Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Psicología desde el Caribe]]> vol. 37 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Relationships Between Individuals and Organizations]]> <![CDATA[The Consultation in the Times of WhatsApp: A Quick Review of the Literature]]> Resumen Las tecnologías digitales en salud han permitido que los pacientes estén mejor informados, reducir tiempos y distancias para intervenciones en salud, lo que ha generado un cambio en la relación médico-paciente. El objetivo de este artículo fue explorar la evidencia relacionada con la influencia de WhatsApp en la relación médico-paciente. Por ello, se realizó una rápida revisión de la literatura en cinco bases de datos científicas. Obtuvimos un total de cuatro estudios que completaron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión: un reporte de caso, un estudio de casos y controles y dos estudios observacionales. El 65 % de los estudios incluidos informaron el uso de WhatsApp para la relación médico-paciente. La aplicación WhatsApp puede ser una herramienta útil como canal de comunicación en la relación. Se requiere tener especial cuidado con los aspectos éticos y legales de la comunicación entre profesionales y pacientes.<hr/>Abstract Digital technologies in health have allowed patients to be better informed, reduce times and distances for interventions in health, which has generated a change in the doctor-patient relationship. The objective of this article was to explore the evidence related to the influence of WhatsApp among the doctor-patient relationship. Therefore, a rapid review of the literature was carried out in five scientific databases. We obtained a total of four studies who completed the inclusion criteria for the review: a report case study, a case-control study, and two descriptive studies. 65% of the included studies reported the usage of WhatsApp for medical - patient relationship. WhatsApp application can be a useful tool as a communication channel in the relationship. Is required to take special care with ethical and legal aspects of communication between professionals and patients. <![CDATA[The Caregiver’s Narratives: Themes, Plots and Concurrences of the Story Associated with Burden]]> Resumen Este artículo deriva de la dificultad de trabajar con cuidadores y del interés por comprender mejor las dificultades propias del rol de 51 cuidadores adultos usuarios de Cifel IPS inscritos en el Programa de Prevención del Síndrome del Cuidador. El estudio planteó como objetivo identificar las estructuras narrativas asociadas a la sobrecarga, se realizó una caracterización de los participantes, se aplicó la Escala de Zarit (EZ) y se desarrollaron los talleres en los que se recolectaron los relatos de los participantes, que posteriormente se consignaron en una matriz de análisis. En los resultados, se muestra que el 31 % de los participantes tienen una sobrecarga intensa, mientras que en los relatos se encontraron temas recurrentes de cansancio, hiperexigencia y protección; ramas dominantes en un binomio éxito-fracaso y una perpetuación trágica del rol; y concurrencias redundantes relacionadas con cuidadores secundarios y relaciones fallidas. Se concluye que la estructura del relato del cuidador se basa en la abnegación de su rol, de modo que en la narrativa el cuidador no contempla cambios radicales en su vida, además, el rol y las funciones de cuidador tienen una fuerte presencia en la narrativa identitaria de la persona, lo que se relaciona con la sensación subjetiva de imposibilidad de cambio. Ello implica reconsiderar el tratamiento integral del paciente, en la medida en que la salud mental del cuidador se relaciona con la forma como el cuidador relata su rol.<hr/>Abstract This research work derives from the difficulty of working with caregivers and the interest in better understanding the difficulties inherent in the role of 51 adult caregivers using CIFEL IPS enrolled in the caregiver syndrome prevention program. The objective of the study was to identify the narrative structures associated with the burden; a characterization of the participants was carried out, the Zarit Scale (EZ) was applied, and followed by workshops where the participants’ stories were collected, which were subsequently recorded in an analysis matrix. The results show that 31% of the participants have an intense burden, while in the accounts a) Recurrent themes of fatigue, hyperdemand and protection were found; b) Dominant plots in a success/failure binomial and a tragic perpetuation of the role; c) Redundant concurrences related to secondary caregivers and failed relationships. It is concluded that the structure of the caregiver story is based on the abnegation of his role, so that in the narrative the caregiver does not contemplate radical changes in his life, in addition, the role and functions of caregiver has a strong presence in the narrative identity of the person, which is related to the subjective feeling of impossibility of change. This implies reconsidering the comprehensive treatment of the patient, insofar as the mental health of the caregiver is related to the way in which the caregiver relates to his/her role. <![CDATA[What is the Quality of Life at Work?: An Approximation From the Grounded Theory]]> Resumen En la literatura, no existe un consenso respecto de qué es la calidad de vida en el trabajo (CVT), por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo a una muestra de definiciones de este constructo. Se utilizó la teoría fundamentada para identificar la teoría que subyace a 81 definiciones de la CVT. La metodología utilizada fue identificación y selección de artículos de investigación que definen la CVT, identificación, análisis y codificación de las definiciones de CVT, generación de la teoría que subyace a las definiciones de CVT y integración de resultados. