Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista colombiana de ciencia animal recia]]> vol. 15 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Evaluation of the physical properties of chicken eggs with different types of shell coating]]> RESUMO Este estudo objetivou avaliar os possíveis efeitos do armazenamento por até 28 dias na qualidade de ovos de galinha revestidos por diferentes materiais na casca. Foram utilizados 300 ovos de poedeiras da linhagem Hisex White com 52 semanas de idade. Amostras controle (ovos sem nenhum tipo de revestimento sintético), com revestimento de gelatina no ovo inteiro, com revestimento de gelatina apenas na região da câmara de ar, com revestimento de óleo mineral no ovo inteiro e com revestimento de óleo mineral apenas na região da câmara de ar foram avaliadas in natura e após sete, 14, 21 e 28 dias de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. Foram realizadas análises físicas (pH da clara e da gema, cor da gema, perda de peso por armazenamento, índice gema e de albumen, pesos de albumen, gema e casca) em todas as amostras. Podendo constatar que uso de revestimentos superficiais retardou o processo de perda da qualidade interna dos ovos, sendo que, o revestimento em toda superfície, independentemente do tipo, foi mais eficiente do que somente revestido da superfície da câmara de ar.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the possible effects of storage for up to 28 days on the quality of hen eggs coated with different materials in the shell. Were used 300 eggs from 52-week-old Hisex White laying hens. Control samples (eggs without any type of synthetic coating), with gelatin coating on the entire egg, with gelatin coating only on the air chamber region, with mineral oil coating on the whole egg and with mineral oil coating only on the region of the air chamber were evaluated in natura and after seven, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage at room temperature. Physical analyzes were performed (white and yolk pH, yolk color, storage weight loss, yolk and albumen index, albumen, yolk and shell weights) in all samples. It can be seen that the use of surface coatings delayed the process of loss of internal quality of the eggs, and the coating on the entire surface, regardless of type, was more efficient than just coating the surface of the air chamber. <![CDATA[Vitamins and minerals in the cattle nutrition]]> RESUMO A alimentação é o fator que mais onera um sistema de produção animal. Assim, a utilização de diferentes estratégias de alimentação dos animais ainda é o grande desafio da nutrição animal, principalmente, levando em consideração as exigências nutricionais de diferentes categorias de ruminantes, em especial bovinos em regiões tropicais, haja vista que a sazonalidade na produção de forragens afeta diretamente a produção bovina, promovendo inadequação no atendimento das exigências nutricionais dos animais principalmente em minerais e vitaminas. Uma alimentação que não atenda as exigências nutricionais dos ruminantes gera prejuízos no sistema de produção, além de, em casos mais graves, ocasionar a perda do animal. Estudos que abordam o efeito e a importância de vitaminas e minerais na nutrição bovina são escassos e necessários. Recentemente a National Research Council (NRC) apresentou novos registros das exigências nutricionais das vitaminas e minerais. Essas alterações proporcionam um impacto econômico significativo em relação a nutrição animal. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com esta revisão trazer informações acerca de vitaminas e minerais na nutrição de bovinos em pastejo.<hr/>ABSTRACT Animal feed is the factor that most burdens a production system. Thus, the use of different animal feeding strategies is still the great challenge of animal nutrition, taking into account the nutritional requirements of different categories of ruminants, especially cattle in tropical regions, given that seasonality in forage production directly affects cattle production, promoting inadequacy in meeting the nutritional requirements of animals, mainly in minerals and vitamins. A diet that does not meet the nutritional requirements of ruminants generates losses in the production system, in addition to, in more serious cases, causing the loss of the animal. Studies that address the effect and importance of vitamins and