Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia]]> vol. 68 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[La sustentabilidad como atributo de la calidad de la producción pecuaria]]> <![CDATA[<em>In vitro</em> antiparasitic efficacy of the quebracho extract (<em>Schinopsis balansae</em>) on infecting larvae of <em>Haemonchus contortus</em> of sheep]]> RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar in vitro la eficacia del extracto de quebracho (Schinopsis spp.), rico en taninos condensados, en el control de H. contortus de ovinos, ya que existen evidencias de que estos taninos pueden reducir la excreción de huevos, la fecundidad de las hembras y la carga de parásitos adultos. Para evaluar el efecto antihelmíntico in vitro sobre larvas infectantes de H. contortus susceptibles a todos los grupos químicos, se utilizó el test de inhibición de migración larval (IML) a 3 concentraciones diferentes (5 mg/ml, 15 mg/ml y 30 mg/ml). El efecto de los tratamientos fue analizado mediante un análisis de varianza y la estimación de las diferencias entre grupos se realizó por medio de la prueba LSD Fisher. Los resultados del test in vitro demostraron una reducción de la migración larval que varió entre el 74% y el 80%, a las concentraciones de entre 5 mg/ml y 30 mg/ml. Del análisis de varianza surgen diferencias significativas entre tratamientos (p = 0,0494). Al realizar la prueba de comparación de medias se evidenciaron diferencias significativas (p &lt; 0,05) entre los promedios de migración a las diluciones de 5 mg/ml y 15 mg/ml, y de 5 mg/ml y 30 mg/ml, mientras que no se detectaron diferencias significativas entre la dilución de 15 mg/ml y 30 mg/ml. Estos resultados señalaron que el extracto de quebracho, a las diluciones evaluadas in vitro, presentó actividad antihelmíntica sobre larvas L3 susceptibles de H. contortus. Sin embargo, se requiere ampliar los estudios in vivo para demostrar un efecto antihelmíntico en ovinos.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate in vitro efficacy of the quebracho extract (Schinopsis spp.), rich in condensed tannins, against H. contortus in sheep, since there is evidence that this tanninsthese tannins can reduce egg excretion, fecundity of females and the burden of adult parasites. A larval migration inhibition (IML) test with 3 different concentration (5 mg/ml, 15 mg/ml, and 30 mg/ml) was used to evaluate the in vitro anthelmintic effect upon iInfective H. contortus larvae,from a susceptible strain to all chemical groupswere utilized with 3 diferentconcentration (5mg/ml, 15mg/ml, and 30mg/ml). The effect of the treatments was submitted to a variance analysis and the estimation of the differences between groups was evaluated using LSD Fisher test. Results from the in vitro test, revealed a reduction of the larval migration that varies from 74% to 80%, at the concentrations between 5 mg/ml to 30 mg/ml. From the analysis of variance, significant differences appear between treatments (p = 0,0494). After When performing the mean comparison test were performed, significant differences (p &lt; 0,05) were found between the migration averages at dilutions of 5 mg/ml and 15 mg/ml, and between 5 mg/ml and 30 mg/ml, while were no’t detected significant differences between the dilution of 15 mg/ml and 30 mg/ml. These results indicated that quebracho extract at the dilutions evaluated in vitro showed anthelmintic activity on L3 susceptible to H. contortus. However, it is necessary to conduct further studies in vivo to demonstrate an anthelmintic effect in sheep. <![CDATA[Microorganisms causing of clinical pathologies in canines and domestic felines in Valledupar, Colombia]]> ABSTRACT The pathologies caused by microbial groups generate health risks in domestic dogs and cats; showing a zoonotic potential and producing affections in humans. According to that background, the purpose of this study was to establish the main microorganisms causing clinical pathologies in domestic dogs and cats by reviewing medical records in a veterinary clinic in Valledupar, Colombia. In order to do that, a retrospective study was conducted with clinical histories of dogs and cats admitted during 2017 and 2018 to the veterinary clinic "Mis Mejores Amigos", located in the city of Valledupar, Colombia. Based on the information, a descriptive, explanatory and statistical analysis was applied, the latter by means of a Sperman correlation to evaluate the relationship between race, sex, age, microbial group and pathology-pathogen. From a total of 462 reports of canines and felines admitted to the clinic, a total of 273 diagnoses were obtained. 