Universitas Scientiarum (Univ. Sci.) is registered at the
ISSN National Centre (ISSN 0122-7483 printed version, ISSN 2027-1352 online version) and indexed in Scopus, Chemical Abstracts (CA), Latindex, Periódica, Redalyc,
Indice Bibliográfico Nacional (Publindex), and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The URL address of the journal is:
Introduction: Universitas Scientiarum is a scientific journal edited at the Faculty of Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia) and has been published continuously since 1987, on a quaterly basis.
Target public: The journal is addressed to graduates and students of
natural, physical and exact sciences, researchers and
lecturers, and in general to all those who contribute to
scientific knowledge.
Dissemination of original research work contributing
to widen our knowledge in natural, physical and exact
sciences, and accounting for current scientific undertaking.
Themes covered:
The journal will accept unpublished papers on any
subject of natural, physical or exact sciences.
Categories of manuscripts:
Universitas Scientiarum publishes original papers,
reviews, brief communications, editorials, letters to the
Editor, and reviews of books, handbooks and meetings.
The journal receives manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese
or English.
- Original paper: presents detailed results of completed
research. The structure that must be followed
in the manuscript is: Title (in Spanish, Portuguese
and English), Authors (full names and their institutional
affiliations), Abstract (in Spanish, Portuguese
and English), Key words (in Spanish,
Portuguese and English), Introduction, Materials
and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions,
Acknowledgments (optional), Conflict of
Interests, Financial Support, and References.
Original papers should have no more than 30 references
that must be no more than 5 years old at
the moment of submittal. The main title of the
manuscript must be written in the same language
of the manuscript, and the abstracts written in the
other two languages will begin with their title translated
and in bold type.
- Invited review: A review manuscript analyzes, systematizes
and integrates results of published and
unpublished research about a field of knowledge,
to account prevailing tendencies and progresses
in that field. Reviews are published upon request
by the Editorial Board and present a careful review
based on no more than 80 references.
Manuscripts usually contain the following structure:
Title (Spanish, English and Portuguese),
Authors (full names and their institutional affiliations),
Abstract (Spanish, English and Portuguese),
Key Words (Spanish, English and
Portuguese), Introduction, headings for the contents
of the review (without underlining), and
References. The main title of the manuscript
must be written in the same language of the
manuscript submitted and the abstracts written in
the other two languages will begin with their title
translated and in bold type. This category applies
to established researchers publishing in certain
areas to which the Editorial Committee extends
an invitation to publish a review.
- Review: A review manuscript analyzes, systematizes
and integrates results of published and unpublished
research about a field of knowledge, to
account prevailing tendencies and progresses in
that field. Reviews are published upon request by
Guidelines for contributors the Editorial Board and present a careful review
based on no more than 80 references. Manuscripts
usually contain the following structure: Title
(Spanish, English and Portuguese), Authors (full
names and their institutional affiliations), Abstract
(Spanish, English and Portuguese), Key Words
(Spanish, English and Portuguese), Introduction,
headings for the contents of the review (without
underlining), and References. The main title of
the manuscript must be written in the same language
of the manuscript submitted and the abstracts
written in the other two languages will begin
with their title translated and in bold type. This
category of publication applies to researchers,
doctoral and masters degree students who wish to
submit their review manuscript.
- Brief Communication: shows preliminary or partial
results of a research, validation and standardization
of techniques, whose rapid disclosure is of
great importance. Manuscripts should have no
more than 20 references that must be no more than
5 years old at the moment of submittal. The structure
of the manuscript will contain the following
sections: Title (Spanish, English and Portuguese),
Authors (full names and their institutional affiliations),
Abstract (in Spanish, Portuguese and English),
Key words (in Spanish, Portuguese and
English), Introduction, Materials and Methods,
Results, Discussion (with partial or preliminary
conclusions), Acknowledgments (optional), Conflict
of Interests, Financial Support, and References.
The main title of the manuscript must be
written in the same language of the manuscript
submitted and the abstracts written in the other
two languages will begin with their title translated
and in bold type.
- Analytical methods: shows in detail the results of
implementation, standardization, validation or
significant adjustments to analytical methods, procedures
and techniques. The structure that must
be followed in the manuscript is: Title (in Spanish,
Portuguese and English), Authors (full names
and their institutional affiliations), Abstract (in
Spanish, Portuguese and English), Key words (in
Spanish, Portuguese and English), Introduction,
Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions,
Acknowledgments (optional), Conflict
of Interests, Financial Support, and References.
Original papers should have no more than 20 references
that must be no more than 5 years old at
the moment of submittal. The main title of the
manuscript must be written in the same language
of the manuscript, and the abstracts written in the
other two languages will begin with their title translated
and in bold type.
- Reviews of books, manuals or congresses: the journal
will accept reviews of books, manuals or congresses
on subjects related to those covered by the
journal. A review presents details of a book, manual
or congress and makes a respectful and objective
assessment showing positive and negative aspects,
and may provide suggestions or proposals for future
consideration. The journal will not publish
more than one review of a book or manual per
issue, except for reviews of congresses. Any review
will not exceed three pages of letter size,
double spaced, and font Times New Roman 12.
