Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Psicología desde el Caribe]]> vol. 35 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Differences in academic self-efficacy, psychological wellbeing and achievement drive in university students with high and low academic performance]]> Resumen El estudio se propuso determinar las diferencias en percepción de autoeficacia académica, bienestar psicológico y motivación al logro académico en estudiantes universitarios con alto y bajo desempeño académico. De una muestra de 495 estudiantes universitarios se identificó a 60 con alto desempeño (M = 9.67, DE = .10 promedio académico) y 60 con bajo desempeño (M = 8.17, DE = .18 promedio académico). Los resultados de la prueba de regresión logística sugirieron que la autoeficacia académica (OR = 2.52) y la motivación al logro relacionada con la maestría (OR = 4.98) se asocian de forma positiva con la pertenencia de estudiantes al grupo de alto desempeño, mientras el bienestar psicológico en las relaciones sociales lo hace de forma negativa. Se concluyó que la autoeficacia y la orientación al logro favorecen el logro académico y que el bienestar no es una variable relacionada con este tipo de desempeño.<hr/>Abstract The purpose of the study is to determine the differences in perception of academic selfefficacy, psychological well-being and motivation to academic achievement in college students with high and low academic performance. From a sample of 495 college students, 60 were identified with high performance (M = 9.67, SD = .10 grade point average) and 60 underperforming (M = 8.17, SD = .18 grade point average). The results of logistic regression test suggest that academic self-efficacy (OR = 2.52) and motivation to related achievement with expertise (OR = 4.98) are positively associated with the high-performance students´ membership, while the psychological well-being in social relations does so negatively. It is concluded that self-efficacy and achievement orientation promote academic achievement and that wellbeing is not a variable related to this type of performance. <![CDATA[Influence of emotional intelligence in job satisfaction in Spanish workers]]> Resumen La inteligencia emocional tiene un gran impacto a nivel personal y profesional. La esfera laboral representa una parte fundamental en la vida de las personas, siendo uno de los indicadores de éxito en el trabajo la satisfacción laboral, de ahí que el objetivo propuesto sea comprobar la relación entre inteligencia emocional y satisfacción laboral. Este estudio cuenta con 214 participantes entre 18 y 65 años (media=39.69; DT=12.967; 56.25% mujeres, 43.75 % hombres) de diferentes ámbitos profesionales -sociosanitario, educativo, servicios y manipulativo- y con diversos niveles de experiencia. El principal hallazgo ha sido confirmar que el ámbito de dedicación profesional tiene implicaciones tanto a nivel de inteligencia emocional de los trabajadores como en la satisfacción con el trabajo. Otras variables, como los años de experiencia laboral, no parecen tener influencia, al menos por sí mismas, en la satisfacción profesional percibida por los trabajadores, si bien se halló que el ámbito profesional es una variable mediadora en la relación entre inteligencia emocional y satisfacción laboral.<hr/>Abstract Emotional intelligence has a great impact on personal and professional level. Labor sphere represents a fundamental part in the lives of people, being job satisfaction one of the indicators of success at work, hence the objective proposed was to test the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. This study included 214 participants aged 18 to 65 (mean = 39.69, SD = 12,967; 56.25% female, 43.75% male) from different professional fields -socio sanitary, educational, services and manipulative- and with different levels of experience. The main finding is that it has been confirmed that the scope of professional dedication has implications both at the level of emotional intelligence of employees, and satisfaction with work. Other variables, such as years of work experience do not appear to influence, at least for themselves, in the job satisfaction perceived by workers, although it was found that the professional field is a mediating variable in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. <![CDATA[Psychosocial Factors Associated With Alcohol Consumption Patterns among Adolescent Students]]> Resumen Este estudio relaciona los factores psicosociales a los patrones de consumo de alcohol en adolescentes escolarizados. En él participaron un total de 284 adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años. El instrumento utilizado se construyó a partir del cuestionario FPACA, el cuestionario RUMBOS; el cuestionario FRP- SPA, el cuestionario de consumo de alcohol-RPGCA, el cuestionario APGAR y el cuestionario FACES. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación significativa entre el consumo y la jornada de estudio, el funcionamiento familiar y el grado escolar. Se resalta la importancia de fortalecer las relaciones familiares y enfocarse en los factores protectores para evitar que el adolescente presente un patrón de consumo de alcohol perjudicial o dependiente.<hr/>Abstract This article addresses psychosocial factors and alcohol consumption patterns in adolescent students. A total of 284 adolescents between 12 and 18, participated in the study. The instrument was built from the FPACA questionnaire, the RUMBOS questionnaire, FRP- SPA questionnaire, the questionnaire of alcohol consumption RPGCA, the questionnaire of family functioning APGAR and FACES. The main findings show a significant link between consumption and duration of school day, family functioning and grade. Therefore, it is important to strengthen family relationships and improve protective factors to prevent a harmful or dependent pattern of alcohol consumption in the population. <![CDATA[Psychosocial occupational risk factors, stress and coronary artery disease]]> Resumen Se hizo una revisión de 47 artículos derivados de investigaciones analíticas ubicados a través de buscadores y bases de datos electrónicas (ISI Web of Knowledge, APA Articles y Science Direct) con el propósito de identificar y analizar la información actualizada sobre condiciones del trabajo entendidas como factores de riesgo psicosocial de origen ocupacional y efectos sobre la salud cardiovascular, específicamente las denominadas cardiopatías coronarias. Se revisaron artículos en full text de estudios longitudinales con seguimiento de cohortes expuestas a los factores de riesgo, estudios de casos y controles y estudios cross sectional; se privilegiaron artículos de importancia en cuanto al tamaño muestral, los métodos usados, la representatividad de las muestras, la contundencia en sus resultados y haber sido publicados en revistas de alto impacto internacional. Se da cuenta de la discusión entre los dos grupos de investigación de mayor relevancia en el mundo: El IPD Consortium (Europa y Asia) y Unhealty Work (USA). El primer grupo reporta hallazgos de asociación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial y enfermedad coronaria con una razón de disparidad (OD=1.8), y el UW reporta hallazgos con valores de 2.3 como fuerza de la asociación (OD=2.3). El debate sigue abierto, la investigación y la discusión avanzan cada día.