ISSN 0124-8693
Printed version

ISSN 2539-0554
Online version



Scope and policy

Focus and Scope

Tendencias Is a biannual publication edited by the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (FACEA) as a means of disseminating the research activity of its professors and students, and other centers and fields of knowledge, through the development of scientific or technological research, through unpublished works, and with the security of open access.


Article Reception

The material proposed for publication must be unpublished, presented under the rules for collaborators along with the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights for Written Works form. If third party authorship has taken place, it must be recognized, authorizing the use of intellectual property rights. Forms must be sent to


Peer Review

Article selection procedure. The process followed for the selection of articles is as follows:

  1. Compliance with the requirements established in Guidelines for Collaborators is reviewed.
  2. If these guidelines are not met, the article is returned to the author to make the corresponding corrections.
  3. Once the article meets the required requirements, it is sent to peer evaluators.
  4. The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the thematic quality, and must express their opinion about the possibility of publication of the article. If the peer reviewers do not agree on the case , (one of the evaluators recommends that the article be published, and the other does not), a third evaluator is appointed.
  5. Once the article has been approved for publication by the reviewers, the editor of the journal evaluates the editorial quality of the article.
  6. The article is returned to the author to make the modifications or adjustments suggested by the evaluator and the publisher, or the article is rejected.
  7. Finally, the article undergoes a style and layout correction process.

Double-Blind Evaluation. The evaluation of the articles will be carried out by academic peers selected inside or outside of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences and the University of Nariño, from the same area of expertise. The the material will be sent to the reviewers without the name of the author(s),  nor will the author(s) know the name(s) of the evaluator(s) (double-blind peer review system). The decision to publish the articles is subject to the concept issued by the peer reviewers. The criteria used for the evaluation of the articles are described in the Article Evaluation Format. The editor will inform the authors of the results of the evaluation in a timely fashion.

Dissemination Rights. Those who publish in Tendencias, of the University of Nariño yield their patrimonial rights to the Institution, consequently authorizing the University of Nariño to disclose the articles of its authorship by any printed or electronic means (including the Internet) which it considers pertinent. In addition, the article must be accompanied with evidence that it is unpublished, is original, and has not been proposed for publication in any other medium.

In case of fraud. Plagiarism or fraud can be presented in different degrees: direct copy of a text without quoting or citing the source in the appropriate way, modification of some words of a text to make it appear as if it were original, paraphrase, reproduction of texts published by the same author, and insufficient recognition of the author. In the case(s) in which articles submitted to Tendencias demonstrate that parts of the work(s) have been published without the respective quotations, the institution or institutions to which the author or authors are affiliated, will be featured on the magazine's website reporting fraud. The same shall be done in cases where evidence of fraud is found after the publication of the article and, in addition, the article shall be removed from all those spaces in which it is possible to withdraw it.

Reproduction of the works published in the journal. The rights of reproduction of the articles published in the magazine are property of Tendencias journal. These documents can be reproduced freely for academic use, as long as no profit is obtained in doing so, and each copy includes the bibliographic reference of Tendencias. Reproduction of the journal for any other purpose, or its placement in any electronic site requires prior authorization of the publisher.


Guidelines for Collaborators

  1. All articles submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished, therefore, each writer will sign a Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights for Written Works form, which will be sent once the article is received, and before the material is sent to the evaluators. Through sending the article, it is assumed that the author is committed, and that their work will not be submitted to the consideration of other periodical publications, and that they agree to forfeit the rights of publication and distribution.
  2. The evaluation of the articles will be carried out by academic peers, selected inside or outside of the Faculty and University from the same area of expertise, to whom the material will be sent without the name of the author(s). The author(s) will not know the name of the peer or peer evaluators (Double-blind peer review system).
  3. The Editorial Board of the journal will respect the concept or concepts of the evaluators. In the event that contrary concepts are presented among the evaluators, a third party will be sought out to make the decision.
  4. The editor of the Journal reserves the right to make the editorial changes necessary, (including titles), and to return the work to the author in case of deficiencies.
  5. Keywords should not be less than 3, or more than 6.
  6. The article must comply with the following requirements:

    • Title, abstract and keywords in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
    • The title of the article will be written in the three above-mentioned languages on the   first page.
    • The keywords will be placed underneath the abstract in the respective language,         and in the JEL classification.
    • The author's (or authors') full name(s) will be listed below the three titles. If there are more than two authors, they will be noted according to the order of participation in the authorship of the article. These will be noted in a standardized way. Example: PEREZ RODRÍGUEZ_ Mario Alberto
    • The bibliographic review of the author(s) will be written under the title of the article (which has already been presented in the three languages) in the following order: Academic title of highest degree, area of knowledge, address, country, framed in two lines.