Reviews will have a single author and a free format
or structure, and must be signed at the end by
the author.
Characteristics of the publications
Academic publications are characterized both by their
rigor, which is given by a methodical, objective, analytical
and interpretative nature, a logical and progressive
structure, a clear argumentation, and a sound
bibliographic support, and by their contribution to a
particular scientific discipline or field of study.
Procedure for publication
- Paper submission:: an electronic version of the
manuscript should be sent to: Dr. Raúl A. Poutou,
PhD, Universitas Scientiarum, Facultad de Ciencias,
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, carrera
7 # 43-82, oficina 627, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia o
a la siguiente dirección electrónica: scientiarum@javeriana.edu.co.
Receiving the paper
does not imply any obligation to publish it.
Manuscripts should be written with Word 2003
for Windows XP, and sent by email (valid for national
and international publications).
- Paper acceptance: any submitted paper will be
sent to at least two anonymous reviewers and to a
member of the Thematic Editorial Board or the
Scientific Board. Reviewers will assess the contents
and presentation of the manuscript and shall
produce a concept that will be informed to the
authors, who will have no more than 15 business
days to make all the corrections. The new manuscript
with the corrections will be sent to the referees
for feedback. Authors are responsible for
returning the manuscript with the final corrections
to the office of the Editor-in-Chief within 5 business
days. The member of the Editorial or Scientific
Board appointed to review the manuscript will
justify the acceptance or rejection of the paper in
an ordinary meeting of the boards.
- Reproduction rights: once the paper has been accepted
for publication, authors will send to the
Office for Publications their consent to reproduce
the manuscript in the journal Universitas
Scientiarum, following the form provided for this
purpose, which does not suppose exclusivity. However,
their consent will imply the authors’ authorization
to disseminate the paper not only in the
printed version of the journal but also in the electronic
version, that is, in the electronic web page,
as well as in national and international bibliographic
- Final editing and issue's preparation: during the
editorial production of the journal, manuscripts
will be subjected to style corrections, diagramming,
and proof reading. Comments and suggestions
about style must have the authors’ approval. Once
corrections have been made on the galleys, authors
will not be able to introduce any new changes
to the manuscript.
Example of the overall presentation:
The manuscript will have a heading showing with clarity
the full title of the paper in Spanish, Portuguese
and English, the names of the authors (in the way of:
Jorge Pérez-Martínez, Ramón Saldivar-Ruiz), their
affiliations (name of section, university, institute or
foundation, and full address including city and country),
and the electronic mail address of the author for
correspondence that shall be indicated by an asterisk
The whole manuscript will be prepared with Word
2003 for Windows XP, using pages of letter size, double
spacing and with margins of at least 2 cm on both sides.
The printed copy must be neat and font will be Arial,
12 pts.
- Abstracts: no more than 250 words, in three languages
(Spanish, English and Portuguese), and
divided into four sections: objective, materials and
methods, results and conclusions. Abstracts written
in the other two languages differing from the
manuscript’s language shall begin with their titles
(not included in the 250 words counting) translated
and highlighted with bold font, as in the following
Preliminary in vitro identification of probiotic
properties in strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Objective. To carry out a preliminary in vitro assessment
of some probiotic properties of two native
strains of S. cerevisiae. Materials and
Strains were used in assays for tolerance
to: biliar salts, pH, temperature, adherence to Salmonella
spp., E. coli and Shigella spp., and antagonism.
A 33 x 3factorial design to determine
the culture conditions for each strain was used with
three levels for each factor (strain, pH and initial
substrate concentration) and three replicates. A commercial
strain (B) was used as a control. The selected
strain was used for production in 2L
bioreactors. Biomass was dried with heat. The resulting
product was analyzed to determine its N
concentration and cell viability. Results. Strain A
(obtained from sugar cane) was tolerant to pH 3.0 ±
0.2, 0.3 % (p/v) biliar salts and 42 °C. The Anova
for the factorial design showed significant differences
among the 27 assays (p=0.05). The surface
analysis revealed that the interaction between strain
and substrate (S0) is significant, suggesting strain
A for optimization and higher concentrations of (S0).
Results were reproduced in a bioreactor with mx
0.31h-1, dt 2.18h and Y(x/s) 0.126g/g. Resulting
dry biomass was viable and contained between 6.3
and 6.9% N/g. Conclusions. Native yeasts with
probiotic properties such as tolerance to pH, biliar
salts, and temperature, and adherence to Salmonella
spp., E. coli and Shigella spp.
- Abbreviations: notation used to abbreviate measure
units should follow the International System
(SI). Abbreviated words must be written in full for
the first time and only then used in the abbreviated
- Greek letters: authors are requested to underline
Greek letters with red pen on the printed copy and
to highlight them with red colour in the electronic
- Equations: equations should be numbered on a
consecutive basis. Use the equation editor of
Word 2003. Numbering should be justified on the
right side and the meaning of each symbol must
be explained, as in the following example:
y = mx + b (1)
Where: y represents Abs540 nm, x is the cell concentration
(g/ml), b is the intercept on y, and m is
the slope of the line.
