The Sociedad y Economía Journal has the sections of "main topic" (research articles and review articles aimed at the development of a specific topic previously disseminated by the Journal); "other topics" (research articles and review articles with free topics); and “books critic” (book reviews of interest and relevance to the social and economic sciences).
Articles must meet the following criteria:
These must be submitted in Word format, Arial font, 12 points, interlined at single space. The length of the article must not exceed twenty-five (25) pages including graphics, illustrations, tables, equations, among others (all this must coincide with a maximum of 12 000 words). Graphics, illustrations, tables, and equations must be submitted in an attached Excel file in black and white or scale of grey to clearly differentiate elements; thereby, facilitating the journal’s diagramming process. Authors must guarantee that their articles are submitted under editorial guidelines, free of spelling and writing errors, given that the journal does not assume proof reading processes. Articles not complying with editorial guidelines will not be remitted for academic-peer evaluation.
The editorial and bibliographic guidelines to submit articles are as follows:
1. The article must have a cover page with the article title in Spanish, English and -whenever possible- in Portuguese, authors’ complete names, highest academic degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, street mailing address, and research Project from which the article is derived (should this be the case).
The title must indicate the article’s essential contents. Subtitles must reflect the organization of the themes addressed by the article and its respective sections.
2. There should be an analytical abstract in Spanish, English, and – whenever possible – in Portuguese, which briefly includes the objective, methodology used, and main conclusions. The abstract should be no longer than 120 words, accompanied by five key words, also in the three languages. If the article deals with economics, it must include the JEL classification. Use internationally recognized terms in Social and Economic Sciences. For this purpose, it may be convenient to use the “UNESCO THESAURUS” available in: http://databases.unesco.org/thessp/.
3. Articles must have an introduction, which clearly states the objective, central hypothesis (if there is one), abstract of the theoretical approach, methodology used, research antecedents, and description of the article’s organizational structure.
4. During the development of the article, illustrations, graphics, and tables must have a short descriptive heading, along with consecutive numbering. Likewise, they must all include the specific source of the data and the year these were collected; this must be referenced in the lower part of said illustrations, graphics, and tables. If the illustrations, graphics, and tables are elaborated by the very author, they should read thus: “Source: author’s rendition”. Whenever using equations, these must also be consecutively numbered. Abbreviations and symbols must be defined below the respective table, illustration, graphics, and/or equation.
5. Regarding citation styles, references must appear in the text by following the Chicago’s rules: parenthesis, name of author, year of publication and pages cited. For example: (Leal y Dávila 1991, 20). The use of footnotes must be limited to explicative, clarifying, or referential notes requiring comment; nevertheless, this recourse should be used with prudence, making sure these do not saturate the article.
6. Complete bibliographic references go at the end of the text (approximately 50 references) following the Chicago’s rules. References must be presented in strict alphabetical order and will only include bibliographic references cited within the text of the article. Examples of bibliographic presentations are furnished hereinafter:
Journals: Author’s last name, Name. «Article title» Journal, volume and number (use abbreviation), date of publication period (month, trimester, semester, etc.), pagination of the complete article.
Example: Costanza, Robert y Herman E. Daly. «Natural capital and sustainable development» Conservation Biology, Vol. 6, No. 1, (Marzo de 1992): 37-46.
Books: Author’s last name, Name. Book title. City of publication: editorial, year.
Example: Leal, Francisco, y Andrés Dávila. Clientelismo, el sistema político y su expresión regional. Bogotá: 2da Edición. Universidad nacional – IEPRI, 1991.
Book chapter: Author’s last name, name. «Chapter title». In Book title, author, editor or compiler’s name and last name, pagination of the complete chapter. City of publication: editorial, year.
Example: Weindling, Paul. «The Modernization of Charity in Nineteenth-Century France and Germany» En Medicine and charity before the Welfare State, de Jonathan Barry y Colin Jones, 190-206. Londres: Routledge, 1991.
Electronic publications: Author's last name, name. Article or document title. Year. Website (http://www…). In parentheses the date of last access to the website.
Example: Graffigna, María. «Trayectorias laborales y estrategias ocupacionales en contextos de pobreza: una tipología a partir de los casos» 2005. www.unse.edu.ar/trabajoysociedad (último acceso: 03 de Febrero de 2010).
These bibliographic criteria seek to guarantee the homogeneity of the texts submitted; however, the journal considers the possibility of minor exceptions, like those specifically appertaining to the work of historians (ways of reporting the archives and documental sources used) and of anthropologists or other social science practitioners (ways, for example, of referencing and citing interview material or linguistic transcriptions).
The journal suggests to use the tool that provides the Word Program (option: References), it allows making the citations and references in a systematic way, organizing the data through "Chicago style".
The criteria for submitting these texts to the “Book Review” section are:
- In a separate sheet, present the title of the review, author’s complete name, highest academic degree, institutional affiliation (if it applies), e-mail address and street mailing address.
- The title must be short (no more than 10 words) and it must reflect the central theme.
- Complete cataloguing information of the book being assessed, thus: Author’s last name, name. (year). Book title. City of publication, editorial. Example: Létourneau, Joselyn. La caja de herramientas del joven investigador. Guía de iniciación al trabajo intelectual. Medellín: La carreta Editores, 2007.
- The text must be submitted in Word format, ranging between 4 and 6 pages (approximately 3000 to 3500 words), in Arial font, 12 points, interlined at single space.
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