    • __________________________________________________________________

      Doctorate in Administration, Universidad de Celaya, Mexico. Associate Professor, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Email:, Colombia.

      Please DO NOT include any additional information.

    • At the beginning of the article, an abstract of no more than 200 words should be included in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The abstract will summarize the main purposes of the research, methodology, and conclusions. Following the abstract, between 3 and 4 keywords will be listed, along with the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature), which can be accessed at the following address:
    • The length of the article should be between 15 and 25 pages, letter size, 1.5 spacing, with the following margins: left- 4cm, right-3cm, top-2.5 cm, bottom- 2.5 cm. Font: Arial, size 12.
    • The article should be sent as a Word attachment (.doc) for Windows XP (or later), to the e-mails: and
    • The tables and figures –only permitted denominations- in the articles must appear in the body of text, with proper placement and respective ascending numbering. They must also be sent as an Excel file (.xlt) as a precautionary measure for printing purposes.
    • The number of tables and figures should be limited to what is strictly necessary, avoiding redundancy with the text.
    • Bibliographical references are to be placed numerically, at the end of the article, matching the in-text citations throughout the article. References should not exceed 25. It is recommended to limit the references and notes to those strictly necessary, and separate  them from the text using a smaller font size than the rest of the text. Example:
    • Body font: Arial, 12, References: Arial, 10.
      ORDOÑEZ, Luis Aurelio. (2013). In: Tendencias Journal, Of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Universidad de Nariño.  Volume XIV, No. 1. Editorial UNariño.

    • Bibliographical references should be limited to those used in the text of the article. In each case, all the necessary information (name of the author(s), full title and subtitle where appropriate, publisher, city, month and year of publication, number of pages, and if it is a series, indicate the title and the number of the volume or the corresponding part, etc.). Citations must be made within the text, using only the heading of the reference cited at the end of the article and the corresponding page. For example:

    • (Sen, 2000: 118). It can also be cited in the following manner: As noted by Sen (2000:118), "..............." The bibliographical reference of the previous citation is as follows: Sen, Amartya (2000). Desarrollo y libertad. Planeta Colombiana Editorial S.A. Santafé de Bogotá, D.C. July, First re-print. 440p.

    • If it is a magazine article, the quotation within the text would be, for example:

    • (Vaca; Díaz, 2004: 100), which would correspond to the following reference: VACA M., Orlando; DÍAZ, Fernando (2004). “Potencial impacto del libre comercio sobre la educación en Colombia”. In: Nova. January-December, year/vol.2, No.002. Bogota, Colombia. Pp.99-102.

    • If the source came from the Internet, the example would be: (Tapia, 2006: 700), which corresponds to the following reference:

    • Tapia M., Joaquín (2006). “Apertura comercial y eficiencia económica del sector agropecuario de México en el TLCAN”. In: Comercio Exterior, Vol. 56, No. 8, August, pp. 694-702. [Online] Available in: (consulted nov.5-06)

  7. Articles that do not comply with these rules will not be taken into account for their subsequent processing.
  8. If the article is preselected by the Journal's directors, the author(s) must wait until the Editorial Board selects it. Even if the article(s) are pre-selected or selected, it does not ensure immediate publication. Publishing occurs in an orderly fashion.

The rigorous application of the above-listed standards ensures editorial quality, in harmony with periodicity.


Open-Access Policy

Tendencias is a magazine that provides immediate, free access to its content under the principle of making research available to the public, free of charge in order to encourage greater exchange of global knowledge.


Readers' Rights

Readers have the right to read all articles published in Tendencias, without the obligation to make any payment.

Ethics and Plagiarism


Ethics Code:

Tendencias Journal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences - FACEA- Universidad de Nariño
ISSN 0124-8693 Printed version

ISSN 2539-0554 Online version

This document has been prepared based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

The authors commit to:

  1. Only submit unpublished articles.
  2. Sign the Declaration of Originality form provided by Tendencias.
  3. Submit article(s) whose quality is reflected in: accurate, clear writing, without spelling or typing errors, that corresponds to scientifically and academically relevant research results.
  4. Not submit the article delivered to the Tendencias, totally or partially, to other publications, for consideration.
  5. Follow the Guidelines for Collaborators defined by Tendencias in a precise manner, submitting only originals (no text will go to the evaluation stage if it does not conform to the Guidelines).
  6. Respect the intellectual property to the work of other authors or entities, and give the corresponding credit. To do so, the author(s) must indicate the complete source of all  information that comes from third parties.
  7. Provide complete and accurate information of each of the references: bibliographic, electronic, etc., included in the work. This means that the number of citations in the text should match the number of bibliographical references that are noted at the end of the article.
  8. Cite ideas from previously published papers, but avoid excessive citation in order to avoid auto -plagiarism.
  9. Avoid recycling previous works.
  10. Avoid plagiarism, falsification, lies, or emission of significant material.
  11. Respond to doubts or requests for accuracy by the director or evaluators of Tendencias regarding the authenticity of the authorship, or the sources of information used, in a timely manner.
  12. To seriously consider the observations and requests for corrections, made by the evaluators. If there is disagreement with the corrections suggested, the author(s) must respond promptly, clearly, and justifiably to the indications made in an e-mail to the director of Tendencias
  13. Send information about the author(s) and the article to Tendencias after evaluation and/or final approval is requested. This must be done in a responsible manner, by sending accurate and timely information in the Resume Form,which will be entered into the Publindex platform.
  14. Be attentive and available via email to both the director ( and the editorial assistant (, in order to clarify any doubts that arise during the editing process.
The evaluators commit to:

