Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Investigación y Desarrollo]]> vol. 32 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[The replaceability of the subject in the pandemic postmodernity of the 21st century]]> resumen está disponible en el texto completo<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: This research article addresses the understanding of the resignification of the concept of love from the transformations generated by the pandemic and the confinement by Covid-19 in Medellín (Colombia) between 2020 and2023, making a brief account of the heuristic memory used for the design, collection and analysis of research information, specifying methodological elements on which the process was based and the ways by which it was possible to come up with new findings; Subsequently, some semantic networks generated in the atlas.ti software are presented with their respective analyzesfrom which a session ofresults and conclusions is projected. Materials and methods: Regarding the investigative structure, four moments were developed. In the first one, the ontoepistemological foundation was developed, for which printed and digital scientific bibliographic sources were used, analyzing more than 250 articles in English and Spanish. The second moment was the development and application of semi-structured interviews to key informants. The third moment was the realization of the panel of experts with the adaptation of the Delphi methodology. The fourth, and last moment, was the analysis of the information collected for the consolidation of the products and results of the research through analysis matrices and the atlas.ti software for qualitative data processing. The research was developed in the city of Medellín from January 2021 to May 2023. The key informants were selected through the intentional sampling model, which responded to the criteria that guided the investigative process. Thus, the main inclusion criteria, for the general population, were being of legal age and having been part of an emotional or family relationship during the period of confinement by Covid-19 in the city of Medellín. The key informants were chosen among consultants of the psychology service, in total, 30 interviews were carried out with the general population. On the other hand, four professionals in psychology were selected whose professional work was related to the attention to the previously described population before, during and after the period of confinement. Finally, four experts were selected to carry out the panel, trained in clinical psychology, social work, sociology and sexology. Results: The data collected was processed through the Atlas.ti software, in which 38files corresponding to the transcripts of interviews with the population, interviews with professionals and panel of experts were collected. Likewise, in the processing of information, six main categories were identified in which 32 emerging codes were grouped, supported by 918 citations of the analyzed instruments. As a result of this research, it has been shown that pandemic postmodernity generated changes regarding the meaning of the concept of love, while exacerbating the characteristic elements of postmodernity, such as the relativization of ties. Added to this is a reality that had a direct impact on such ties, such as the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which not only affected people's health, but also caused profound transformations in the social fabric, from in particular, in relational dynamics, as it fostered the permanent use of digital and virtual networks given the mandatory nature of social distancing. In this same logic, the research sought a deep reflection on those new scenarios that were arranged by confinement in the context of postmodernity, particularly analyzing the way in which couples and families began to live new relational experiences in affective matters. . In this way, it is understood that love is a dynamic concept that changes according to the social and contextual particularities that, in this case, generated the pandemic. Among the most significant findings of this research, it is found that, in effect, great and profound transformations have been perceived around the meaning of the concept of love, given that the pandemic and confinement were activators of affective conflicts that had not been processed. in other scenarios. The interviewees state that love has been evolving and that a generational gap is beginning to become evident in the way other generations understood and lived love. In this way, family and couple love have taken on new meanings, which go hand in hand with new structural relational models in emotional and affective contacts. In accordance with the above, a large majority of key informants refer that the rise of the media and, particularly, of social networks, have generated profound effects on the concept of love from the perspective of the couple and the family, basing such changes in the amount of time invested in the use of devices and in the relational logics that are established through the different social networks, in which the possibility of meeting hundreds of people is established, having hundreds of close contacts, but, most of the time, without the possibility of generating deep ties. Conclusions: It is concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the use of digital platforms and, consequently, new relational scenarios were consolidated that continue to feed relativism and the link fragility of postmodernity. When carrying out the analysis of the information obtained during the field work, it is possible to recognize some common discourses among the people who participated in the investigation. In this logic, one could speak of interpretations and conceptualizations that have simply begun to be part of the social construct, perhaps as a kind of imaginary in which ideas that become commonplace are simply accepted, which are influenced, or in some cases cases even defined by the massive consumption of content on social networks. Addressing the theme of love was, as anticipated in the onto-epistemological foundation of the research, dealing with a topic in which all people have something to contribute and about which there is always something to say. Added to this approach is the issue of the pandemic, another reality about which all human beings of the present time have something to say, as it is a recent event that affected the lives of all people. Both realities, love and the pandemic, run the risk of falling into subjectivity, taking into account that they end up being personal experiences that may be far from constructions based on an epistemological reflection and of which it can be said that emotions, sensations andfeelings prevail feelings when trying to talk about them. <![CDATA[Proximity television and audiences: tensions in the media territory]]> RESUMEN Objetivo: Las audiencias locales que se sitúan fuera de las capitales y de las grandes urbes deben conformarse con la información y contenidos televisivos nacionales, perdiendo la conexión con sus territorios debido al marcado centralismo de los medios capitalinos. Este artículo caracteriza las tensiones de las audiencias locales del norte de Chile en relación con su televisión local, también denominada de proximidad. Materiales y métodos: La metodología es cualitativa, realizándose grupos focales con las audiencias de seis comunas de la región de Coquimbo que tuviesen televisoras locales operativas y que declarasen ver periódicamente medios locales. Resultados: Entre los hallazgos se destaca el interés y el requerimiento de la ciudadanía por las noticias locales en un claro sentido de proximidad y cercanía con su territorio, detectando además otras demandas sociales, políticas, culturales y educativas de las audiencias que podrían ser canalizadas por las televisoras locales. Se evidencia un distanciamiento y crítica hacia contenidos sensacionalistas de la televisión nacional, siendo el centralismo informativo una de las razones para la poca empatía hacia estos medios de comunicación. A juicio de los participantes, las tensiones entre lo local y lo capitalino no solo se aprecian a nivel país, sino también entre capitales regionales, provincias y comunas, siguiendo la división político-administrativa de Chile. Conclusiones: Se concluye que existe una marcada preferencia por el contenido de proximidad, lo que se explica en parte por el alejamiento y crítica que se declara hacia los medios de cobertura nacional. Se plantean como tensiones la falta de espacios de comunicación y promoción del diálogo social que les permita a las audiencias ser escuchadas por sus actores políticos locales y regionales, desaprovechando el interés de la televidencia local por contenidos de proximidad que les permitan crecer, desarrollarse y lograr una mayor participación ciudadana en el ecosistema medial chileno.