Subscriptions information
The prices for subscribing to the Journal Suma Psicológica are:
Subscription types |
Format |
Duration |
Price |
In dollars |
Paper and online |
1 year |
30,00 (USD) |
Colombian residents |
Paper and online |
1 year |
28000,00 (COP) |
The payment of your subscription may be completed through one of the following ways:
- Make an Online Payment safely and conveniently using a Credit Card. To use this method follow these steps:
- If you already have a subscrption, please go to ONLINE PAYMENTS and log in with your client ID (Cédula de Ciudadanía or NIT).
- If you do not yet have a subscription, please fill and submit the REQUEST FORM
- The Administrator will e-mail you an identification number (NI-PO) with which you can go ahead and make your payment.
- Once your payment is made, send the transaction number to the Administrator for verification in the system.
- The Administrator will send you a confirmation of your payment that ensures that the transaction went through and certifies the safety of the operation.
- To transfer the cost in dollars:
Fill out and print the form to present it to the corresponding bank.
- If you wish to pay by check:
- Make checks payable to Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Mail your check to address: Carrera 9 Bis No. 62 - 43
Bogotá Colombia, Sur América
NOTE: If you used methods 2 or 3, after making your payment make sure to send the following subscriber information to the e-mail address yefer.diaz@konradlorenz.edu.co
- Full name
- Identification number
- Postal address and phone number
- Proof of payment including the transaction number (send scanned)
- The year you are subscribing