Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Psicología desde el Caribe]]> vol. 37 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Violence against women: The other face of the pandemic]]> <![CDATA[Effectiveness of emotional freedom techniques with a recreational plastic expression program in postraumatic stress of school age children boarded for abuse-related trauma]]> Abstract We present an experimentally controlled and randomized investigation with pre- and post-trial results, carried out on 47 children boarded for abuse-related trauma in four different shelters. A gradual scale was utilized based on the DSM-5 criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program included six sessions that implemented Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), together with recreational plastic expression. The Plastic Expression was appropriate, considering the under-developed verbal skills and the hypoactivation of the speech area under the PTSD, and it facilitated the approach of memories in a safe, group-oriented environment. The recreational usage brought along the comfort which in turn helped to counteract the avoidance present at the onset of the PTSD. The EFT gave way to a rapid decrease in the distress response and contributed to the immediate elaboration of memories. The program significantly decreased the level of the PTSD, facilitated learning of new and effective forms of coping, and contributed by opening the mind towards a personal life project.<hr/>Resumen Presentamos una investigación experimental controlada y aleatorizada con pre y pos-prueba, llevada a cabo en 47 niños internados por maltrato en cuatro centros de protección. Se utilizó una escala graduada según los criterios del DSM-5 para el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT). El programa comprendió seis sesiones que implementaron Técnicas de Liberación Emocional (EFT) junto con expresión plástica recreativa. La Expresión Plástica fue apropiada, considerando las habilidades verbales en desarrollo y la hipoactivación del área del lenguaje del TEPT, y facilitó la aproximación a tos recuerdos en un entorno seguro y grupal. La recreación brindó bienestar que ayudó a contrarrestar la evitación que está en la génesis del TEPT. La EFT produjo una rápida disminución de la respuesta de alarma y contribuyó a la pronta elaboración del recuerdo. El Programa disminuyó significativamente el nivel del TEPT, facilitó el aprendizaje de nuevas formas eficaces de afrontamiento y aportó al pensamiento de un proyecto de vida personal. <![CDATA[Scale of multiple intelligence skills (EHMI): standardization and evidence of validity]]> Resumen Este artículo tuvo como objetivo validar una escala de habilidades de múltiples inteligencias para jóvenes. Participaron 1501 estudiantes con edades entre 16 y 24 años de una universidad estatal del Caribe colombiano. La escala se compone de ocho subescalas, que corresponden a un tipo de inteligencia diferente, y el análisis factorial exploratorio reveló una solución factorial satisfactoria. El índice general de alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,864 y de 0,873 para los elementos tipificados. Fueron verificadas correlaciones positivas entre las diferentes subescalas y los valores de las comunalidades revelaron factores comunes a todos los ítems y, por tanto, se demostraron diferentes aspectos de validez de constructo para la escala.<hr/>Abstract The present study aimed to validate a Multiple Intelligence Skills Scale for young people. 1501 students aged between 16 and 24 years of age from a Colombian State University of the Caribbean participated. The Scale consists of 8 subscales, corresponding to a different type of intelligence, and the Factorial Analysis of Exports revealed a satisfactory factorial solution. Cronbach's overall Alpha index was 0.864 and 0.873 for the typed elements. Positive correlations were verified between the different subscales and the values of the commonalities revealed factors common to all the items and therefore, different aspects of construct validity for the Scale were demonstrated. <![CDATA[Impacts on perceived happiness at work after paring people management practices and policies]]> Resumo O cenário organizacional tem passado por diversas transformações e desafios, o que pode trazer impactos também para os trabalhadores. Assim, refletese acerca da possibilidade de as pessoas construírem a felicidade no trabalho, quais fatores são importantes para isso e como a gestão de pessoas pode contribuir na sua construção. A pesquisa em questão foi desenvolvida em uma organização privada de tecnologia que passou por uma recente redução de pessoal. Discute-se, portanto, as repercussões desse processo de mudança nas políticas e nas práticas de gestão de pessoas sobre a percepção de felicidade dos trabalhadores. Foram realizadas análises de documentos, entrevistas (com líderes e demais trabalhadores) e aplicação de um questionário. Foram identificadas diversas políticas e fatores relevantes para a felicidade no trabalho como reconhecimento, desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, além de relacionamentos interpessoais positivos. Contudo, na prática, muitas das políticas existentes resultaram por perder-se em meio ao processo de redução e reestruturação organizacional, o que trouxe impactos para a felicidade dos trabalhadores. Apesar disso, todos os participantes afirmaram acreditar que é possível ser feliz no trabalho.