minerals in bovine nutrition are scarce and necessary. Recently the National Research Council (NRC) presented new records of the nutritional requirements of vitamins and minerals. These changes provide a significant economic impact on animal nutrition. In this sense, the objective of this review was to bring information about vitamins and minerals in the nutrition of grazing cattle. <![CDATA[Alternative small-scale rabbit hutch and its environmental monitoring using internet of things (IoT) based sensors]]> ABSTRACT Rabbits are easily affected by heat stress which could be linked to inappropriate housing systems. Most rabbit growers hardly have a standard housing system for their rabbits. They used any design they considered to house the rabbits because they do not have access to appropriate housing designs for the rabbits. An appropriate housing system should adequately consider animal welfare; space requirements per rabbit and the height of the cage. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a rabbit hutch suitable for humid tropical climates and to evaluate the thermal conditions, heat stress index and the total heat production of rabbits subjected to hot weather conditions. A hutch was developed and tested. The thermal conditions of the hutch were evaluated using internet of thing (IoT) based sensors. The result showed that the indoor air temperature of the hutch was 23.79 % lower than that of the outdoor and the indoor relative humidity of 74.07 % higher than that of the outdoor. It was also discovered that with a unit increase in heat stress index, there could be an increase of 1.342 kW in the total heat production of rabbits. With the rabbit hutch in this study, there is a possibility for rabbits not to be subjected to heat stress during hot weather conditions since the indoor air temperature was significantly minimised. The hutch was developed at a total cost of two hundred and twenty-eight US dollars ($228.00).<hr/>RESUMEN Los conejos se ven afectados fácilmente por el estrés por calor que podría estar relacionado con sistemas de alojamiento inadecuados. La mayoría de los criadores de conejos apenas tienen un sistema de alojamiento estándar para sus conejos. Usaron cualquier diseño que consideraron para alojar a los conejos porque no tienen acceso a diseños de alojamiento apropiados para los conejos. Un sistema de alojamiento apropiado debe considerar adecuadamente el bienestar animal; requisitos de espacio por conejo y la altura de la jaula. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una conejera adecuada para climas tropicales húmedos y evaluar las condiciones térmicas, el índice de estrés por calor y la producción total de calor de conejos sometidos a condiciones climáticas cálidas. La cabaña fue desarrollada y probada. Las condiciones térmicas de la cabina se evaluaron utilizando sensores basados en internet de las cosas (IoT). El resultado mostró que la temperatura del aire interior de la cabina fue 23,79 % inferior a la exterior y la humedad relativa interior 74,07 % superior a la exterior. También se descubrió que con un aumento de una unidad en el índice de estrés por calor, podría haber un aumento de 1342 kW en la producción total de calor de los conejos. Con la conejera en este estudio, existe la posibilidad de que los conejos no estén sujetos al estrés por calor durante las condiciones de clima cálido. La cabaña se desarrolló a un costo total de doscientos veintiocho dólares estadounidenses ($228,00). <![CDATA[Performance of beef animals after different corn harvest strategies in a crop-livestock integrated system]]> ABSTRACT Corn can be used in several ways as an animal feed in crop-livestock integrated systems. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate three harvest strategies of corn intercropped with pigeon pea + Palisade grass on weight gain since grazing through finishing. A triple intercropping of corn + pigeon pea + Palisade grass was established in nine hectares (ha) during the 2016/17 season. Treatments were determined according to each corn harvest strategy: whole crop silage (WCS), high moisture corn (HMC) or corn grain (CG). The latter was not harvested due to a low yield and difficulties to hire a combine harvester for only three ha. After harvest, the 9-ha area was divided in six 1.5-ha pens for the grazing phase of the experiment with 30 