<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: Media centralism and the lack of attention to the preferences and demands of local audiences is an obvious reality that must be faced by those who live outside large cities and capitals, understanding that there are audiences that demand local content, but that must settle for aprogrammingproduced from and for the capital, even more so when it comes to the Chilean television system. This article characterizes the tensions of local audiences in northern Chile in relation to their local television, also called proximity. Materials and methods: The study carried out a qualitative methodology, since it seeks to understand human behavior in a given territory and historical moment. The data collection was carried out using the technique of focus groups in order to explain and deepen the situations of people as local audiences and their feelings and thoughts on various problems. The focus groups discussed their local television and their link with national television considering the informational centralism and political centralism within the Coquimbo Region. The sample corresponds to the audience of cities belonging to urban and rural communes of the Coquimbo Region, in Chile, where there are local television media and that have declared their intention to migrate to digital television. The cities that are part of the study are: Andacollo, La Serena, Los Vilos, Illapel and Salamanca. For recruitment, the snowball method was used, with a total of 52 participants. All the participants were over 18 years of age with a residence of more than 10years in the city. There was gender balance. Six focus groups were held in neighborhood offices in each city. The sessions were recorded and later transcribed, being systematized using the Atlas.tisoftware, version 9. Resulted: The results are described through three categories of analysis, regarding the opinions of the audiences: 1) Local information 2) National television: positive and negative aspects and 3) Information centralism and media demands. 1 ) Local information as a center of interest: Audiences place local news among their preferences. In each focus group, the informative genre of these media was highly valued and required. It represents a fundamental demand when evaluating local television positively. 2) Link with national television coverage: Along with the preference for local news, there is also an unfavorable opinion towards national news and towards the journalistic routines of the capital television stations whose coverage privileges the events that occurred in the Metropolitan Region in the information guidelines, often falling into sensationalism, especially when it comes to police court facts. 3) Information centralism and media demands: in the opinion of the participants, the tensions between the local and the capital are not only appreciated at the country level, but also between regional capitals, provinces and communes, following the political-administrative division of Chile. Conclusions: Regarding the characteristics of local television consumption, a first conclusion was the confirmation of the interest and consumption of local audiences in content that addresses issues related to their environment, an issue that is in line with previous studies on communication and local television. Similar to national television consumption, local news represented the preferred content. If there is a fire or a traffic accident in the city, audiences want to see it on their local television and, hopefully, live or as instantly as possible. This is informative content that does not compete in any case with national television, as it deals with local news events. Unless something out of the ordinary happens, whose connotation is national and in this case -the fewest times- the city, province or region makes news and appears nationally. A very important link was detected between local audiences with their own territories. The link was verified through two factors: a) the expectations of seeing local content not only on themes about their cities, but also from geographically broader places, such as communes, provinces or the Coquimbo Region itself; b) a large part of the social demands that underlie the opinions of the audiences surroundfeelings of belonging, desire for decentralization and local development. The need for representation of local audiences is verified, that is, seeing their territories on the screen, feeling reflected on national TV through their cultural, territorial, geographical, touristic, or other particularities is the cause that is associated Local (non-capital) audiences arepart of a marginalized sector from a political and economic point of view. In this sense, there is a glimpse of a disconnection between the political/public world that promotes actions that should benefit the community, but that fail to reach potential users in a good way. In the same line of discussion, social demands for access to public information that benefits them and brings them closer to local political actors are detected. Know and understand the territorial public policies that result in a better quality of life. These social/political demands are intermingled with the media needs that could be channeled into more spaces to debate, talk and express their opinions to participate in the local public debate. <![CDATA[Forms of resistance, experiences and ethnopolitical organization of a Mapuche community in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina]]> RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar desde una perspectiva etnográfica los procesos étnicos-identitarios y la organización etnopolítica de la población indígena en la localidad de Carhué, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Para ello fueron atendidas diversas cuestiones, como las estrategias, los reclamos y las formas de resistencia llevadas a cabo por las familias que la componen. En este análisis resulta central atender a la emergencia étnica de la década de 1990 en espacios urbanos y las legislaciones que tienen como principales destinatarios a los pueblos originarios del país. Materiales y métodos: El trabajo con las familias mapuches de Carhué comenzó en 2018 a partir de una demanda específica para colaborar en la tramitación de su personería jurídica y las pautas de trabajo fueron definidas en conjunto. De esta manera, la metodología parte y se sustenta en el trabajo colaborativo. La perspectiva etnográfica se nutrió de entrevistas formales y dirigidas, charlas informales y observación participante, lo cual se trianguló con la búsqueda de fuentes en diversos archivos y la lectura bibliográfica de antecedentes teóricos en el tema. Resultados: En este trabajo hemos mostrado la necesaria movilización y elaboración de estrategias de las comunidades indígenas para hacer cumplir sus derechos como pueblos preexistentes ante la ausencia de respuestas de los diversos niveles del Estado y la falta de implementación de las leyes y normativas concernientes a los pueblos indígenas. Conclusiones: Pudimos observar que, a pesar de la falta de respuesta en relación con los reclamos indígenas, la organización etnopolítica de la comunidad de Carhué sigue creciendo en pos de visibilizar su presencia en el ámbito local, reclamar por el cumplimiento de derechos y por el acceso a la tierra para disponer de espacios propios para su reproducción y fortalecimiento.