ISSN 0121-0807 ISSN 2145-8464 |
Scope and policy
La Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud, known as Salud UIS is a scientific journal of health science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Its mission is to divulgate quarterly, at local, national and international level, intellectual and literary production of research results related to health sciences. Readers of this journal include physical therapists, microbiologists, nurses, physicians, nutritionists, dentists, veterinarians, health managers, psychologists, researchers from the basic, clinical and public health area, among others. Salud UIS will give priority to those papers that contribute significantly to scientific knowledge and that are of interest for more than one group of health professionals. An aim of the journal is to respond quickly to the authors; hence, they can share their work to the scientific community effectively. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
1. ABOUT THE MANUSCRIPTS Papers must be unpublished and provided exclusively to Salud UIS, which reserves all rights to edit, program, and print or reproduce (copyright) all or part of the material. If an author wishes to publish information already belonging to the journal, it will be required written permission from the Editor. Opinions of authors are their own and do not represent the position of Salud UIS or Universidad Industrial de Santander. Manuscripts must be sent with a letter in which permission is granted to reproduce text, pictures or other material with physical or digital copyright. Clinical cases will require in addition, an informed consent of the entity where the work was done. 1.1 Categories of Manuscripts Manuscripts may be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. When a manuscript is written in Spanish or Portuguese, English summary should be included; when it is in English it must additionally include a summary in Spanish. Salud UIS consider as publication manuscripts the following categories: Research and Innovation Articles: Document that presents original and unpublished results of research processes and analysis. This category includes articles on basic research, epidemiology, qualitative and mixed (quantitative and qualitative), and the development of technological innovation. Its length should be between 2000 and 3500 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables and figures. It can have a maximum of five tables and / or figures. Qualitative or mixed studies may have a length up to 5000 words. Research and Innovation Articles: Document that presents original and unpublished results of research processes and analysis. This category includes articles on basic research, epidemiology, qualitative and mixed (quantitative and qualitative), and the development of technological innovation. Its length should be between 2000 and 3500 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables and figures. It can have a maximum of five tables and / or figures. Qualitative or mixed studies may have a length up to 5000 words. Review Article: Document that analyzes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research in a specific topic related to the progress and developmental trends in science. This category includes systematic reviews, meta-analysis and metasynthesis, which are always structured with introduction, methodology, results and discussion. It must contain at least 50 references; its length should be between 3000 and 4000 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, references, tables and figures. It can have a maximum of 5 tables or figures. Short Article (Short Communication): Brief divulgation of original investigation about scientific issues of interest to the community, including epidemiological studies and outbreak preliminary results. These must include a non-structured abstract of 150 words maximum. Its length should be between 1000 and 1500 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables or figures. It can have up to 2 tables and / or figures. Case Report: Clinical cases of diseases that highlight some particular point or a special finding of the same, with a brief review of relevant literature. It is suggested that authors check, before submitting their article, if the case fully accomplishes the requirements of the CARE guidelines (The CARE Guidelines: Consensusbased Guideline Development Clinical Case Reporting, available on Papers that obviate totally or partially that guideline would be automatically rejected. Its length should be between 1000 and 1500 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables or figures. It can have up to 2 tables and / or figures. Topic Review: Critical review of the literature on a particular topic. This kind of paper will be requested directly by the Editorial Committee to renowned authors in the field. As a general rule, there will not be accepted any subject reviews sent autonomously by the authors; however, Editorial Board accepts suggestions for topics from the authors, who may send a letter indicating the importance of the issue for all health professionals as a whole, and not just for a specific profession or discipline. It should include abstract, introduction and subtitles related to the topic. Including tables and figures is encouraged. Its length should be between 3000 and 4000 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables or figures. It can have a maximum of 5 tables and / or figures. Letters to the Editor: Critical or analytical positions about documents published in the Journal that according to the Editorial Board are important for the discussion of a topic by the scientific community of reference. Its maximum length is 500 words and should not have tables and / or figures. Essays: Literary, philosophical or scientific manuscript that supports the author's opinion on a specific topic of current interest. It will be requested directly by the Editorial Board to renowned authors in the field. As a general rule, there will not be accepted any subject reviews sent autonomously by the authors; however, Editorial Board accepts suggestions for topics from the authors, who may send a letter indicating the importance of the issue for all health professionals as a whole, and not just for a specific profession or discipline. Its length should be between 2000 and 3000 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables or figures. It can have up to 2 tables and / or figures. Technical Note: Describe in detail a new laboratory technique or modifications to one previously established, emphasizing on the advantages of the developed procedure or innovation. Its length should be between 1000 and 1500 words in the main text, excluding title, abstract, abstract, references, tables or figures. It can have up to 2 tables and / or figures. 