Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Case reports]]> vol. 3 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[CASE REPORT: ACTIVE PROGRESSIVE BASED ON CLINICAL PRACTICE LEARNING (APB-C)]]> <![CDATA[ENVENOMATION CAUSED BY THE BITE OF THE SNAKE BOTHRIECHIS SCHLEGELII. REPORT OF TWO CASES IN COLOMBIA]]> ABSTRACT The bite by snakes of the Bothriechis genus is common in certain areas of Colombia such as the Coffee-growing Region. Due to their arboreal habits and defensiveness, these snakes usually bite farmers in their upper limbs and face. In Colombia, the incidence of accidents caused by these snakes has not been accurately estimated yet because of deficiencies in recording this type of cases, as well as of the ignorance on this reptile by health personnel working in its area of influence. This paper describes two cases of bites by B. schlegelii occurred in Colombia during 2015. The first case is about a 55-year-old man who was bitten on the left hand, and subsequently developed paresthesia and edema until the forearm, with no other findings; the patient underwent treatment with polyvalent antivenin from Probiol®, with complete resolution of the event. The second case portrays a 62-year-old man, bitten on the left hand, presenting with emesis, diaphoresis, edema until shoulder, prolonged clotting times, and no bleeding; the patient required eight vials of polyvalent antivenin from Instituto Nacional de Salud (National Institute of Health, Colombia), thereby normalizing clotting times. Complete resolution of the event was achieved.<hr/>RESUMEN La mordedura de serpiente del género Bothriechis es frecuente en regiones de Colombia como el eje cafetero. Debido a sus costumbres arborícolas y su actitud defensiva, por lo general estas serpientes muerden a agricultores en sus miembros superiores y rostro. En Colombia, la incidencia de accidentes provocados por este tipo de serpiente aún no ha sido estimada con exactitud, ya que existen deficiencias en el registro de los mismos, así como desconocimiento de este reptil por parte del personal de salud que trabaja en su área de influencia. En este artículo se presentan dos casos de mordeduras por B. schlegelii ocurridos en Colombia en 2015. El primero, un hombre de 55 años con mordedura en mano izquierda, que desarrolló parestesias y edema hasta antebrazo sin otros hallazgos y que fue sometido a tratamiento con antivipérido polivalente de Probiol®, con resolución completa del evento. Por su parte, el segundo caso es el de un hombre de 62 años que fue mordido en mano izquierda, presentando emesis, diaforesis, edema hasta el hombro y tiempos de coagulación prolongados, sin sangrado; el paciente requirió ocho ampollas de antivipérido polivalente del Instituto Nacional de Salud (Colombia), con lo que se logró normalización de tiempos de coagulación y resolución completa del evento. <![CDATA[THROMBOELASTOGRAPHYGUIDED TRANSFUSION THERAPY IN A PREGNANT PATIENT WITH HEMORRHAGIC DENGUE FEVER HOSPITALIZED IN ICU. CASE REPORT]]> ABSTRACT Dengue fever is the biggest public health issue in tropical countries. A significant percentage of patients who suffer from this disease require admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) due to the severity of the clinical picture. This case reports the clinical evolution of an eight-week pregnant woman with dengue fever associated with thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. The patient comes from an endemic area for tropical diseases, fact that led to diagnose dengue fever with hemorrhagic characteristics. During her stay in the ICU, the patient presented with first trimester bleeding and placental hematoma. Therefore, and considering the pregnancy and the risk of loss, the hematological function was monitored through thromboelastography. The transfusion of blood products was decided according to the specific findings. Controlling and reversing the obstetric bleeding process was possible, the patient condition evolved favorably, and she was subsequently discharged from the ICU. This article reports on the usefulness of dynamic monitoring the hematological function using thromboelastography in patients with hemorrhagic dengue fever and special conditions such as pregnancy.<hr/>RESUMEN El dengue es una enfermedad considerada como el mayor problema de salud pública en países tropicales. Un importante porcentaje de pacientes que lo padecen requieren ingreso a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) debido a la severidad del cuadro clínico. El presente caso reporta la evolución clínica de una gestante de ocho semanas con cuadro febril asociado a trombocitopenia y leucopenia. La paciente procede de un área endémica para enfermedades tropicales, lo que lleva a realizar un diagnóstico de dengue con características hemorrágicas. En la UCI, la paciente presenta hemorragia del primer trimestre y hematoma placentario, por lo que, ante el estado de embarazo y el riesgo de pérdida del mismo, se decide monitorizar la función hematológica con tromboelastrografía y transfundir