<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: This paper seeks to contribute, from the perspective of Social Anthropology, to the analysis of the ethnopolitical organization and identity revaluation of indigenous communities in Argentina. For this purpose, we will focus on the organization process of the families of the Mapuche Kalfulafken community in the urban region of Carhué, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), which has gained momentum in the last decades. In short, the aim is to analyze how indigenous claims in Carhué are constituted around territory, ethnic identity and living conditions by considering resistance strategies and access to resources over time and in relation to the different levels of the State -municipality, province and nation-. Central to this analysis is the indigenous emergence of recent times, which began in the 1990s and is characterized by a growing ethnic awareness and emergence. Additionally, reanalyzing the legislations that principally address the original pueblos of the country and the legal and regulatory advances that, in many cases, are due to the continued mobilization and organization of indigenous groups have been very important in the processes of identity reconstruction. Materials and methods: The approach from which we start this research corresponds to the perspective of Social Anthropology. The fieldwork with the Mapuche families of Carhué began in 2018 from a specific demand to the research/outreach group to collaborate in their request for recognition before the provincial State (through the processing of their legal status). The steps to be followed in the research and the work guidelines were defined together with the community, so that the methodology is based on collaborative work. A bibliographic survey of theoretical antecedents was carried out. The research question focused on the forms of organization of the Mapuche families and their relationship with the processes of ethnic-identity reconfiguration in Carhué, framed in the context of the indigenous emergence and resurgence of ethnic and territorial demands in the area. Returning to the field on several occasions, deepening the topics and reworking the methodological strategies allowed us to construct the objectives and better orient the research. The methodology was ethnographic and a diverse group of actors were interviewed: the members of the indigenous organization, inhabitants of Carhué, governmental and non-governmental officials, and others. Open and in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, individual, and group interviews were carried out. The aim was to reconstruct life histories and trajectories in order to try to understand social phenomena from the perspective of the actors. Thus, participant observation was an importantpart of the fieldwork. The perspective was nurtured and triangulated with the search for primary and secondary sources and complementary cases through the work in the local archive at the request of Kalfulafken, given the importance of making an approach with some historical depth to reconstruct the facts of persecution and violence against indigenous peoples in Argentina. Results: The work is framed within the resurgence of the demands and processes of identity reconstruction that have been gaining strength in the country since the 1990s. The large presence of the indigenous population in urban spaces is highlighted in the face of the historically constructed ideas of denial, discrimination and exclusion that have their roots in the colonial period and continued with the formation of the National State. We focus on the history of ethnopolitical organization and the forms of resistance ofthefamilies of Carhué, which has gained momentum in the last decades and seeks to assert their presence in the urban environment. From which, the members appeal to distance themselvesfrom and question the discourses promoted by state institutions that sought to dominate and make the indigenous population in the region invisible. In this way, we address the strategies and activities implemented by the Kalfulafken community that seek to question the 'official history' and demonstrate the subjugation, discrimination and invisibilization suffered and to reaffirm their current presence in Carhué. Such processes have led, on the one hand, to new links with other ethnopolitical groups, universities, national and local institutions, and on the other hand, to the generation of new spaces for participation and networks in the area in order to have greater visibility and strengthen their claims. In addition, we highlight the community's search for support and recognitionfrom local authorities in order to make their claims viable. Conclusions: From the analysis on the organizational processes of a Mapuche community in the province of Buenos Aires we can make several conclusions. On the one hand, in the absence of responses from the various levels of the State and the lack of implementation of laws and regulations concerning indigenous peoples, it is the communities that must mobilize and develop strategies to enforce their rights as pre-existing peoples. Despite the lack of response to the indigenous claims, the ethnopolitical organization of the community of Carhué continues to grow in order to make its presence visible at the local level and to claim the fulfillment of their rights and the recovery of their territories in order to have their own spaces and cultural autonomy for their reproduction. Another issue that was highlighted was the need forgreater access to funds and social projects that would allow these objectives to be carried out and that wouldprovide scholarships for the younger generations to study. That is to say that these requests that have arisen in the organization are linked, since in order to have autonomy they must have territories and funds to sustain it. In summary, the above allows us to account for the local ethnopolitical work and the impact of the productions and materials produced within the framework of university extension to accompany such processes. Likewise, the presence of indigenous movements makes it clear that the state projects of a homogeneous Argentina have not been achieved. In the case of Kalfulafken we have been able to see that in addition to the processing of their legal status, the community seeks to generate new spaces for intervention and networks in the region to achieve greater visibility and strengthen their claims. <![CDATA[Representation and practices of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System consumption in the university population of Bogotá(Colombia)]]> RESUMEN Objetivo: Colombia cuenta con una legislación de control del tabaco desde 2009 sin embargo, no existe una regulación específica sobre los Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (SEAN), por lo tanto, es vital caracterizar las dimensiones cualitativas de consumo. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las prácticas y representaciones de los consumidores de SEAN con el fin de obtener elementos para orientar las acciones necesarias para prevenir su consumo. Materiales y métodos: Este artículo presenta los resultados identificados en el componente cualitativo de una investigación macro sobre la prevalencia del uso de SEAN entre estudiantes universitarios. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas individuales y 1 grupo focal, analizados con el software NVivo10®. Resultados: Se presentan como resultados principales la identificación de las prácticas de consumo, de las cuales se derivó que el núcleo central de la representación social sobre SEAN es no autónomo, lo que posibilita un cambio que desincentive su consumo; el sistema periférico de la representación está conformado por tres elementos: la dimensión social, el consumo de SEAN como estilo de vida y la dimensión corporal y emocional. Conclusiones: Se concluye que las acciones de prevención de consumo de SEAN deben partir de la identificación de características particulares y exclusivas del consumo de SEAN y la incorporación de los elementos del sistema periférico que permitan abordar un consumo que no se basa en la toma de decisiones informadas.<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: Colombia has had a tobacco control legislation since 2009, however there is no specific regulation on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS). Therefore, it is crucial to characterize the qualitative dimensions of consumption. The study aimed to answer the question: What are the representations and practices of the university population regarding the consumption of SEAN? The objective of the study is to identify the practices and representations of ENDS consumers in order to obtain elements to guide the necessary actions to prevent their consumption. Methods: This paper presents the results identified in the qualitative component of a main study on the prevalence of ENDS use among university students. 