4% of the felines and 24% of the canines were affected by some microbial group. The most prevalent microorganisms in canines were Ancylostoma spp. (9 %) Entamoeba histolytica (5%) Ehrlichia spp. (5%), and Isospora sp. (5%) while in felines were Haemobartonella felis (20%) and Haemobartonella spp. (17%). It was determined that there is only correlation between the age of felines and the microbial group that affects them, in addition to the pathology presented with the pathogen. It was observed a high percentage of Ancylostoma sp. (9%) in canines of mongrel and French Poodle breeds whilst in felines was found the bacterium Haemobartonella felis in 20% of the mongrel breeds.<hr/>RESUMEN Las patologías causadas por grupos microbianos generan riesgos en la salud de perros y gatos domésticos, lo que tiene un potencial zoonótico y produce afecciones en seres humanos. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue establecer los principales microorganismos causantes de patologías clínicas en perros y gatos domésticos mediante la revisión de historias clínicas en una clínica veterinaria de Valledupar, Colombia. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con historias clínicas de perros y gatos ingresados durante 2017 y 2018 a la clínica veterinaria "Mis mejores amigos", ubicada en la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia. Con base en la información se aplicó un análisis descriptivo, explicativo y estadístico, este último mediante una correlación de Sperman para evaluar relación entre raza, sexo, edad, grupo microbiano y patología-patógeno. De un total 462 reportes de caninos y felinos ingresados a la clínica, se obtuvieron 273 diagnósticos. El 4% de los felinos y el 24 % de los caninos presentaban afecciones por algún grupo microbiano. Los microorganismos más prevalentes en caninos fueron Ancylostoma spp. (9%) Entamoeba histolytica (5%) Ehrlichia spp. (5%) e Isospora sp. (5%), mientras que en felinos fueron Haemobartonella felis (20%) y Haemobartonella spp. (17%). Se determinó que solo existe correlación entre la edad de felinos y el grupo microbiano que los afecta, además de la patología presentada con el patógeno. Se observó un alto porcentaje de Ancylostoma sp. (9%) en caninos de las razas mestiza y French Poodle, y, por otro lado, en felinos se identificó la bacteria Haemobartonella felis en 20% de los sujetos de raza mestiza. <![CDATA[Patterns of resistance in bacterial agents involved in canine otitis at Medellín, Colombia, during 2019: retrospective analysis]]> RESUMEN Dentro de los agentes patógenos en los procesos otíticos bacterianos, se destacan microorganismos como Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabi-lis, Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. y Streptococcus spp., para los cuales se ha descrito resistencia frente a los antibióticos empleados para combatirlos. En Colombia son pocos los reportes acerca de la resistencia antibiótica de microorganismos causantes de otitis. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los agentes bacterianos más frecuentemente aislados en infecciones otíticas de caninos remitidas a un laboratorio veterinario de Medellín durante el 2019 y su resistencia a antibióticos. Para llevarlo a cabo, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo. Se analizaron los resultados de los antibiogramas realizados a partir de cultivos bacterianos en muestras óticas remitidas a un laboratorio de referencia de la ciudad de Medellín. Además, se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para la muestra total. Se encontró que los principales microorganismos bacterianos aislados fueron Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili y Staphylococcus aureus. La gentamicina fue el medicamento que mayor porcentaje de resistencia presentó y la cefalexina el que menos resistencia presentó. Se pudo concluir que el Staphylococcus pseudintermedius está presente en más del 60% de los casos de otitis bacteriana. Adicionalmente, se observó una variación de la resistencia presentada por los microorganismos en el tiempo. Estos presentaron mayor resistencia ante los antibióticos aminoglucósidos.