ISSN 0124-4639
printed version

online version




Scope and policy

1. Focus and basic aspects

1.1 Mission and main goal

The mission of the journal Universidad & Empresa (U&E) is to publish results of original research that are relevant, rigorous, interesting, with a high theoretical and practical contribution, with a strong empirical and theoretical background. Also to divulgate papers that generate, preserve, develop criticism and diffuse scientific, educational and professional knowledge in the field of Organizational and Administrative Studies.  U&E   receives papers, that taking into account what was said before, that link with multiple disciplines, perspectives, focuses, epistemological paradigms, techniques, methods, methodologies, levels of analysis and spatial or temporal contexts. This journal, fulfilling its mission, pretends 1) to contribute to the development of the field, 2) to achieve a bigger link between its theoretical and practical knowledge and its researchers, teachers and practitioners and 3) to help to promote the perdurability of organizations and the improvement of social conditions.

1.2 Thematic range

The journal accepts topics that contribute to the investigation, education and practice within the field of organizational and administrative studies. We understand Administration (Management), in particular, in two dimensions: direction and management. The first includes four basic topics: strategy, leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation. The second refers to the knowledge that is in contact with functional areas, specifically: human resources, logistics, operations, marketing, finances and management technologies. We considered all the above in function of the comprehension and intervention of the organizational reality. All papers are welcomed regardless the discipline (administration, sociology, engineering, etc.), the approximation (critical, evolutionist, traditionalist, etc.), the perspective (analytic, systemic, complex, etc.), the focus (conceptual, theoretical, epistemological, methodological, educational, practical, etc.), the paradigm (interpretivist,  humanistic, structuralism, functionalist, etc.), methodology (qualitative, quantitative, with its methods and techniques), analysis level ( intra-organizational, organizational or inter-organizational, spatial context ( local, national, regional or global) or temporal (retrospective, current or prospective) and kind of initiative, organization or sector that is put to consideration.  

1.3 Periodicity

The journal regularly publishes a volume, which includes two issues on yearly basis. In addition, U&E is in disposition of publishing especial issues occasionally. This after an open call to the academic community with this end.

1.4 Languages

The journal publishes papers in both English and Spanish. The author must send its complete text written in one of these languages (the one it fits better to its convenience). The author is not obligated to translate partially or completely its document to a language different to the one he/ she choose. All submitted papers must be written only in one language, therefore, if the paper is written in Spanish but contains quotes in other language they must be translated by the author prior submitting. This implies that the author is responsible for the quality and precision of this translation.

If the submitted paper is accepted to be published U&E will handle the translation of the title, abstract and key words by an expert.  These aspects will be available for the readers in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

1.5 Formats

The journal is published in both paperback (ISSN 0124-4639) and online (ISSNe 2145-4558e). The online versions is available, entirely, since de first issue, in the following link:

In this website, the journal offers access to its readers to the papers approved for publication in one of its next issues in through the option “online first”.

1.6 Addressed audience

Addressed to researchers, educators and practitioners within the field of organizational and administrative studies, as well as anybody who is interested in this field of work.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

2. Types of papers considerate, basic structure and quality expected from them

Universidad & Empresa, taking into account its focus and the guidelines given by the Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Colciencias) de Colombia (based on international standards), publishes three kinds of papers:

2.1 Technological and scientific research paper

Document that presents with detail the original results of finished researches. It´s structure –except when there´s a valid excuse from the author and its approved by the Editor- consist on seven basic items: 1) introduction, 2) state of the art, 3) methodology, 4) results, 5) discussion, 6) conclusions and 7) references.

2.2 Reflection paper

Document that presents the results of a completed research from an analytic, interpretative or critic perspective from the author, about a specific topic, using original sources. Its structure consist of five basic aspects: 1) introduction, 2) problematic, 3) analysis (structured development based on the reflection and its implications), 4) conclusions and 5) references.