14 individual interviews and 1 focus group were conducted and analyzed with the NVivo10® software. The corpus consisted of the transcripts of the 14 interviews and 1 focus group, which constitutes a total of 116 pages of raw data. The techniques used were semi-structured interviews and focus groups, using the Microsoft Teams platform. Taking into account ethical aspects, in each interview and in the focus group the informed consent was read and authorization was requested for the interview to be recorded. The average duration of each interview was one hour and forty-five minutes and the focus group lasted a total of 120 minutes. The capture of practices and representation related to the use/non-use of SEAN was achieved by incorporating two phases of analysis: a)Inductivephase: it was developed with an ordered matrix on the theoretical categories of the project, b)Phase of deductive analysis was carried out based on processes typical of the founded theory that allowed expanding the analytical framework having as its axis the identification of consumption practices and the elements that make up the central core and the peripheral system of representation. Results: The main results are the identification of consumption practices, from which it was derived that the central nucleus of the social representation of SEAN is non-autonomous, which enables a change that discourages its consumption. The reasons and practices for consuming ENDS are closely related to conventional cigarette consumption, which corresponds to the fact that 11 of the 14 interviewees who identify themselves as consumers have consumed conventional cigarettes and only two have been exclusive ENDS consumers. The following practices were identified: a) The consumption motivations were grouped like social, economic and socio-emotional; b) Three types of consumption spaces: prohibited, exclusive and recovered spaces. These last ones are places where you couldn't smoke cigarettes and now they feel empowered to vape; c) There are forms of differential consumption and access to ENDS related to the quality, price, exclusivity and adherence; d) Habits and rituals are not related to moments of daily life, as with cigarettes, but to practices such as searching for and mixing "salts" to obtain flavors, cleaning and maintaining the device, smoking tricks; e) About information channels among the interviewees it was noted that the practice of informed consumption is not frequent and that there are few sources of information that offer low confidence. Finally, the peripheral system of representation is made up of three elements: social dimension, the consumption of SEAN as a lifestyle, bodied and emotional dimension. Conclusion : It is concluded that the actions to prevent the consumption of ENDS should start from the identification of particular and exclusive characteristics of the consumption of ENDS and the incorporation of the elements of the peripheral system that allow addressing a consumption not based on making informed decisions. The main finding is the identification of a non-autonomous representation that stems from the difficulty of establishing notable differentiations between conventional cigarette consumption and e-cigarettes. Therefore, the main vein of research that opens up is to delve into the particular and exclusive characteristics of this consumption. It is essential to incorporate bodily, emotional, and especially social (interpersonal) dimensions as important variables in understanding the practices and representations of e-cigarettes through complex approaches that can break the solid elements on which conventional cigarette consumption is anchored, as it continues to define dynamics of electronic device consumption. It is important at this point to recognize that emotions can be understood as the intermediary between the lived experience in the body and everything that happens in the environment. Thus, it is not possible to think of this representation without recognizing that consumption is an embodied exercise, and the absence of the body in discourses about e-cigarettes can be a revealing element of a disconnection between practices and meanings that are reinforced in the insistence on an action (smoking is smoking) despite the recognition of its negative effects on health (even though it should not be). The understanding of the social representation of e-cigarette consumption in relation to specific practices related to it provides some clues on which to work on processes of information, communication, prevention, and regulation to discourage this consumption that appears relatively new. <![CDATA[Accessibility in video games for the visually impaired population in Colombia]]> resumen está disponible en el texto completo<hr/>ABSTRACT In recent years, the change in the design of video games has become evident, one of them is accessibility for people with different disabilities, despite the laws, which are very limited, there are no standards that require companies, industries and producers from different sectors implement this resource in their projects. From this research, the objective is to investigate the importance that these inclusion games comply with the response to stimuli provided by the industry, in this field, and that the support that the country is giving to this need to be felt is also felt. this visually impaired population. Based on the mixed research methodology, different sources are investigated in order to demonstrate how necessary it is that there are models of inclusion in video games, both entertainment and educational (serious), thus reaching an identity model that. The lack of laws and resources that promote this industry is evidenced. The project made it possible to describe the main strategies and resources that have been proposed and/or implemented in terms of accessibility for people with visual disabilities in Colombia, investigating and comparing the information obtained from the state of the art, and in this way conclude with the impact of these development methods, in the visually impaired population. An important impact has been the technological evolution that other countries have managed to develop for this type of population. As a conclusion, a disparity was found in the development of this project, which is precisely the little accessibility that people with visual disabilities have to video games in Colombia, because beyond the interaction that exists with some, much more access is required. And above all more investment and enactment of laws that support this resource. Using the mixed research methodology, different sources are investigated in order to demonstrate how necessary it is that there are models of inclusion in video games, both entertainment and educational (serious), thus reaching an identity pattern that gives as shows the lack of laws and resources that promote this industry. From this type of research, it was concluded that the lack of resources has been a legible mark that passes through these industries that have the panorama quite compromised by the demands of the market, but that due to this lack of economic resources they cannot reach the levels of implementation. to its mission and vision. Observing what was said above, it becomes complex to be able to carry out a research that clearly defines the inclusion processes for this type of people with said disability in Colombia. Each model of each industry is defined in a different way, since not all of them have this offer in their services. Common to this type of population. What, then, allowed us to conclude this research, finding social differences in each production of a video game? The project allowed us to describe the main strategies that have been proposed and/or implemented in terms of accessibility for people with visual disabilities in Colombia, investigating and comparing the information obtained from the state of the art, as mentioned above. Thus, then, different responses were found to this inclusion, not only in entertainment games but also in educational ones, which in the end are also very important in the classroom, because not only should one