disciplinary relationships. The media approached as narratives and cultural performances privileged period that affect the identity, subjectivity, fiction, reality and aesthetics. Relations between political communication, political communication, media and civic agendas of modern societies. The significance of processes and practices of communication that occur after receipt, consumption and use of cultural products from media, technology, aesthetics, texts and other forms of symbolic significance as art, folklore, city, music, environment, social interactions.

2. The conceptual models, software and hardware for the organization, storage, flow, dissemination and retrieval of information and knowledge. Development processes and architecture of scientific knowledge and knowledge networks, integrating them with telecommunications systems, hybridization of the organisational knowledge with information systems. The environments of organizations, their culture and tasks related to managing knowledge and information from the approach of active agents and accountants energising.

3. Grounds of language as a discipline and its relationship to other areas of knowledge. Analysis of various forms of expression, the multiplicity of languages own media and the diversity of forms of social interaction. Analysis of problems of language, speech, applied linguistics, language acquisition and teaching, analysis and policy language.

4. Problematic as social exclusion, the exercise of rights, the digital divide, innovation methods, which are involved processes, products, applications and appropriations related communication, language and information that enhance social development and cultural Colombia.

5. Technology convergence and multimedia keys and the basic communication, language and information that will enable researchers, teachers and students to develop, transfer or appropriation of emerging technologies and emerging.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Approximate Word Limits for Articles
2,000-2,500 words of in-depth, referenced analysis.
All articles should be submitted in their final form and should conform to the following guidelines:
• Submissions must be typewritten on one side of the paper only, double-spaced with wide margins, and with pages numbered.
• Titles and subheadings should be succinct. Women for Women International reserves the right to alter titles and subheadings in consultation with the author.
• A detachable title page must include the title and author, a 200-word abstract of the article, a 50-word biographical profile of the author(s) that includes titles, degrees, academic and professional affiliations, and correspondence information (address, telephone, e-mail, and fax) for all authors.
• Tables and figures should be avoided wherever possible. If absolutely necessary, they should be printed on separate pages and numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text, e.g., (Table 1) (Figure 1). The author must supply a camera-ready copy.
• Block indent any quotations of more than 50 words. Other quotations should be inside double quotation marks. Use square brackets [ ] to indicate matter inserted into a quotation, and a space followed by three periods and a space to indicate matter omitted. Please indicate where emphasis is added in any quotation.
• An acronym used repeatedly should be cited in its entirety along with the abbreviation in parentheses on first reference, e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). All subsequent citations should use only the abbreviation.
• For other format issues, please conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.
• American spelling forms should be used, and authors are responsible for consistency in hyphenating words, abbreviations, and use of capital letters. Bold and italicized words in the text are discouraged. Articles must be written in nonsexist and non-racist language.
• Authors should use a clear, accessible style, free from specialized jargon, in order to reach the widest possible readership. Experts and academics referred to in the text should be identified, for example: “Political economist Safiétou Faye believes, “ rather than “Safiétou Faye believes.”
• The journal uses endnotes rather than footnotes. Citations listed more than once should use the short form for subsequent listings.
• Place the endnote number at the end of the sentence in which it appears, except when the reference falls within a bracket.
• Assign a separate number to each endnote throughout the text, even when referring back to a source previously cited.
• The first endnote, unnumbered, should include any acknowledgements of grant support, substantial assistance, etc.
Bibliographies should only list works directly cited in the endnotes. Lists of general works consulted cannot be published.


Sending of manuscripts

The colaboration can be sended to:

Revista Signo y Pensamiento
Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

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