<hr/>Abstract The organizational scenario has undergone several transformations and challenges, which can also impact the workers. Thus, it is reflected on the possibility of people building happiness at work, what factors are important to it and how people management can contribute to its construction. The research in question was developed in a private technology organization, which has recently undergone a staff reduction. Therefore, the repercussions of this process of change on the policies and practices of people management and the perception of happiness of the workers are discussed, so that document analyzes, interviews (with leaders and other workers) and application of a questionnaire. Several policies and factors relevant to happiness at work have been identified, such as recognition, personal and professional development, and positive interpersonal relationships. However, in practice, many of the existing policies were lost amidst the process of organizational reduction and restructuring, which had an impact on workers' happiness. Despite this, all the participants stated that they believe that it is possible to be happy at work. <![CDATA[Opposite emotional states and emotional intelligence in adolescence]]> Resumen Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental estudiar los tipos y niveles de ansiedad, felicidad e inteligencia emocional, en función de la edad, el sexo, la cultura y el estrato socioeconómico, así como contemplar las relaciones que se pudieran dar entre ambas variables, para una población adolescente multicultural. Se contó con 811 participantes. En consideración a la cultura, el grupo de cultura/religión musulmana constituye el 71,6 % de la muestra, mientras que el 28,4 % pertenecían a la cultura/religión cristiana, de modo que son el 46,1 % varones y el resto de la muestra (53,9 %) mujeres. Como instrumentos de evaluación, se han empleado el inventario de ansiedad estado-rasgo para niños (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children [STAIC]) , un cuestionario elaborado para evaluar la felicidad, junto con otro para medir la inteligencia emocional. Los resultados reflejan niveles medio-bajos en ansiedad y medio-altos en felicidad. En ambas variables, influyen la edad, el sexo, la cultura/religión y el estatus, de forma inversa. Se halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre ansiedad y felicidad, de modo que es inversamente proporcional, lo que hace que sí se puedan considerar estados emocionales contrapuestos. En IE influyen edad, sexo, cultura/religión y estatus socioeconómico-cultural. No se ha halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre ansiedad e IE, pero sí en el caso de la felicidad.<hr/>Abstract This work has as main objective to analyze the types and levels of Anxiety, Happiness and Emotional Intelligence, according to age, gender, culture and socioeconomic, as well as the relationships that could be given between both variables. To make it possible we focused on 811 participants; 71.6% of the total were Muslims and 28.4% belonged to the Christian religion, 46.1% were male and 53.9% female. The techniques used in this survey were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC, Spielberger, 2001), a Happiness questionnaire, as well as an EI questionnaire, built for their use. The results reflect medium-low levels in Anxiety and medium-high in Happiness. Both variables are influenced in a very different way by the sociodemographic factors of age, gender, culture and socioeconomic conversely. We found an statistically significant relationship between Anxiety and Happiness. This relationship was inversely proportional. So, it is possible to consider this variables opposite emotional states. Emotional Intelligence is influenced in a very different way by the sociodemographic factors of age, gender, culture and socioeconomic. There is no statistically significant relationship between Anxiety and Emotional Intelligence but we found it between Emotional Intelligence and Happiness. <![CDATA[LGBT old age and facilitators of elderly living groups: their social representations]]> Resumo O presente artigo buscou identificar as Representações sociais dos facilitadores de grupos de convivência dos Centros de Referência da Assistência Social (Cras) a respeito da velhice LGBT, dos estados do Ceará e Piauí, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo com dados transversais. Assim, utilizou-se para coleta de dados entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionário sociodemográfico. O estudo contou com 20 facilitadores de grupos de convivência, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 22 e 49 anos (M= 30,95; DP=7,41). Verificou-se a partir dos dados apreendidos as percepções que permeiam o universo dessa coorte, que foram: sociedade preconceituosa para com a população LGBT; indivíduos sem preconceito; falta de informação e naturalização do processo de envelhecimento.<hr/>Abstract This article aimed to identify the Social Representations of the facilitators of Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) living groups regarding LGBT old age, from Ceará and Piauí states, Brazil. This is an exploratory and descriptive study with cross-sectional data. To collect data, sociodemographic questfonnaire and semi-structured interviews were used. The study included 20 facilitators of living groups, both sexes, aged between 22 and 49 years (M = 30.95; SD = 7.41). It was verified from the data apprehended as perceptions that permeate the universe of this cohort, which were: prejudiced society for the LGBT population; isolated without prejudice; lack of information and naturalization of the aging process. <![CDATA[An outlook to entrepreneurship from a literature review]]> Resumen Este artículo presenta una aproximación a las formas como parte de la literatura, desde la perspectiva psicológica, considera el emprendimiento, los conceptos, las nociones, las teorías y los métodos que emplea para su estudio. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido. Se identifica la existencia de tres tendencias de abordaje: atributos personales, interacción persona-contexto y carrera; con una tendencia de abordajes de orden positivista como forma de producción de conocimiento, y la consideración del emprendimiento como forma de re-institucionalización del trabajo por cuenta propia, y como opción ante la falta de oportunidades de empleo en el marco de las transformaciones contemporáneas del mundo del trabajo.<hr/>Abstract This paper presents an outlook to the ways as part of the literature, which belong to the psychological perspective, considers entrepreneurship, concepts, notions, theories and methods used for its study. Content analysis as a research technique is used. Three approach tendencies -personal attributes, person-context interaction and career- and a tendency toward positivism as a way of knowledge production were found. Entrepreneurship could be a re-institutionalization of self-employment and an option facing unemployment within the framework of contemporary changes of work field.