  1. Respect the confidentiality policy of the articles established by Tendencias, which is applied through the nondisclosure of the author's identity, as well as that of the evaluators (double blind), nor distribute or disseminate any of the materials submitted to the Journal.
  2. Only accept submissions that correspond to their academic background and area(s) of expertise.
  3. Review the submissions in a responsible, objective, impartial and timely manner.
  4. Submit a clearly-written assessment that conforms to the Tendencias Evaluation Form.
  5. Deliver a verdict within no more than 20 calendar days.
  6. Not use offensive language, and respect the authors in the evaluation of their works.
  7. Be available to both the director and the assistant of the Journal in the event that any clarification is required.

The director, Editorial Committee, and Scientific Committee commit to:

  • Take care of the journal's reputation by publishing only unpublished material that is academically and scientifically relevant, and of high quality.
  • Once the preparation process for the edition of Tendencias has been completed, publish the article at the beginning of the following academic semester.
  • Classify the articles as: those which are subjects of revision by the evaluators and which are not, and communicate this information to the authors.
  • Create a valuation of the articles that can be verified/ adjusted to the Guidelines for Contributors established by Tendencias Journal.
  • Accept or reject articles and essays received by the journal's directors based solely on the anonymous concepts provided (if they do not coincide in their verdict, the editor and editorial board  shall make a final decision).
  • The editor and the editorial board may not alter any concept issued by the evaluators.
  • A new director and/or publisher may not revoke the decisions to publish articles and essays submitted by the former director/publisher, that have been approved by the editorial board.
  • Encourage the Ethics Code among writers and evaluators of Tendencias, on ethical issues and possible research and/or publication misconduct.
  • Encourage collaborators to comment on the originality of presentations and to avoid redundant publication and plagiarism.
  • The director may request members of the editorial board to actively contribute to the development and management of the Journal.
  • The relationship of the director or editor with the university directives (rector, vice-rectors, deans, or program directors) is based on the principle of editorial independence.
  • The director or editor and the editorial board will guarantee permanent training, both in the editorial and technological field, to the personnel that make up part of Tendencias.
  • Maintain reciprocal confidentiality at all times, in relation to both the authors and the evaluators.
  • Allow authors the right to appeal a decision made by the editorial board.
  • Keep the authors informed from the moment their works are received until the moment a decision has been made.
  • Carry out a process of publishing and publication that is transparent and respectul to the authors.
  • Be available to both the authors and evaluators in order to clarify any doubts that arise during the judgement and editing processes.
  • Apply the systems used by the University to detect falsification of data (for example, improperly manipulated photographic images or plagiarized

    Publication Frequency

    The publication of Tendencias Journal is carried out semiannually.


    Article Sections and Categories

    Tendencias classifies articles according to the definition given by Colciencias (2010):

    Research Article:
    document that presents, in detail, the original results of finished research projects. The generally-used structure contains four important aspects: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.

    Reflection article
    : document presenting the results of research completed from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

    Review article: document resulting from research, where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized, and integrated into a field in science or technology in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by a meticulous bibliographic review.

    University Life


    Questions, concerns, or complaints

    Questions, concers, or complaints can be sent to:


    Form and preparation of manuscripts

    Editing and Publishing Process:

    The editing process occurs in the following stages: layout, style correction, proof printing (revision, correction, and approval of the final version) and assignment of copyright.

    Once these stages have been completed, the material that integrates the volume is published in print and online, both on the main page and databases in which it is registered


    Information Channels:

    At all stages of the editorial process, authors are informed of the results obtained by means of electronic communication in a timely, clear, and reliable manner.

    Solicitudes can also be submitted by those interested in the publication through the web-page, which presents information of general interest.


    Sending of manuscripts

    Send works to:

    [Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

    Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

    ® 2017

    Universidad de Nariño

    Universidad de Nariño, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
    Bloque 2, Tercer piso FACEA, Universidad de Nariño, Ciudad Universitaria Torobajo. Calle 18 No. 52-35, Pasto - Colombia