<hr/>Abstract A review of articles derived from analytic investigations located through search engines and electronic databases was made (ISI Web of Knowledge, APA Articles and Science Direct) in order to identify and analyze up-to-date information on working conditions as psychosocial risk factors of occupational origin and effects on cardiovascular health, specifically the so-called coronary heart disease. Reviewed articles in full text from longitudinal studies with follow-up of cohorts exposed to the risk factors, cases and controls and cross sectional studies, are privileged items of importance in terms of sample size, the methods used, the representativeness of the samples, the forcefulness in their results and published in journals of high international impact. It reports on the argument between the two research groups of greatest relevance in the world: The IPD (Europe and Asia) Consortium and Unhealthy Work (USA). The first group reported findings of association between the risk factors of psychosocial and coronary heart disease with a ratio of average size (OD = 1. 8) gap, and the UW reports fiindings with values around 2.3 as strength of association (OD = 2 3). The debate remains open, the research and the discussion move forward every day. <![CDATA[Meanings of Happiness guided by Positive Psychology in Organizations and at Work]]> Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar o estado da arte a respeito de felicidade no trabalho, em especial, os significados que são conferidos ao constructo na subárea de conhecimento da Psicologia Positiva nas Organizações e no Trabalho (PPOT). Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa, por meio de 24 artigos indexados nas bases de dados Pepsic, Lilacs e Scielo. Observou-se que o bem-estar, principalmente o subjetivo, é utilizado como sinônimo de felicidade. Embora relacionados, os conceitos de bem-estar e felicidade apresentam distinções, devido as suas especificidades. Em apenas dois artigos utilizaram a felicidade como fenômeno próprio sem associar a outro constructo, sendo um publicado por Barros, Martín e Pinto (2010) e o outro escrito por Silva e Tolfo (2012). Por meio dos estudos aqui realizados, percebeu-se que o interesse sobre o tema é recente na academia e isso representa a oportunidade para novos estudos. A construção do fenômeno Felicidade no Trabalho representa um desafio para psicólogos interessados na compreensão do que significa ser feliz no trabalho. Tal escassez representa uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos e pesquisas, com o intuito de descobrir, novas e positivas perspectivas de vida, para todos os interessados na via organizacional.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this article is to present the actual state of building knowledge about work happiness and its significance, as well as the field of knowledge of positive psychology in business organizations and workplace. For this reason, an integrative review was carried out, through 24 articles indexed in the databases Pepsic, Lilacs and Scielo. It was observed that well-being, especially the subjective, is used as a synonym for happiness. Although related, the concepts of well-being and happiness, present distinctions, due to their specificities. In only two articles, they used happiness as a phenomenon without associating it with another construct, one being published by Barros, Martín and Pinto (2010) and the other by Silva and Tolfo (2012). Through the studies carried out here, it was possible to discover that the interest in the subject, although it is intensifying, is recent in the academy and such scarcity represents an opportunity for the development of new studies. The construction of Happiness at Work represents a challenge for psychologists interested in understanding the subject. Such scarcity represents an opportunity for the development of new studies, with the intention of discovering new and positive perspectives of life, for all those interested in the organizational life. <![CDATA[Resilience at work in the field of Psychology: a bibliometric study]]> Resumo Este artigo apresenta um estudo da produção científica nacional e internacional sobre o tema resiliência no trabalho no campo da Psicologia, no período de 2000 a 2015. Trata-se de um estudo teórico que, por meio da bibliometria, objetivou ampliar a compreensão acerca do constructo, com vistas a favorecer aproximações e releituras de pesquisadores e de outros profissionais interessados no tema. O método adotado seguiu a duas etapas principais, sendo a primeira a realização de busca sistemática de literatura no Portal de Periódicos CAPES, análise e seleção das publicações; e a segunda, o estudo bibliométrico das 25 publicações selecionadas na primeira etapa. Entre os resultados, evidenciou-se que 68% das publicações vincularam-se a área de Ciências Humanas, sendo 23% correspondentes ao campo da Psicologia Positiva. Houve a prevalência de estudos empíricos (72%), a maioria com foco na resiliência de trabalhadores da área da saúde e executivos. Apresentou-se, ainda, as definições constitutivas sobre resiliência no trabalho e as contribuições teórico-práticas dos estudos analisados. Por fim, acredita-se que o presente artigo caracteriza o estado da arte sobre o tema resiliência no trabalho, dado que poderá orientar a realização de estudos futuros.<hr/>Abstract This article presents a study of the national and international scientific production on the topic of resilience at work in the field of Psychologyin databas from 2000 to 2015. It is a theoretical study, based on bibliometrics, aimed to broaden the understanding about the theme, in order to favor approximations and re-readings of researchers and other professionals interested in the subject. The method adopted followed two main steps, the first being the systematic search of literature in the Capes Portal and analysis and selection of publications; and the second, the bibliometric study of the 25 publications selected in the first step. Among the results, it was evidenced that 68% of the publications were linked to the area of Human Sciences, 23% corresponding to the field of Positive Psychology. There was the prevalence of empirical studies (72%), the majority focused on the resilience of health workers and executives. The constitutive definitions on resilience at work and the theoretical-practical contributions of the analyzed studies were also presented. Finally, it is believed that the present article characterizes the state of the art on the topic of resilience at work and it can guide the formulation of future studies.