think about the distraction game, but also about the playful nature of teaching, thus helping teachers in the development of their classes. In this way, we conclude with the impact of these development methods on the visually impaired population. Another important point that could be evidenced is the evolution of technology, which has brought haptic systems, immersive and dynamic audio, as well as braille itself in digital systems, this, of course, has allowed progress towards much more logical and dynamic resources, but they continue to be limited precisely because they cannot be implemented correctly, due to their high purchasing value. We must think not of people who suffer from visual disabilities, but rather we must think of all social strata with this type of disability who can, with their resources, access this type of technology. Each part of the intervention exercise with state and private companies led to results that concluded in the population with visual disabilities that does not have the possibility of accessing this exercise of inclusion, and beyond the common interest in popularizing these video games, the limitation of certain sectors is seen that do not find in this undertaking a great industry, since the majority assures that it is more lucrative to invest in video games for people without no limitation or disability than investing in this other type of video game In conclusion, the disabled population in Colombia is 3,134,037; this number is very high if we also consider the rural populations that live without any type of resource or technological reach; Due to their socioeconomic condition and location, they are people who have a deterioration in services, then what is the extent of the disabled population in these areas that do not have the support and resources to improve their quality of life? It is almost null, there is no possibility that in the most vulnerable places and far from the reach of the government, inclusion exercises will be carried out with the visually disabled population, because simply in the last population census that was carried out in Colombia in 2018, more than 50% of the population They do not access the Internet, this added to governments that waste state money, it could be said that the level exceeds that percentage. If so, it is very possible that the reach of this population to these technological resources is very bad. A lot of economic investment is required on the part of the state, and for the designers of these technologies to expand to cover their creative enterprises, to the entire population, without the right to exclusion. For this reason, in this project a disparity is evident, which is precisely the little accessibility that people with visual disabilities have to video games in Colombia, not only from entertainment, but from their spaces in the classroom, which is what many demands. academics for their models and resources to work with this population, because beyond the interaction that exists with some (very few), much more access is still required and above all more investment and enactment of laws that support said resource. <![CDATA[Organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout in the administrative staff at the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University]]> resumen está disponible en el texto completo<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the correlation between the organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout in the administrative staff of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University. Methodology: The research was designed as a quantitative study applied with a correlational approach. A cross-sectional non-experimental design was used, since the measurements of the variables were made at a single time. The study population corresponded to a total of430 employees of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, which is why a simple random sampling was applied, with a confidence level of 95 % and a margin of error of 5 %, which allowed to determine a sample of 157 employees. For data collection, the survey technique was applied, therefore, three questionnaires were designed as instruments, one for each variable, with a Likert-type response scale. In the case of the Organizational Climate variable, this was based on three dimensions, namely: a) Recognition, b) Teamwork and c) Innovation, which helped to configure a total of 15 items to be evaluated. For the Job Satisfaction variable, it was based on three dimensions, which were: a) Job satisfaction, b) Satisfaction with remuneration and c) Satisfaction with the physical environment, constituting in turn 15 items to be evaluated, while for the Burnout variable, three dimensions were considered: a) Personal exhaustion, b) Depersonalization and c) Demotivation, for a total of 15 items to be evaluated. The questionnaires were subjected to a validity process according to the opinion of experts, who considered that they were suitable in their construction for application, in addition a pilot test was applied with a sample of 85participants, who were not part of the one included in the study, which allowed to determine that these instruments had an internal consistency of Cronbachs Alpha of0.97, 0.95 and 0.89 for the organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout variables respectively. The data were systematized in an Excel spreadsheet to perform the descriptive statistical analysis, using measures of central tendency to check the frequency and behavior of the variables. Then, the SPSS version 22 program was used to perform inferential statistical calculations. the distribution of the normality of the data was statistically verified using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, since the number of the sample was greater than fifty. For the determination of the correlation between the variables, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used, because the sample presented a non-normal distribution. The significance of the correlation was established by a level of p&lt;0.05 for hypothesis testing. Results: The results showed that between the Organizational climate variable and the Recognition dimension there is an average level of satisfaction (61.14 %), 35.67 % showed a high level of satisfaction and 3.19 % a very high level of satisfaction. Between the Organizational climate and the Teamwork dimension, a result of 2.23 was obtained, which indicates a perception that there is good teamwork. Regarding the Organizational climate and Innovation, it was found that 52.23 % of employees almost alwaysfeel stimulated to innovate, 33.12 % always feel motivated to innovate and 14.6 5 % sometimes feel that motivation. With respect to the variable Job Satisfaction and the dimension satisfaction with work, it was obtained that 60.5 % feel indifferent with respect to job satisfaction and 39.5 % are satisfied. For the Satisfaction with Remuneration dimension, 36.4 % of employees feel indifferent about their remuneration, 39.8 % feel satisfied and 13.1 % feel very satisfied with their remuneration. Regarding the dimension Satisfaction with the physical environment, 38.8 % declared themselves indifferent with respect to this dimension, 23.2 %o feel satisfied and 0.8 % of the samplefeel very satisfied with the physical environment. With respect to the Burnout variable and the Personal exhaustion dimension, 47.13 % of the employees presented a high level of personal burnout, 33.12 % revealed to have an average level of burnout and 19.75% showed a very high level of burnout. As for the aspect of Depersonalization, the results showed that the majority represented by 85.35% has a very high level of depersonalization, only 0.64 % presented a high level of depersonalization and 14.01 % presented an average level of depersonalization. As for the Demotivation dimension, it was obtained that 30.57 % of employees showed an average level of demotivation, while 69.43 % of workers showed a high level. Finally, the results revealed a positive and significant correlation (Spearman's Rho = 0.299) between organizational climate and job satisfaction. Likewise, a weak negative correlation (-0.153) was observed between organizational climate and burnout. In relation to the organizational climate and burnout variables, a weak negative correlation was observed with a