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias (artículos publicados) de bases de datos en el periodo de 1966 a 2019. Los resultados indican que la CVT tiene un enfoque individual (satisfacción de necesidades, equilibrio demandas-recursos laborales y bienestar en el trabajo) y organizacional (filosofía o estrategia organizacional, y un conjunto de métodos, técnicas, procesos o acciones dirigidas a lograr la CVT). También se identificó que la CVT es un constructo multidimensional conformado por múltiples factores, clasificados en factores objetivos (CVT del entorno laboral) y subjetivos (CVT psicológica o percibida). La teoría que subyace a las definiciones de la CVT se enfoca a nivel individual en la satisfacción de necesidades, la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores, y a nivel organizacional se dirige a lograr una mayor productividad y competitividad con el uso de técnicas y estrategias.<hr/>Abstract In the literature there is no consensus regarding what is Quality of Working Life (QWL). The objective of this work was to perform a qualitative analysis of a sample of definitions of this construct. The grounded theory was used to identify the theory underlying 81 definitions of QWL. The methodology used was: a) identification and selection of research articles that define QWL, b) identification, analysis and coding of QWL definitions, c) generation of the theory underlying QWL definitions, and d) integration of results. Secondary sources (published articles) of databases were used in the period from 1966- 2019. The results indicate that QWL has an individual focus (satisfaction of needs, balance demands-labor resources, well-being at work) and organizational (philosophy or organizational strategy, and a set of methods, techniques, processes or actions aimed at achieving QWL). Also, it was identified that the QWL is a multidimensional construct conformed by multiple factors, classified into objective factors (QWL of the working environment) and subjective factors (psychological or perceived QWL). The theory behind QWL definitions focuses on the individual level of satisfaction of needs, health and well-being of workers, and on an organizational level, QWL is aimed at achieving greater productivity and competitiveness with the use of techniques and strategies. <![CDATA[Relation Between Child Abuse and Dating Violence in a Sample of Colombian Young Adults]]> Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación entre el historial de maltrato infantil y la perpetración y victimización de violencia en el noviazgo. En la investigación, participaron 443 jóvenes de Bogotá (Colombia), con una edad media de 20,64 (DT = 3,911). El instrumento utilizado incluía la versión modificada de la Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) y otras preguntas de elaboración propia. Los resultados reportan que el maltrato infantil continúa siendo un grave problema: el 43 % manifiesta que ha sido víctima de maltrato psicológico; y el 36 %, de maltrato físico en la infancia. Los antecedentes de maltrato infantil parecen estar asociados con la violencia en las relaciones de pareja en la juventud. Las personas de la muestra que han sido objeto de maltrato físico y psicológico en la infancia, en comparación con las que no, puntúan significativamente más en distintas formas de perpetración y victimización de violencia en el noviazgo. Estos resultados pueden servir para poner en marcha acciones de prevención y sensibilización que impidan la reproducción de la violencia.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze the relation between the history of child abuse and the victimization and perpetration of dating violence. The research sample consists of 443 young adults from Bogotá (Colombia) and their mean age is 20.64 years (SD = 3.911). The instrument is composed of the modified version of the Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) and other questions (ad hoc). The results show that, during childhood, 43% of participants suffered psychological abuse and 36% of them suffered physical abuse. The history of child abuse appears to be associated with dating violence in emerging adulthood. Participants who have experienced physical and psychological abuse in childhood, compared to those who have not, score significantly higher in different forms of perpetration and victimization of dating violence. The results can be used to implement educational actions to prevent the reproduction of violence <![CDATA[The Feelings and Personality Traits of Alienating Parents: an Integrative Review]]> Resumo Nos últimos anos, o aumento no número de separações e divórcios tem contribuído para a elevação das demandas relacionadas a casos de alienação parental (AP) tanto nas disputas jurídicas por custódia quanto nos consultórios de psicologia. Tendo em vista os impactos desta condição, o presente estudo objetivou investigar quais são os sentimentos e os traços de personalidade presentes nos pais que podem contribuir para a realização da AP. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura por meio da consulta às bases de dados virtuais Bvs, Scielo, Pepsic, Pubmed e PsycINFO. Foram localizados inicialmente 418 artigos e após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão restaram nove estudos. Os principais resultados encontrados sugerem que os sentimentos da esfera da agressividade predominam nos pais alienadores, seguidos por sentimentos associados ao perigo e à tristeza. Em relação à personalidade, foi observada a presença de traços de personalidade histriónica, narcisista e paranoide. Novos estudos que investiguem a personalidade dos pais alienadores são necessários assim como o desenvolvimento e a implementação de leis que tornem mandatória a presença de acompanhamento psicológico durante processos jurídicos relacionados a AP.<hr/>Abstract In the last years, the rise in the number of separations and divorces has contributed to the increase of the demands related to cases of parental Alienation (PA) both in the legal disputes for custody and in the clinics of psychology. Considering the impacts of this condition, the present study aimed to investigate which are the feelings and personality traits present in the parents that can contribute to the presentation of PA. An integrative literature review was conducted by consulting the virtual databases Vhl, Scielo, Pepsic, Pubmed and PsycINFO. Initially, 418 articles were found, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, nine studies remained. The main findings suggest that the aggressiveness predominate in the alienating parents, followed by feelings associated with danger and sadness. About the personality, histrionic, narcissistic and paranoid personality traits were observed. New studies that investigate the personality of alienating parents are needed, as well as the development and implementation of laws that make mandatory the presence of psychological counseling during legal proceedings related to PA. <![CDATA[Violence Against Women and Shelter: Reconstruction of Life Project of Ex-Sheltered Brazilian Women]]> Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa qualitativa foi compreender a influência da passagem por uma casa-abrigo na reconstrução do projeto de vida de mulheres brasileiras ex-abrigadas por situação de violência extrema. Foram entrevistadas, em dois momentos, seis mulheres que estiveram abrigadas em uma casa-abrigo da região Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram organizados e analisados com base na Grounded Theory e com auxílio do software Atlas.ti 7.0. Os resultados mostraram que durante a passagem pela casa-abrigo houve dificuldades iniciais, tais como sensação de aprisionamento, dificuldade de adaptação às regras e o fato de não terem notícias do que acontecia fora do local. Por outro lado, as participantes mencionaram que a experiência de abrigamento foi um momento de aprendizado, reflexões e desenvolvimento da autonomia e autoconfiança. Isto as auxiliou na reconstrução dos seus projetos de vida em nível relacional, afetivo, profissional e de saúde, desenvolvendo estratégias para enfrentar situações difíceis em seu cotidiano. Considera-se necessário o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas por meio da criação de espaços efetivos nas casas-abrigo que forneçam elementos para a reconstrução dos projetos de vida das mulheres e do seu acompanhamento após saírem da casa-abrigo, visando à prevenção da violência.<hr/>Abstract The aim of this qualitative research was to analyze the influence of the passage for a shelter in the process of reconstruction of life project of ex-sheltered women ex-sheltered by situation of extreme violence. A group of six women who were housed in a shelter were interviewed. Data analysis was performed through the Grounded Theory together with Atlas.ti 7.0 software. The results showed that in the passage through the shelter there were initial difficulties, such as a feeling of imprisonment, difficulty in adapting to the rules and the not knowing about what happened outside the place. On the other hand, the participants mentioned that the shelter experience was a moment of learning, reflections and development of autonomy and self-confidence. This assisted them in the reconstruction of their life projects in relational, affective, professional and health level, developing strategies to face difficult situations in their daily life. It is necessary to improve public policies through the development of effective spaces in shelters that provide elements for the reconstruction of women's life projects and their follow-up after leaving the shelter with a view to preventing violence.