non-castrated Nelore steers. The same animals were fed feedlot diets based on three sources of corn following the same harvest strategy (treatments): WCS, HMC or CG (bought from a feed industry). During the grazing phase the area that was supposed to be harvested for CG resulted in the greatest (p ≤ 0.05) stocking rate (3.02 LU/ha) and weight gain per area (210 kg of BW/ha) compared with WCS and HMC. There was no response (p≥0.05) of corn source (according to each harvest strategy) on feed conversion ratio (FCR), body weith (BW) growth, subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT), pre-slaughter BW, hot carcass weight (HCW) and dressing percentage (DP) during the finishing phase. The data reported here may be a valuable guideline for decision making according to the beef production system and economic scenario.<hr/>RESUMEN El maíz es un cultivo que puede ser utilizado de varias formas como alimento animal en sistemas integrados cultivo-ganadería. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar tres estrategias de cosecha de maíz intercalado con guandú y pasto Palisade sobre el desempeño animal desde el pastoreo hasta la finalización en un confinamiento. Se estableció un triple intercalado de maíz + guandú + pasto Palisade en nueve hectáreas durante la temporada 2016/17. Los tratamientos se determinaron de acuerdo a cada estrategia de cosecha de maíz: ensilaje integral, maíz de alta humedad o maíz en grano. Este último no se cosechó por el bajo rendimiento y las dificultades para alquilar una cosechadora para solo tres ha. Después de la cosecha, el área de 9 hectáreas se dividió en seis corrales de 1,5 hectáreas para la fase de pastoreo del experimento con 30 novillos Nelore no castrados. Los mismos animales fueron alimentados con dietas de confinamiento a base de tres fuentes de maíz siguiendo la misma estrategia de cosecha (tratamientos): ensilaje integral, maíz de alta humedad o maíz en grano (el último fue comprado a una industria de alimentos). Durante la fase de pastoreo, el área que se suponía que sería cosechada para maíz en grano resultó en la mayor (p≤0.05) carga animal (3.02 unidad ganadera/ hectárea) y ganancia de peso por área (210 kg de peso corporal/ hectárea) en comparación con ensilaje integral y maíz de alta humedad. No hubo efecto (p ≥0.05) de la fuente de maíz (según cada estrategia de cosecha) sobre la tasa de conversión alimenticia, el crecimiento del peso corporal, el grosor de la grasa subcutánea, el peso corporal antes del sacrificio, el peso de la canal caliente y rendimiento de la canal durante la fase de confinamiento. Los datos aquí reportados pueden ser una guía útil para la toma de decisiones según el sistema de producción de carne y el escenario económico. <![CDATA[Prevalence of mastitis and productive characterization in small producers of Simijaca and Tenjo (Cundinamarca), Colombia]]> RESUMEN La mastitis bovina es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa de la glándula mamaria, generada principalmente por una invasión bacteriana, dando como resultado una disminución en la calidad y cantidad de leche, así como en la rentabilidad para el productor. La mastitis subclínica, es la más frecuente y presenta una prevalencia de 45,35% en pequeños productores. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la prevalencia de mastitis bovina y caracterizar algunos parámetros productivos de los pequeños productores de los municipios de Tenjo y Simijaca. Se realizó un estudio transversal donde se encuestaron 20 pequeños productores, 14 del municipio de Tenjo y 6 de Simijaca, donde se abordó los parámetros productivos y de manejo lechero, adicional se realizó una prueba CMT para evaluar la prevalencia de estos municipios. Finalmente se incorporó un software estadístico OpenEpi realizando una estadística descriptiva de los datos, con el cual se logró identificar que un 46,32% de mastitis (clínica, subclínica y cuartos perdidos) de manera general, un 50% en el municipio de Tenjo y 38,46% en Simijaca Cundinamarca. Además, se realizó una clasificación de las fincas según el promedio de leche diario, clasificándolas en productoras de &lt;11L y ≥11L promedio día, las fincas &lt;11L presentaron un 44,91% de mastitis y las ≥11L un 47,38% de mastitis, evidenciando que las vacas de Tenjo y las fincas productoras de ≥11L promedio día son más susceptibles a presentar mastitis debido al manejo que se les da.