coefficient of-0.153. While for the variables job satisfaction and burnout, a correlation coefficient of-0.024 was observed very close to zero. Conclusion: There is a positive and significant correlation between organizational climate and job satisfaction, and a negative and significant correlation between organizational climate and burnout, suggesting that a better organizational climate is associated with higher satisfaction and lower burnout in workers. This relationship highlights the importance of promoting a positive and conducive work environment to improve the job satisfaction of administrative staff. The need to focus on recognition as an essential component to promote greater job satisfaction is highlighted, it is also observed that teamwork and innovation are key aspects that contribute to the favorable organizational climate at the university. These conclusions emphasize the importance of implementing policies and practices that promote recognition, teamwork and the promotion of innovation as strategies to improve job satisfaction and prevent burnout in administrative staff. It is also highlighted that at higher levels of organizational climate, lower levels of administrative staff are observed, which is why it is important to create a healthy work environment and support the emotional well-being of employees to prevent job burnout. Ultimately, the relationship between organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout are a multidimensional dynamic that requires a holistic approach. By continuing to research and apply effective approaches to improving the work climate, organizations can cultivate an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and able to contribute meaningfully. Doingso will not only benefit the workers and the organization, but also set a higher standardfor well-being in the overall work environment. <![CDATA[Assessment of sustainable livelihoods and the application of community capitals: Case study of cattle families from El Doncello, Caquetá-Colombia]]> resumen está disponible en el texto completo<hr/>ABSTRACT Introduction: Bovine cattle raising is the most important line of the economy of Caquetá department and El Doncello municipality, according to the figures given by the Departmental Committee of Cattlemen there is a herd of2,175,065 cattle heads in the region, many of the rural families depend on said economic activity to generate their income; To do this, the life analysis methodology examines the assets that communities have which are called community capital, and the approach they use to meet their fundamental human needs. Objective: To assess sustainable means and the application of community capital in cattle rancher families in the municipality of El Doncello, Caquetá (Colombia). Materials and methods: For the collection of information the producer families of the municipality of El Doncello were assessed; based on the sources of the Departmental Committee of Cattlemen, for this purposefamilies were surveyed and participatory workshops were carried out using the livelihood methodology framing the community capitals (human, natural, financial, physical and social) using 36 variables for the assessment of them, and the fundamental human needs (basic of the person, the environment and of action) that grouped 15 analysis variables; Subsequently, the interpretation and analysis of the data was made through aprincipal component analysis-PCA relating the typologies and each of the variables assessed in this study; all the data were run in the InfoStat Program. Results: It was found that 939 families base their economy on livestock production in the municipality of El Doncello, the human capital of these families was distributed in 72 men representing 15.55 %, 81 women (17.49 %), 143 boys (30.89 %)and 167 girls (36.07%), finding three types of families: Typology 1: families with &lt;50 bovines on theirfarms; Typology 2: between 51 and 100 bovines, and Typology 3: &gt;101 bovines, where financial capital is the one that represents the greatest contribution given its characteristics of income generation and well-beingfor families. The principal component analysis-ACP carried out for social capital divided according to the first principal component-PC1 with a contribution of 62.3 % to Family Typology 1 (families with &lt;50 head of cattle) to the positive end of said component strongly associated with the variables greater participation in projects and organizations to which they belong, with the particularity of having a greater number of members at home; from Typology 3 to the negative end of said component associated with the variables greater number of shared spaces in which they participate and greater level of family participation. In the same way, for natural capital, a separation was observed between Family Typology 1, associated with the variables greater number of water sources, mainly due to the fact that a large part of these producers were in the mountain range zone, greater area in stubble, greater number of spaces used and more activities for consumption, such as plantations of plantain, cocoa, cassava and other subsistence crops and Family Typology 2 strongly associated with the variables greater number of trees in pastures and greater percentage of natural products. One of the most important capitals within the producers is the financial one, for which the following was observed: the first principal component-PC1, with a contribution of 43.7%, separates Typology 1 from the positive end of said component associated with the variable income from daily wages and income from subsidies, these families are the ones that generate the least amount of assets and through which they diversify their income that are not only dependent on livestockproduction as such, but also on other types of economic activities, of the Typology 2 to the negative extreme associated with the variables income from transfers, credits, income from formal employment and income from the sale ofprocessed products, such as cheese. The second main component-PC2, with a contribution of 24.4 %, groups Family Typology 3 strongly associated with the highest income from the sale of space-use products, These families, by owning a greater number of cattle heads, base a large part of their economy in said activity, but they diversify it with other types of income such as rubber crops, cocoa, pineapple, plantain, cassava, among others. Finally, the fundamental human needs-FHN can be defined as very similar for the three types of families studied, with slight adjustments in the basic needs for Typology 1, where food, health, shelter and security are classified as bad and regular. Although the situation does not vary much for Typology 2, but it does look better for Typology 3 in which satisfaction is good, except for security, everyone has the same perception, this is mainly due to the presence of certain illegal armed groups in the region. Regarding the needs of the person, the environment and action, there are no variations between the different types. Conclusions: Finally, it was possible to observe a high cultural tie that cattle ranchers have for this economic activity that is evidenced in human capital, where we see the number of people who directly depend on livestock and its derivatives. Also, in terms of financial capital, it can be observed that there is a great diversification of the income of families that not only depend on livestock, but also on income from formal employment, daily wages, loans and sales of other crops such as plantain, cassava, rubber and cocoa; In terms of social and natural capital, a good sustainable appropriation of environmental care and the participation of rural communities are observed. Finally, a low contribution to the fundamental human needs of the producing communities is denoted, this mainly due to the social and economic conditions of the region; In this sense, this study has repercussions as a first diagnosis in the management of the livelihoods of rural cattle-raising communities in the department of Caquetá. <![CDATA[Study of university social responsibility, a review of the literature]]> resumen está disponible en el texto completo<hr/>ABSTRACT University social responsibility is a set of actions that helps to promote the active participation of students in their university education, with ethical