1.2 Preparation of Manuscripts General: If possible, authors should consult a recent issue of the magazine to see the style of the publications in this journal. Each paper (including references, tables, figures, etc.) will be pages-listed and prepared in letter paper size, singlesided, black ink, Times New Roman 12-point, 1.5 interlining spacing and 3 cm in margins (additional information for the preparation of manuscripts are available in: the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in and the Document Organization: Main page, abstract and key words in Spanish, abstract and English keywords, text, acknowledgments, ethical considerations, conflict of interest, references, tables and legends, figures and legends, illustrations, abbreviations and units of measurement. 1.2.1 Main Page Includes title and authors' names. Title will be written in Spanish or Portuguese and English; it clearly describes the content of the article and must not use abbreviations with a maximum of15 words. Authors are listed in the order they appear in the publication. Authors must provide full name, highest academic degree, professional title, institutional affiliation, address, telephone, fax and email. Information about each paper will be sent to the correspondence author who is responsible for corrections and reviewing changes. Salud UIS strictly follows Vancouver rules for authorship; so, all who are listed as authors must have had significant contribution in: 1) the conception and designing of the study or collection of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for a substantial part of its intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. All three requirements must be fulfilled together. Support activities such as fundraising or collecting data, or general supervision of the research group does not justify authorship. It must also include the category to which the manuscript belongs, the name of at least three possible reviewers (institution and email address), and a note on the support received from individuals or public or private institutions for the study. The list of possible reviewers does not necessarily mean that they are going to be contacted to review the document. 1.2.2 Summary and Keywords in English and Spanish Summary will be structured and will have a maximum of 250 words (150 words for reviews and short articles). It will include introduction and study objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. It will not use abbreviations or references. Keywords will be written at the end of each summary and will be 3-7 terms (see Health Sciences Descriptors [DeCS] in and Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] of Index Medicus at English abstract should be a true copy of the one in Spanish. 1.2.3 Text Text of full papers should be subdivided into IMR&D format: introduction, methodology, results and discussion. If this is the description of clinical events, the sequence will be introduction, case report (s) and clinical discussion. For short communications will be a diffuse IMR&D format, but their sequence is followed in the text. 1.2.4 Acknowledgements Short and concise, including only those strictly and necessary. It is need to be send written permission of people who will be credited by name in this section. Authors must also give credit to the funding agencies and institutions involved in the studies. 1.2.5 Ethical Considerations For studies in humans and experimental animals, authors must demonstrate that the research was performed with the approval of the Ethics Committees of the respective institutions. 1.2.6 Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest exists when the integrity of a research, can be influenced by a secondary interest, either by family or emotional ties, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other connection. It is important for authors to disclose whether it is or it is not a conflict of interest in their work. 1.2.7 References References will be placed numerically in super index inside the text according to the sequence of appearance using Arabic numerals without parentheses. There should be only citation when a quote appears in the text. Non-published articles must not be referenced unless they have already been accepted for publication, using the expression "in press". These references should follow the Vancouver rules as described below. Authors are encouraged to review the appropriateness of including articles published in Latin American journals, including Salud UIS. Papers It must include first surname and initials of both forename and middle name of each one of the authors, full title, abbreviated title of the journal, publication year, volume and first and last page. Abbreviation of the names of the magazines must follow rules laid by the Medicus Index and/or Biological Abstracts. It must only include the names of six authors, should there be more than 6 authors please use the abbreviation "et al" after the sixth name. i.e: López NA, Naranjo JA, Cruz JA. The presentation and use of height and weight. N Engl J Med 1996; 21: 235-46 Books It must include the first surname and initials of the names of each one of the authors or editors, title of the book, edition number, place, editorial company, date and pages when necessary. i.e: Jiménez SA. Interpretación clínica del electrocardiograma. 