<hr/>ABSTRACT Among the pathogens in bacterial otic processes, microorganisms such as Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Corynebac-terium spp., Enterococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. stand out, for which resistance to antibiotics has been described employed to combat them. In Colombia there are few reports about the antibiotic resistance of microorganisms that cause otitis. For that reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial agents most frequently isolated from canine ear infections and their resistance to antibiotics from samples of ear secretions sent to a veterinary laboratory in Medellín during 2019. In order to do that, an cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study was done. The results of the antibiograms performed from bacterial cultures obtained from ear samples sent to a reference laboratory in the city of Medellín were analyzed. A frequency analysis was carried out for the total sample. It was found that the main isolated bacterial microorganisms were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili and Staphylococcus aureus. Gentamicin was the drug with the highest percentage of resistance and cephalexin the one with the least resistance. It was possible to conclude that Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is linked in more than 60% of cases of bacterial otitis and the resistance presented by microorganisms varies over time. The group of aminoglycosides antibiotics was the one which microorganisms are manifesting more percentage of resistance. <![CDATA[Obtaining and evaluating hydrolyzed protein concentrate from animal waste as a feeding alternative in <em>Piaractus brachypomus</em> (Cuvier 1818)]]> RESUMEN En la industria acuícola, se vienen desarrollando acciones encaminadas a buscar fuentes proteicas alternativas palatables y de alto valor biológico para reemplazar las fuentes convencionales. Debido al potencial nutricional de los subproductos animales, se han adoptado tecnologías para su uso, como las técnicas de bioconversión por hidrólisis enzimática. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este estudio fue obtener y evaluar un concentrado de proteína hidrolizada de residuos animales (CPHRA) como alternativa en dietas para Piaractus brachypomus. Las vísceras de los subproductos avícolas se evaluaron utilizando ácido fórmico y vísceras de trucha al 20% para promover la hidrólisis enzimática a un pH más bajo (pH 3,66). El producto resultante se utilizó en la formulación de dietas para determinar coeficiente de digestibilidad aparente (CDA) de energía y nutrientes, utilizando una dieta control () y tres dietas con inclusión de 10%, 20% y 30% de CPHRA (T1, T2 y T3). Se alimentaron por triplicado ciento veinte juveniles de híbridos de cachama blanca con un peso promedio de 145 ± 3,0 g. La CPHRA presentó alto contenido proteico y se evidenciaron diferencias significativas (p &lt; 0,05) para los CDA de materia seca, proteína bruta, grasa bruta, energía bruta y absorción de cenizas, calcio y fósforo. Los CDA de nutrientes y energía estaban por encima del 80%. En consecuencia, el concentrado de proteína hidrolizada de los desechos de aves de corral tiene un gran potencial como alternativa proteica y energética de alto valor nutricional en la alimentación de los peces.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aquaculture industry aims to find new strategies to replace fishmeal in formulated diet-sources with high attraction and palatability and high biological value to replace conventional sources. Due to the nutritional potential of animal by-products, technologies have been adopted for their use, such as bioconversion techniques by enzymatic hydrolysis. Consequently, the objective of this study was obtaining and evaluating a hydrolyzed protein concentrate of animal waste (CPHRA, by its Spanish acronym) in diets for Piaractus brachypomus. Viscera from poultry by-products was evaluated by using formic acid and a 20% trout viscera to promote the catalyst at lower pH (3,66). The resulting product was used in feed formulation to determine the Apparent Digestibility Coefficient (ADC) of energy and nutrients, using a control diet (T0) and three diets with 10%, 20%, and 30% CPHRA (T1, T2 y T3). One hundred and twenty juveniles of hybrids of cachama blanca with an average weight of 145 ± 3,0 g were fed in triplicate groups. The CPHRA presented high protein content and significant differences (p &lt; 0,05) were evidenced for the ADCs of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude energy, and ash absorption, calcium and phosphorus. The ADCs for nutrients and energy were above 80%. Accordingly, the hydrolyzed protein concentrate from poultry waste has great potential as a protein and energy alternative of high nutritional value in fish feeding. <![CDATA[Characterization