conduct to create a culture of social commitment based on values and academic quality. The main role of the university is to develop the functions of teaching, research and social responsibility; this allows creating a broader vision of the needs in the community, generating competent professionals and causing a positive impact (Palomino, Vázquez, Vicente, &amp; Tomás, 2019). Objective: To identify the main authors of the subject from the systematic review of the literature, to point out the four axis that RSU has and the four university impacts. Materials and methods: This research is exploratory and documentary with a qualitative approach. The information sources used correspond to consultation pages, among which are: Google academic, and Likewise, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to collect information and the results obtained were delimited after adding search conditions such as the year interval from 2017 to 2023. Another limitation is that they were only review articles and in any language. Results: The results obtained were 10 definitions of prominent authors which haves an impact on the fact that the University social responsibility has 8 dimensions among which are: Responsible Campus, Citizen Education, Social Knowledge Management, and Mutual Learning Communities for Development, Organizational, Educational, Cognitive and social. The four axis of the RSU are the basis of the organizations to be able to fulfill the mission that each university community pursues. Within the responsible campus, care is taken to ensure that environmental and sustainable care is met and students are taught to participate in it. , responsible citizen and professional training, deontology, which is the duty of people, this helps the university community to do things ethically and with good morals inside and outside universities, knowledge management is a of the main tasks of higher education institutions, social work, the reason for being of various organizations, thanks to which they can disseminate their knowledge and contribute to the development of community and group culture, and finally the need for The society of inclusion and communication between people occur within communities of mutual learning for development. The organizational impacts, within the RSU, impact people, management and sustainability. The educational impacts are related to the training of students (their ethics, their way of interpreting the world and the social role that corresponds to them) and involves all university processes (curriculum, central administration and knowledge management policies). Cognitive impacts are the dissemination of knowledge and social impacts are the relationship within and on the university campus, the treatment and participation of students; Students in the different branches offered. When reviewing and reading the different existing articles, it was observed that there is little information regarding the RSU, focusing on a chronology of the different authors from 2014 to date. Within the articles reviewed, it can be defined that RSU trains, teaches, supports, promotes, guides and organizes; involving the student community, teachers, administrative and managerial staff. The RSU transmits responsible knowledge, ethical principles and helps to train responsible citizen professionals. Conclusion: After studying the literary review, it can be mentioned that all the axis of the RSU must have the participation of the students and all the people who make up the university community in order to have a responsible university, both internally and externally, according to the different concepts that are mentioned of University Social Responsibility; In other words, it is a way to help the professional and civic training of all students, since this is part of what social responsibility seeks. It is mentioned that university students must get involved in real problems within their professional and civic training, since this helps to create links between learning and social responsibility and thus be able to promote human development, both ethically and morally, as that participation in the different projects that the same institution carries out in its activities will grow.Ramírez (2020),Quezada and Rodríguez (2019),Arauco and Apaza (2022),Évora (2017), agree that RSU is reflected in the existence of four axis for the socially responsible management of universities, so that the students are aware that everything that is done within the institution will be reflected outside of it. Complying with Social Responsibility in higher education is a transformation resource that promotes compliance with transparent practices and ethical conduct for sustainable development, generating social well-being on the university campus for the comprehensive and ideal training of its students. Currently, globalization leads to constant changes in organizations and forces them to be able to identify their challenges for the new trends that their environment requires. Therefore, globalization, competition, technology, social responsibility, knowledge and intangible assets demand serious modifications in their structures and strategies from companies.Niebles Nuñez et al. (2018)the universities have the important mission of equitably distributing knowledge and social information. That is why universities must assume the position of University Social Responsibility and analyze whether effective or null knowledge is being provided. The current era is characterized by its constant change, in social demands, in the role of traditional actors, in the situation at the regional and international level, in development approaches (Uribe et al., 2020). Addressing the issue of RSU requires articulating the various parts of the institution in an equitable and sustainable social promotion project, for the production and transmission of responsible knowledge and the training of equally responsible citizen professionals (Mosquera Tayupanta and Alba Granados, 2021; Peña y otros, 2017). There is a proposal for university social responsibility that provides a space for participation in the activities carried out and that are adapted to the new acquisition modalities for students, in addition to the fact that university social responsibility seeks not only to work on the axis of transformation within of the institution, but is also aimed at the entire society that is involved (Pedró, 2019). The university must promote the participation of its students in cultural, social, sports and environmental activities. <![CDATA[Armed Conflict and IHL from the Colombian Caribbean: A methodological proposal for its understanding and implementation]]> RESUMEN Tomando como punto de referencia, en términos de la temporalidad, el desarrollo de la última década del siglo actual, este estudio aborda la imperiosa tarea de comprender y promover una implementación efectiva del DIH en el contexto del conflicto armado en la región Caribe colombiana. Ahora bien, en virtud de este análisis, se identifica la necesidad de un enfoque armónico fundamentado en premisas participativas, tomando en cuenta a los residentes locales como a los actores directamente involucrados en el conflicto. Cabe resaltar que este análisis destaca como ejemplo el caso del Clan del Golfo. Con una metodología primordialmente cualitativa, consecuente con su naturaleza, este estudio busca ofrecer una perspectiva renovada y contextual que pueda orientar futuras investigaciones y políticas públicas en los ámbitos del DIH. En consonancia con sus objetivos, se enfatiza la importancia de afinar las metodologías ante la naturaleza cambiante de los conflictos en la región.