3ra edición. Bucaramanga: Publicaciones UIS, 1995: p. 87 Book chapters Núñez CJ, Bernal LA. Nutritional assessment. In: Hendricks KM, Walker WA, eds. Manual of pediatric nutrition. 2nd edition. Santafé de Bogotá: Academic Press, 1993. p. 1-58. Data that is found in the tables or figures will not be repeated in the text. Internet published papers Any internet quote must have the structure: Author (if there is) protocol, site, space and resource, i.e. Date of request. Finally, the discussion will emphasize the significance of the new information and its relation to existing knowledge and the conclusions and projections for future research. Only unavoidable citations should be included. Relate the conclusions with the goals of the study, avoiding statements and conclusions not articulated with the results. 1.2.8 Tables and figures Tables will be cited in the text with Arabic numerals in order of appearance. They will be presented separately at the end of the document identified by the same number, with no vertical lines. They will have a short title and should explain themselves, not duplicate the text. Abbreviations used in the headings will be explained in the footnote of the table and will be identified with super index lowercase letters (a, b, c). If one table uses more than one page, it should be continued in separate individual pages, keeping the same size of the pages. Figures, photos and drawings, will be in high resolution and cited in the text in order of appearance. They will be print in black and white on glossy paper. JPG files will be accepted. Minimum resolution should be 300 dpi with a minimum size of 15 cm width. Figures must be organized separately with their respective legends. For colorful photographs, authors assume additional printing costs. It is important to place the maximum zoom possible. 1.2.9 Abbreviations and Units of Measure Abbreviations must be preceded of their expanded form and must be quoted in parenthesis the first time they are used. Weight, height, length, and volume must be presented in metric unites (international system). Measurement units in the international system do not have plurals or punctuation. Decimals must be stated by a "," (comma) and percentages must be places after the numbers without space. 1.3 Submission of Manuscripts Manuscripts will be sent with a letter signed by all participating authors stating their acceptance to the content, organization and presentation. Authors must specify that the manuscript has not been published before, has not been sent and will not be sent for publication to other national or international journal, while it is under review and decision by Salud UIS' Editorial Board. The letter should provide full details of the corresponding author (address, phone, fax, email, affiliation). Manuscripts must be submitted via OJS platform through the url:, registration and login are required to submit an article at the platform, when do the register please tick the reader and author roll If the platform presents any technical issue, the document can be send trough the follow e-mail address: com The "Transfer of Copyright" agreement must be signed by all the authors and attached to the document. 1.4 Selection of Manuscripts Papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Board in order to ensure that its content is appropriate for the journal and meets editorial standards, while respecting the right of confidentiality of authors, reviewers and editors. If this happens, they will be returned to author (s) for corrections, if it is the case, before sending it to academic peers. Between the submitting confirmation by Salud UIS and the verification of the contents, may elapse between two and three weeks. Each work will be reviewed by the Editorial Board to assess proper reporting of health research studies, Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) Guidelines ( available) will be implemented. Authors are encouraged to review the most appropriate study design guide to ensure they have all the elements required for a good report. Afterwards, papers will be sent to at least two referees. The review of manuscripts is done through a process of peer review by the method "double blind". Each referee will issue a concept based on the evaluation criteria: relevance, actuality, interdisciplinarity significance, academic strength and conceptual level. The results of referees' assessments will assist the Editorial Board for the final concept, which can be: accepted, requires minor changes, requires major changes or rejected. From the time of submitting confirmation and the issue of the concept, may last an average of six months. The concept will be sent to the authors who will reply item by item and incorporate the respective modifications of the text. A period of four weeks will be allowed for this. If an answer is not received by the end of this period, the article will be automatically withdrawn. 1.5 Publication of manuscripts Authors should submit the manuscript (with figures and tables) and a declaration signed by all the authors, with the title of the paper confirming that: the contained data is exact; all of the authors have contributed enough to the work and are prepared to assume the responsibilities implied by its publication; the text submitted has not been partially or fully published, and it is not currently being submitted for publication in any other place. Once the concept of the evaluators is received, the form of the text will be reviewed and it will be sent to press. After the text has been edited and the text has been corrected, the first draft of the printable edition will be sent to the authors for errors corrections; substantive changes will not be accepted. Files with the respective corrections should be sent to the journal the day after receipt. Once the journal has been published, the authors have the right to receive two copies including delivery costs. |
Sending of manuscripts
As part of the submission process, are required authors to suggest that your shipment meets all the following elements, and agreeing to have shipments that do not meet these guidelines may be returned to the author.
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