- Foot notes: avoid the use of foot notes. Most part
of this information should be included in the main
text of the paper for the benefit of readers, editors
and the printing office.
- Tables and figures: tables and figures should be included
within the text of the paper and on separate
sheets, one figure or table per sheet. Figures must be
accompanied by their corresponding legends, axes
and big and clear pointers. Tables must be double
spaced, without vertical divisions or internal subdivisions.
Measure units should follow the International
System (SI). Abbreviations and acronyms
should be explained or written in full in footnotes
below the tables or in the legends of figures.
Both tables and figures must be referred to in the
text prior to their appearance on a consecutive basis
and numbered with Arabic numbers. Tables will
have their title on the higher part and figures on the
lower part. Charts must be prepared preferably with
professional software designed for this purpose (i.e.
SigmaPlot, Simfit), rather than with Excel.
Charts and drawings should be prepared as line
drawings with black ink and whether prepared with
the aid of a software, they should be of laser quality,
without division lines, neither in the abscissas
nor the ordinates, and without 3D or shadowing
(bars or 3D points), unless having more than two
axes. Photographs can be B&W or colour pictures
and should be included within the text as a .jpg
file of more than 300 dpi. Expenses of polychrome
pictures shall be covered by the authors of the
paper. Whether using colour photographs or figures,
they should be placed in a single page within
the article..
- Citing within the text: citations in the text should
be numbered on a consecutive basis and separated
by commas, as in this example: (1, 2); when having
more than two consecutive references, they
should be separated by a hyphen, as in this example:
- Format for writing the bibliographic references: references shall be listed with the corresponding
numbering in the same order as they are cited in
the text and not on alphabetical order.
- Books
1. Andrade G, Ruiz JP, Gómez R. Biodiversidad, conservación
y uso de recursos naturales. Primera
edición. CEREC - Fundación Fiedrich Ebert de
Colombia. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. 1992, 126 p.
- Scientific papers
14. Moya LM. Obtención de la matriz de varianzas
y co-varianzas a través de los productos
Kronecker para modelos balanceados. Universitas
Scientiarum 2003; 8 (2): 39-44.
15. Mowgray DJ, Hogg RA, Skoinick, MS, Delomg
MC, Kurtz JM, Olson JM. Valence-band splitting
in ordered Ga0.5In0.5P measured by polarized
photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy.
Physical Review 1992; 46, 7232-7235.
All of the authors must be included in order to
facilitate bibliometry and the consolidation of visible
collegiate societies. The name of the journal
must be written in full and with italics.
- Edited books
Rivas LI, Chicharro C, Díaz P. Sistemas de unión
parásito-célula hospedero en Trypanosomatidae.
En: Rivas LI, López MC. (eds.). Nuevas tendencias
de parasitología molecular. Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid, España.
1992; 185-216.
- Doctoral theses and Master's final projects
Tamayo M. Efecto de la perturbación de los bosques
fragmentados sobre el comportamiento y tamaño
de una comunidad de primates en el
piedemonte llanero. Doctoral thesis. Facultad de
Ciencias. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá,
1997, 320 p.
Gutiérrez H. Utilización del canto como característica
filogenética en los cucaracheros (Troglodytidae:
Aves). Master's final project.
Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Costa Rica,
Costa Rica, 1990, 120 p.
- Internet references
The URL must be included, as well as the date of
retrieval. This type of references will be listed at
the end of all the other references and should follow
a format as in this example:
Gómez H. Análisis estequiométrico. http://www.estequiometría.com/1732_13pdf.
Retrieved on: 27th November 2008.
The following shall not be accepted as sources
for citation: Congress presentations, abstracts, prizes, distinctions,
interviews, non scientific papers,
undergraduate final projects, or personal communications.
- Acknowledgments: individuals or institutions
that contributed to the research but are not authors
of the work will be included here (this section is
not mandatory).
- Financial support: full names of institutions
or organizations that provided financial resources
for undertaking the research that originated the
paper will be included, as well as the ID of the
research projects.
- Conflicts of Interests: this aspect is compulsory
for every publication and authors will
declare here any potential interests (either private
or institutional) on the results and findings obtained
in the research.
- Supplementary material: there may be
supplementary tables or figures that can enrich the
publication but due to their length or limiting technical
characteristics for an appropriate printing,
they will not be included within the main text.
Colour figures will have no additional costs. These
figures and tables will be referred to in the main
text of the paper and numbered on a consecutive
basis with Arabic numbers (Suppl. Fig. 1), but published
as supplementary material in the on line
version of the journal. This material has to be submitted
along with all the files comprising the paper.
The Editorial Board will make a final decision
on their publication.
Clarifying notes:
Authors will be responsible for returning the corrections
to the final proofs (galleys) of their paper as soon
as they can to the office of the journal (no more than 3
business days per correction).
The Editorial Board of Universitas Scientiarum is free
to decide on the publication of any supplementary issue
containing the abstracts of presentations at national
or international meetings.
From Volume 14, issue 1 onwards, papers on science
teaching will not be received any more. The reason for
this decision is that the Faculty of Educational Sciences
of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is editing Magis - Revista
Internacional de Investigación en Educación of the Facultad de Educación