hemoderivados según los hallazgos específicos. Se logra controlar y revertir el proceso de sangrado obstétrico con evolución favorable de la paciente y egreso de UCI. En el presente artículo se reporta la utilidad de la monitorización dinámica de la función hematológica con tromboelastografia en pacientes con dengue hemorrágico y condiciones especiales, tales como el embarazo. <![CDATA[STUMP APPENDICITIS IN A 2 YEAR-OLD PATIENT. CASE REPORT AND LITERATURE REVIEW]]> ABSTRACT Stump appendicitis is a rare cause of acute abdomen in the pediatric population, therefore, it is not suspected frequently. This paper presents the case report of a 2-year-old child admitted into the emergency room due to vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. On admission, the patient presented with tachypnea, tachycardia, abdominal bloating and abdominal tenderness; laboratories showed leukocytosis, thrombocytosis and an elevated C-reactive protein (CPR) levels. Abdominal obstruction was considered because of a prior history of peritonitis associated with perforated appendicitis. However, an emergency laparotomy had to be performed during hospitalization due to hemodynamic deterioration and worsening of abdominal pain. Peritonitis, appendicitis, intestinal perforation and an incidental Meckel's diverticulum were found. After surgery, the patient was taken to the intensive care unit, where antibiotic therapy was administered for 14 days and multiple peritoneal lavages were performed; finally, the patient was discharged. Even though stump appendicitis is not a common cause of acute abdomen, it should be kept in mind in patients with history of appendectomy accompanied by abdominal pain, who attend the emergency service. Delay in diagnosis and treatment is associated with higher morbidity rates and an increase in medical costs.<hr/>RESUMEN La apendicitis del muñón es una causa poco común de abdomen agudo quirúrgico en niños, razón por la cual su diagnóstico no se sospecha con frecuencia. Este artículo reporta el caso de un paciente de dos años admitido en el servicio de urgencias por vómito, dolor abdominal y fiebre. Al ingreso, el paciente presentaba taquicardia, taquipnea, distensión abdominal y dolor difuso a la palpación del abdomen; los laboratorios evidenciaban leucocitosis, trombocitosis y elevación de la PCR. Inicialmente, se consideró obstrucción intestinal con base en antecedentes de peritonitis secundaria a una apendicitis perforada; sin embargo, debido al deterioro hemodinámico y al aumento del dolor abdominal, fue llevado a laparotomía exploratoria de urgencia. Durante el procedimiento se encontró peritonitis generalizada con apendicitis de la base, perforación intestinal, múltiples adherencias y, de forma incidental, un divertículo de Meckel. Se realizaron las intervenciones quirúrgicas correspondientes, y por su grave estado, fue hospitalizado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), en donde recibió tratamiento con antibiótico de amplio espectro por 14 días y varios lavados peritoneales; por último, el paciente fue dado de alta satisfactoriamente. Aunque la apendicitis del muñón no es una causa frecuente de abdomen agudo, es necesario considerarla en aquellos pacientes con antecedentes de apendicitis y que ingresan por dolor abdominal, ya que la demora en el tratamiento se asocia con mayor morbilidad y aumento en los costos de atención. <![CDATA[REYNOLDS SYNDROME: A RARE RHEUMATOLOGIC DISEASE THAT INTERNISTS SHOULD HAVE IN MIND. CASE REPORT]]> ABSTRACT Introduction: Reynolds syndrome (RS) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by overlapping primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (lcSSc). Some published cases do not report pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and diagnoses are usually based on clinical, immunological and histological findings, mainly focused on dermatologic features, on those associated with Sjogren's syndrome, or on an interesting presentation of malignant thymoma; only one case of reported PAH was found, but it was an image report. Case Presentation: This paper reports the case of a 75-year-old woman who presented with some of the features mentioned above, severe PAH, dyspnea for one month and two weeks of purulent expectoration, as well as generalized pruritus, nasal telangiectasias, Raynaud phenomenon, sclerodactyly, and high levels of alkaline phosphatase and transaminases. Pulmonary arterial hypertension was documented through a transthoracic echocardiogram, and inmunoflorecence reported mitochondrial and centromere patterns of antinuclear-antibodies. Consequently, RS was diagnosed and phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors were started for PAH treatment resulting in the improvement of dyspnea. Conclusion: Dyspnea could be caused by many conditions, but in the presence of clinical and physical findings, it suggests an autoimmune disorder. Scleroderma should be considered and, additionally, PAH should be investigated since it is present in up to 10% of patients, conferring a worse prognosis. Internists should keep in mind that these disorders may be associated with other autoimmune diseases. <![CDATA[ACCURATE DIAGNOSE AND MANAGEMENT OF ADVANCED NASAL TYPE EXTRANODAL NK/T CELL LYMPHOMA. A CASE REPORT]]> ABSTRACT Extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, is a rare entity in otorhinolaryngology. Its management requires skilled physicians in order to suspect this disease and making a proper diagnosis at early stages. This paper reports the case of a 31-year-old male patient, with one month of nasal obstruction, recurrent sinusitis, palatal ulceration and a necrotizing lesion. Histopathology reported lymphoid infiltrate polymorph angiocentric growth pattern and extensive areas of necrosis. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the phenotype for T/NK cells: positive CD3, BCL2, CD4 and CD56. IgG for Epstein-Barr virus was also positive. The initial staging was T4, N1, M0, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scale was 1, with intermediate risk, and low International Prognostic Index (IPI); based on this results, the patient was referred to oncology to initiate treatment. After a ten-month follow-up, the patient's condition improved, with complete remission of nasal and palate injuries; no relapse has occurred to date. This case is a clear example of the importance of early diagnostic through multiple biopsies in order to establish a specific treatment to decrease complication rates and improve prognosis. <![CDATA[INFECTED PULMONARY INFARCTION CASE REPORT]]> ABSTRACT Introduction: Pulmonary infarction occurs in 29% to 32% of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). The infection of a pulmonary infarction is a complication in approximately 2 to 7% of the cases, which makes it a rare entity. Case Presentation: 49-year-old woman with pleuritic pain in the left hemithorax that irradiated to the dorsal region, associated with dyspnea and painful edema in the left lower limb of two days of evolution. Two weeks prior to admission, the patient suffered from a left knee trauma that required surgical intervention; however, due to unknown reasons, she did not receive antithrombotic prophylaxis. Physical examination showed tachycardia, tachypnea and painful edema with erythema in the left leg. After suspecting a pulmonary thromboembolism, anticoagulation medication was administered and a chest angiotomography was requested to confirm the diagnosis. The patient experienced signs of systemic inflammatory response, and respiratory deterioration. A control tomography was performed, suggesting infected pulmonary infarction. Antibiotic treatment was initiated, obtaining progressive improvement; the patient was subsequently discharged, and continued with anticoagulation medication and follow-up on an outpatient basis. Conclusions: Pulmonary infarction is a frequent complication in patients with PTE. Therefore, infected pulmonary infarction should be suspected in patients with clinical deterioration and systemic inflammatory response. The radiological difference between pulmonary infarction and pneumonia is not easily identified, thus the diagnostic approach is clinical, and anticoagulant and antimicrobial treatment should be initiated in a timely manner.<hr/>RESUMEN Introducción El infarto pulmonar ocurre entre un 29 y un 32% de pacientes con tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP). Por su parte, la infección de un infarto pulmonar complica aproximadamente del 2 al 7% de los casos, lo que hace que el infarto pulmonar infectado sea una entidad poco frecuente. Descripción del caso Mujer de 49 años con dolor pleurítico en hemitórax izquierdo, irradiado a región dorsal, asociado a disnea y edema doloroso de miembro inferior izquierdo de dos días de evolución. Dos semanas antes de su ingreso la paciente sufrió trauma de rodilla izquierda, el cual que requirió intervención quirúrgica; sin embargo, por motivos desconocidos, no recibió profilaxis anti trombótica. En el examen físico se encontró taquicardia, taquipnea y edema doloroso con eritema en pierna izquierda. Al existir alta sospecha de tromboembolia pulmonar se inició anticoagulación y se solicitó angiotomografía de tórax, con la cual fue posible confirmar el diagnóstico. Durante su evolución, la paciente experimentó signos de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, deterioro respiratorio. Se realizó tomografía de control sugestiva de infarto pulmonar infectado. Se inició antibiótico y la paciente mejoró de forma progresiva; después de esta mejora, fue dada de alta para continuar anticoagulación y seguimiento ambulatorios. Conclusiones El infarto pulmonar es una complicación frecuente en pacientes con TEP. Por lo tanto, debe sospecharse infarto pulmonar infectado en pacientes con deterioro clínico y respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. La diferencia radiológica entre infarto pulmonar y neumonía no es fácil de identificar, su enfoque diagnóstico es clínico y el tratamiento anticoagulante y antimicrobiano debe iniciarse de manera oportuna.