of the professional ethical level of students and teachers of the veterinary medicine career at the Santo Tomás University, Puerto Montt headquarters, Chile]]> RESUMEN El objetivo principal de este estudio fue caracterizar el nivel ético en estudiantes y docentes de la carrera de medicina veterinaria de la Universidad Santo Tomás, sede de Puerto Montt, Chile. Para esto, se aplicó una encuesta dilemática a 3 grupos de estudio conformados por estudiantes de primer y quinto año, además de docentes que imparten asignaturas de formación profesional de la sede Puerto Montt. La creación de la encuesta fue por medio de la contratación de especificaciones éticas de la carrera con los diles de juicio moral en Kohlberg. De los resultados obtenidos se pudo concluir que las especificaciones de la carrera de medicina veterinaria solo contemplan el 20% de 59 artículos estudiados del Código de Ética profesional. Además, es posible decir que los estudiantes de primero y quinto año, y los docentes no conocen a cabalidad los artículos del Código de Ética según la clasificación de la teoría de Kohlberg.<hr/>ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to characterize the ethical level in students and teachers of the veterinary medicine career of the Santo Tomás University, Puerto Montt headquarters, Chile. For this a dilemmatic survey was applied to 3 study groups, made up of students from the first and fifth years, in addition to teachers who teach professional training subjects at the Puerto Montt campus. The survey was created by contracting ethical specifications of the career with the moral judgment diles in Kohlberg. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the specifications of the veterinary medicine career only contemplate 20% of the 59 articles studied of the professional code of ethics. In addition, it was possible to say that the first and fifth year students, and teachers do not fully know the articles of the code of ethics according to the classification of Kohlberg's theory. <![CDATA[<em>Pectus excavatum</em> in a French Bulldog Litter: case report]]> RESUMO O pectus excavatum é considerado uma patologia da parede torácica, onde há convexidade no aspecto ventral do esterno, o que gera complicações secundárias, como alongamento ventrodorsal do tórax e aumento da pressão intratorácica, entre outras. No presente caso, o corpo de um cachorro Buldogue Francês nasceu com sinais prévios de decaimento e baixo consumo de leito materno, além de uma avaliação médica forense. De acordo com a avaliação patológica, foi encontrada uma fenda no peito esternal relacionada às esternas caudais próximas à cartilagem xifóide, conteúdo espumoso na cartilagem epiglótica da laringe e sinais graves de enfisema nos lobos caudal, craniano e médio pulmonar. Na avaliação cardiológica, foi observada assimetria morfológica invaginante no septo interventricular na mesma área em que a fenda esternal ocorre, por sua vez, na avaliação radiográfica, evidencia uma depressão dorsal do terço caudal do esterno com alterações consideráveis na silhueta cardíaca. Na Colômbia não há relatos de ninhadas completas que apresentem esta alteração, portanto, pretende-se que este seja o primeiro relatório anatomopatológico e de imagem que descreva a patologia em caninos.<hr/>ABSTRACT Pectus excavatum is considered a pathology of the chest wall where there is convexity in the ventral aspect of the sternum, which generates secondary complications, such as ventrodorsal stretching of the chest and increased intrathoracic pressure, among others. In the present case, the body of a French bulldog dog was born with previous signs of decay and low consumption of maternal waste, in addition to a forensic medical evaluation. According to the pathological evaluation, a crack was found in the sternal chest related to the caudal sternum close to the xiphoid cartilage, frothy content in the laryngeal epiglottis cartilage and severe signs of emphysema in the caudal, cranial and middle lung lobes. In the cardiological evaluation, an invaginating morphological asymmetry was observed in the interventricular septum in the same area in which the sternal cleft occurs, in turn, in the radiographic evaluation, it shows a dorsal depression of the caudal third of the sternum with considerable changes in the cardiac silhouette. In Colombia there are no reports of complete litters that present this alteration, so it is intended that this is the first anatomopathological and imaging report that describes the pathology in canines.