2.3 Revision paper

Document product of a complete research (not only the state of the art). Usually this kind of paper is written by recognized experts in the field of revision and by academics.   In it the results of published or unpublished researches of and specific field of science or technology  are analyzed, systematized and integrated. It is done to report advances and tendencies of development. Its structure has to be composed explicitly by five basic aspects: 1) introduction, 2) methodology, 3) results, 4) discussion, 5) conclusions and 6) references. This paper for its nature its characterized by its careful bibliographical revision that has to include a minimum of 50 references.

The three kinds of papers must have a high level of originality, relevance, rigor, interest, possibility of theoretical or practical contribution and theoretical or empirical fundamentation. These have to procure to make valuable contribution to the theory, methodology, episthemology or practice of administration or comprehension of the organizational phenomenon.

With counted exceptions, other kind of articles (translations, letters to the editor, reviews, etc.) can be published in U&E. This with an explicit request from the author to the journal (the request can be made through the letter that is attached to the submitted article). The consideration of this possible publication and final decision of it will be held by the chief editor and his/her team.

Authors must include in their papers the type of article and objectives, problematic, investigation query, design, methodology or basic approximation implemented, findings, implications, reach and limitations and, finally, the possible prolongations that the paper provides.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and can´t be submitted to other journals at the same time. The content of the same is responsibility of the authors. The journal Universidad & Empresa (U&E) manages the publishing process, its transparence, rigor and quality, but the opinions and results of the published papers do not compromise in any way Rosario University.

3. Submitting articles

All papers must be submitted through the platform Open Journal Systems (OJS), which is available in the following link enlace A tutorial on how to submit articles in available in the same location. U&E maintain an open calling for papers through the whole year.  Authors understand that the submitting of papers does not compromise the journal to publish them. The journal uses the tool Turnitin® (, provided by Universidad del Rosario. Every submitted article is scanned initially by this platform in order to guarantee originality.  We recommend that authors checklist their paper before submitting it.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and can´t be submitted to other journals at the same time.

Since 2014 U&E uses the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in order to track the uses of metadata of the published papers and to be able to track quotations.

4. Processing or publication fees

The journal Universidad & Empresa (U&E) does not have any kind of fee for processing or publication of submitted articles. In accordance with this the journal maintains an open access policy.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Universidad del Rosario fully adopts the principles of transparency and best practices for scientific publications as proposed by COPE, implementing them as follows:

  1. Peer review process: As part of their editorial policies, all periodicals published by the Universidad del Rosario will implement a procedure for the review of their contents by a group of expert peers who will verify the high scientific and academic quality of manuscripts submitted to be considered for publication.
  2. Editorial Boards:  Each of the periodicals published by the University will have an Editorial Board. The members of this board shall be recognized experts in the area of knowledge in which the journal specializes.
  3. Contact information: The periodicals published by the Universidad del Rosario will make public the names of the members of their Editorial Boards and provide contact information for the publication itself.
  4. Costs: University journals will provide information on the costs that they must assume in the process of publishing articles. This information will be available to the academic community at all times, and most specifically to all authors previous to their submitting manuscripts for evaluation.
  5. Copyrights: All periodicals published by the University will expressly make known their editorial policies with respect to copyrights, in such a way that there should be no doubt on the part of any author or reader about the conditions under which articles are made available to the public.
  6. Procedures for the identification, monitoring, and control of poor practices in relation to publications: The Editorial Boards of all periodicals published by the University will take all reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of works entailing poor practices such as plagiarism, improper citation, the fabrication of data, etc. Procedures adopted by the University to guarantee integrity in this area will correspond to the flowcharts provided by COPE.
  7. Ownership and management: The periodicals published by the University will visibly communicate the nature of their ownership and the form in which each of them is managed and operated.
  8. Web site: The Editorial Board of each periodical published by the University will guarantee that the content on its Web site reflects the highest ethical and professional standards.  No information will be included on its Web site that may be misleading to its readers and/or authors, and no information on its Web site shall be imitative of information found in other journals or publications.
  9. Journal names: The names of all journals should be included in a visible manner and should not create confusion among authors or readers. Every effort should be made to maximize the originality of journals’ names so as to avoid the confusion of journals with other publications.
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  14. Publication calendar: All University journals must prominently display their annual publication calendars on their Web sites.
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  16. Direct marketing: Any direct marketing activity, including the solicitation of manuscripts in the name of the journal, should be conducted appropriately and not intrusively, with well-defined goals.

