ISSN 2256-5493 |
Scope and policy
Trabajo Social is a thematic, peer-reviewed, semi-annual journal. The Social Work Department of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia launched this publishing project in 1998, in order to strengthen the discipline's academic community, both nationally and internationally. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Requirements for the presentation and submission of articles The journal does not accept articles written by more than three authors. Articles should be submitted in letter-size paper and contain between 40,000 and 50,000 characters with spaces, using Times New Roman 12 point font and 1.5 spacing. They must include the following, in both Spanish and English: title; an abstract (not to exceed 100 words); 6 keywords; and a list of references that includes the bibliographic sources cited. If the article is the result of a research project or of a Master’s or PhD project, the name of the financing institution and the project code must be included in a footnote. Reviews are limited to recently published books (3 last years) related to the topic specified in the call for papers. They should not exceed 8.000 characters with spaces. The following basic guidelines should be taken into account:
Bibliographic Referencing System Citation and referencing of bibliographic sources should follow the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. available at Every bibliographic source cited in the body of the text must be listed alphabetically at the end of the article. The list of references should include the following divisions: books, periodicals or serial publications, online documents, and public or legal documents. We recommend that the fields of information be complete and duly organized. Some examples of citation and referencing are provided below. (T) refers to citations in the body of the text and (R) to the list of bibliographic references. Book Chapter in a Book Article in Periodicals or Serial Publications Note: It is essential to include volume and issue numbers (in parentheses) in the case of journals, as well as the page numbers of the article or chapter in a book. Any additional information that facilitates the location of the document may be included according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. Guidelines. Two or More Authors Note: In the case of three or more authors, the first one is mentioned, followed by et al., both in the body of the text and in the list of bibliographic references. In the case of books with a translator, editor, or the like, include the information in the list of references, after the title of the book, without inverting the person’s name. Multiple Works Published in the Same Year by an Author R: Habermas, Jürgen. 1998b. Facticidad y validez. Sobre el derecho y el Estado democrático de derecho en términos de la teoría del discurso. Madrid: Editorial Trotta. Unpublished Academic Documents (theses or dissertations) Online Material (books or periodicals) Note: In addition to the basic information, the following must be included: date document was written or date when it was published on line, title of both the document and the publication in which it is found, URL, and date of access in parentheses. Law, Decree, or Draft Bill Note: It is essential to include the information regarding the government agency and subdivision issuing the law, as well as the year it was issued, the name of the law, its general provisions (in regular type and double quotes), and any additional information regarding the location of the public document (place of publication, publishing house or agency issuing the law, and date of access in case of an online document). |
Authors must submit their academic profile on a separate page: nom de plume (full name normally used to sign academic production), academic background, institutional affiliation including country, current position, ongoing research projects, e-mail, street address, and telephone numbers. Articles must be sent to Trabajo Social through the OJS platform, which can be accessed using the following link They should be submitted in (.doc) format, together with a digital folder containing the original or editable files of the graphic component to be published (Excel files for tables or graphics; files in Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, or PDF for vector files; and files in Photoshop, jpg, tiff or pdf, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for flat images). |
Declaration of ethics and transparency
The journal adheres to good editorial practices and has adopted as its ethical principle the publication of responsible ethical research, framed within the code of ethics of Social Work in Colombia. With respect to peer reviewers: |
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© 2018 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas,
Departamento de Trabajo Social,
Unidad Camilo Torres, bloque a1, oficina 502,
Teléfono: 3165000 ext. 10256.