<hr/>ABSTRACT Bovine mastitis is an infectious disease of the mammary gland, generated by a bacterial invasion, resulting in a decrease in the quality and quantity of milk, as well as in the profitability for the producer. Subclinical mastitis is the most frequent and has a prevalence of 45.35% in small producers. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of bovine mastitis and characterize some productive parameters of small producers in the municipalities of Tenjo and Simijaca. A cross-sectional study was conducted where twenty small producers were surveyed, 14 from the municipality of Tenjo and 6 from Simijaca, where the productive parameters and dairy management were addressed, in addition, a CMT test was carried out to evaluate the prevalence of these municipalities. Finally, OpenEpi statistical software was incorporated, conducting descriptive statistics of the data, with which it was possible to identify that 46.32% of mastitis (clinical, subclinical, and lost quarters) in general, 50% in the municipality of Tenjo and 38.46% in Simijaca Cundinamarca. Also, a classification of the farms was made according to the average daily milk, classifying them into producers of &lt;11L and ≥11L average per day, farms &lt;11L presented 44.91% of mastitis and ≥11L 47.38%. of mastitis, showing that Tenjo cows and farms producing ≥11L average day are more susceptible to mastitis due to the management given to them. <![CDATA[OPC sheep feed with <em>Pennisetum purpureum</em> silage and supplemented with cassava bran]]> RESUMEN El uso de subproductos agroindustriales con elevado contenido de almidón, como el afrecho de yuca, es una alternativa para mejorar la calidad de la dieta en ovinos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el consumo, la digestibilidad de nutrientes y la conducta de ingestión de ovinos de pelo criollos colombiano que consumen ensilado de Pennisetum purpureum y diferentes niveles de afrecho de yuca. El experimento tuvo una duración de 112 d, divididos en cuatro periodos de 28 d. Los tratamientos consistieron en cuatro niveles de afrecho de yuca suministrados a ovejas que consumían ensilado de P. purpureum: un control donde se suministró ensilado a voluntad, y otros tres a los que adicionalmente se les ofertaron 100, 200 ó 300 g d-1 de afrecho de yuca. Se emplearon cuatro ovejas de pelo criollo colombiano que fueron asignadas a los tratamientos según un diseño experimental cuadrado latino 4x4x4. El afrecho de yuca afectó el consumo de materia seca, lignina, carbohidratos no fibrosos y materia orgánica (p&lt;0.01); además, la digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (p=0.0443). No se presentó efecto de la inclusión de afrecho de yuca sobre la conducta de ingestión, glucosa en sangre y el peso vivo (p&gt;0.05). Los resultados sugieren que la adición de afrecho de yuca hasta 300 g d-1 es una alternativa de alimentación para ovejas, ya que aumenta la ingestión de nutrientes, sin afectar la digestibilidad de la dieta, ni el hábito de consumo.<hr/>ABSTRACT The use of agro-industrial by-products with a high starch content, such as cassava bran, is an alternative to improve the quality of the diet in sheep. The aim of this work was to determine consumption, digestibility of nutrients and ingestion behavior of Colombian woolless sheep that consume Pennisetum purpureum silage and different levels of cassava bran. The experiment lasted 112 d, divided into four periods of 28 d. The treatments consisted of four levels of cassava bran supplied to sheep that consumed P. purpureum silage: a control where silage was supplied ad libitum, and another three that were additionally offered 100, 200 or 300 g d-1 of cassava bran. Four Colombian Creole Hair ewes were assigned to the treatments according to a 4x4x4 latin square experimental design. Cassava bran affected the intake of dry matter, lignin, non-fibrous carbohydrates, and organic matter (p&lt;0.01); in addition, the digestibility of organic matter (p=0.0443). There was no effect of the inclusion of cassava bran on eating behavior, blood glucose and live weight (p&gt;0.05). These results suggest that the addition of cassava bran up to 300 g d-1 is a feeding alternative for sheep, since it increases the nutrient intake, without affecting the digestibility of the diet or the consumption behavior.