In addition to all previously-adopted principles, the University will meet the following commitments:

  1. Confidentiality: All necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the contents of manuscripts are kept confidential throughout the process prior to their publication. The members of the Editorial Board will protect the confidentiality of manuscripts submitted for consideration and will not divulge any information regarding their contents to third parties.
  2. Ethics committees: The editors or members of the Editorial Board of periodicals published by the University may request, based on their own judgment or based on the contents of the publication, the opinion of the Ethics Committee of the University with respect to any contents that may justify such scrutiny.
  3. Independence: The members of the Editorial Board of each periodical published by the University shall divulge all possible conflicts of interest, whether political, social, intellectual, religious, personal, or of any other nature, with respect to the evaluation of new contents and any decision that that such new contents should be included in the journal. The Editorial Board, under the leadership of the journal Editor, shall determine the procedures to be followed in such cases.
  4. Make known the following sets of guidelines to the general community and particularly to Editorial Boards:
    • Guidelines for peer reviewers.
    • Guidelines for the retraction of submissions.
    • Any other procedural guidelines as established by COPE.
  5. Vouch for scientific and research integrity.
  6. Report on demonstrated cases of misconduct that affect the reliability of published articles.
  7. Actively investigate reports of misconduct in research and/or errors that appear in the publication.

In addition to the commitments described above, the periodicals published by the University must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Publish contact information for their Editors in Chief, who shall be the contact persons for all matters relative to the integrity of research and of the publication.
  2. Inform other institutions if there is any suspicion of misconduct by authors, providing evidence to support these suspicions.
  3. Cooperate with investigations and respond to institutional questions regarding allegations of misconduct.
  4. Be prepared to issue retractions or corrections if an investigation produces conclusive evidence of misconduct by a a researcher or author.
  5. Establish policies to respond to institutions and other organizations investigating cases of misconduct.
  6. Exchange information regarding cases of presumed misconduct in order to enable  journals to carry out investigations in the most efficient and effective manner, thereby protecting the integrity of the scientific record.

Periodicals published by the University will adopt and follow COPE flowcharts1 in the case of the following concerns:

  1. What should be done if it is suspected that a) a manuscript submitted to the journal contains redundant material?
  2. What shouold be done if it is suspected that (b) a published article contains redundant material?
  3. What should be done if it is suspected that (a) a manuscript submitted to the journal was plagiarized?
  4. What should be done if it is suspected that (b) a published article was plagiarized?
  5. What should be done if it is suspected that (a) a manuscript submitted to the journal contains fabricated data.
  6. What should be done if it is suspected that (b) a published article contains fabricated data.
  7. Changes of authorship (a) The author to whom a manuscript is attributed requests attribution to an additional author before publication.
  8. Changes of authorship (b) The author to whom a manuscript is attributed requests the removal of an author before publication.
  9. Changes of authorship (c) A request for attribution to an additional author after publication.
  10. Changes of authorship (d) A request for removal of an author after publication.
  11. What should be done if a revisor suspects that there is an undisclosed conflict of interest (COI) in a manuscript received.
  12. What should be done if there is an undisclosed conflict of interest (COI) in a published article.
  13. What should be done if there is an ethical problem regarding a submitted manuscript.
  14. Other concerns as described by COPE.

1 The link for online access to flowcharts is as follows:

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Universidad del Rosario

Escuela de Administración
Sede Complementaria
Calle 200, entre la carrera 7 y la Autopista Norte. Módulo B.
Bogotá, Colombia.
Teléfono: (57)(1)2970200. Ext. 3951