<hr/>ABSTRACT Using the development of the last decade of the current century as a temporal reference point, this study tackles the urgent task of understanding and promoting an effective implementation of IHL (International Humanitarian Law) within the context of the armed conflict in the Colombian Caribbean region. Based on this analysis, there's an identified need for a harmonious approach grounded in participatory premises, considering both local residents and actors directly involved in the conflict. It's worth noting that this analysis particularly highlights the case of the Gulf Clan as an example. Employing a primarily qualitative methodology, in line with its nature, this study aims to provide a refreshed and contextual perspective that can guide future research and public policies in the realms of IHL. Consistent with its objectives, the importance of refining methodologies given the ever-changing nature of conflicts in the region is emphasized. <![CDATA[The powerless extremes: Balancing altruism and individualism in environmental policy formulation]]> RESUMEN El objetivo es proponer un esquema conceptual que sea útil para interpretar las implicaciones económicas y ambientales que tienen las organizaciones sociales basadas en un paradigma individualista o altruista. Tras una revisión de literatura y breve recuento histórico de estos paradigmas, se concluye que son las organizaciones complejas y equilibradas las que tienen mayor propensión a desarrollar intercambios de cooperación altruistas. La implicación para las políticas ambientales contemporáneas es que, además de los mecanismos de mercado, es posible complementarlas con otros esquemas basados en mecanismos comunitarios, siempre y cuando exista un contexto propicio para implementarlo.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective is to propose a practical conceptual scheme to interpret social organizations' economic and ecological implications based on an individualistic or altruistic paradigm. After a literature review and a brief historical analysis of these paradigms, we conclude that complex and balanced organizations have the most remarkable propensity to develop altruistic cooperation exchanges. The implication for contemporary environmental policies is the possibility of complementing market mechanisms with community-based schemes in a favorable context. <![CDATA[Etnoeducation with a decolonial approach in groups Indigenous people: a commitment to peace in Colombia]]> RESUMEN Artículo de reflexión que describe el proceso de adopción institucional de la etnoeducación en Colombia y aborda distintas posiciones críticas sobre su forma de implementación. Objetivo general: Describir el desarrollo histórico de la etnoeducación sus logros y desafíos, su articulación desde un enfoque decolonial y la urgencia del giro narrativo desde las voces de los actores, como alternativas para lograr una paz total desde los territorios. Método: Se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo, con método de interpretación hermenéutico para el análisis e interpretación de la información y la realización del artículo de reflexión, desde un análisis crítico. Resultados: Se abordan las percepciones de los estudiosos y los postulados emergentes y contrahegemónicos de las Epistemologías del Sur y el enfoque decolonial que proponen otras alternativas de educación para las minorías étnicas en Colombia. Finalmente, se describe como ejemplo ilustrativo de nuevos paradigmas y referentes profanos, como el Sumak Kawsay o Buen Vivir que forma parte del acervo cultural de los pueblos indígenas en Latinoamérica y se ha convertido en objeto de estudio de la academia con interesantes reflexiones para superar la actual crisis civilizatoria. Conclusiones: Entre las conclusiones obtenidas se tienen: La etno-educación debería ser una propuesta concertada entre el Estado y las organizaciones ético políticas de las minorías étnicas, con miras a superar las diferencias y a adoptar con enfoque decolonial, una educación propia y multicultural como alternativa para lograr una paz estable y duradera en el país.<hr/>ABSTRACT Reflection article that describes the process of institutional adoption of ethno-education in Colombia and addresses different critical positions on its implementation. The general objective is to describe the historical development of ethno-education, its achievements and challenges, its articulation from a decolonial approach and the urgency of the narrative turn from the voices of the actors, as alternatives to achieve total peace from the territories. Method: The qualitative approach was used, with a hermeneutic interpretation method for the analysis and interpretation of the information and the realization of the reflection article, from a critical analysis. Results: The perceptions of scholars and the emerging and counter-hegemonic postulates of the Epistemologies of the South and the decolonial approach that propose other educational alternatives for ethnic minorities in Colombia are addressed. Finally, it is described as an illustrative example of new paradigms and profane referents, such as Sumak Kawsay or Good Living, which is part of the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples in Latin America and has become an object of study of the academy with interesting reflections to overcome the current civilizational crisis. Among the conclusions reached are the following: Ethno-education should be a concerted proposal between the State and the ethno-political organizations of ethnic minorities, with a view to overcoming differences and adopting with a decolonial approach, aproper and multicultural education as an alternative to achieve a stable and lasting peace in the country. <![CDATA[Bioecological regulation of the problematic consumption of psychoactive substances in a university context]]> RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender la emergencia del Consumo Problemático de Sustancias Psicoactivas (CP-SPA) de jóvenes estudiantes de un contexto universitario, como resultante de la interacción significativa entre los sistemas de regulación socioeducativa, sanitaria y normativa de la institución en estudio. Materiales y método: Estudio cualitativo de caso, desarrollado en una institución universitaria de carácter privado. Se realizó con soporte en la teoría bioecológica de Bronfenbrenner (2011), a través de inserción ecológica intervención (Koller et al., 2016). Participaron estudiantes, docentes y administrativos. Se realizaron cuatro entrevistas y seis grupos focales. Muestreo teórico hasta saturación de categorías. Codificación y categorización utilizando Atlas-Ti, a través de método comparativo constante en la recogida, codificación abierta, axial y selectiva de datos y análisis sistemático (Strauss y Corbin, 2002). Resultados: El CP-SPA en este contexto tiene lugar a través de una trilogía de procesos proximales de interinfluencia: 1. De influencia para la ingesta de múltiples SPA, 2. Enfocados en consumo problemático y 3. De transgresión de normas institucionales, que operan como gatilla-dores de la experiencia dentro y fuera de la universidad. Estos procesos, en la dinámica de la comunicación, configuran sistemas sociales de biorregulación: socioeducativa: indirecta (autorregulación), sanitaria: paliativa (ruta de atención) y normativa: punitiva (reglamento estudiantil), que intentan regular el CP-SPA. La regulación es posible gracias a la interacción de factores de riesgo/protección próximos y distantes, que pueden impulsar directa e indirectamente el CP-SPA. Conclusiones: Los sistemas de biorregulación actúan como garantes y dan forma a las simbolizaciones de la vida emocional, social e institucional del estudiante con CP-SPA, con exito en los procesos proximales persona-persona (microsistema), pero con poca efectividad en el mesosistema. Se propone a las instituciones universitarias generar las condiciones de posibilidad para una estructura regulatoria del CP-SPA que promueva un desarrollo favorable del estudiante, coherente con sus expectativas de formación profesional.<hr/>ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the emergence of Problematic Substance Use (FSV) among young students in a university context because of significant interaction between the socio-educational, health, and regulatory systems of the institution under study. Materials and method: A qualitative case study conducted at a private university, utilizing Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory (2011) with ecological intervention (Koller et al., 2016). Participants included students, teachers, and administrative staff. Four interviews and six focus groups were conducted. Theoretical sampling was carried out until category saturation. Coding and categorization were done using Atlas-Ti, employing constant comparative method in data collection, open, axial, and selective coding, and systematic analysis (Strauss and Corbin, 2002). Results: FSU in this context occurs through a trilogy of proximal processes of interinfluence: 1. Influence for the intake of multiple substances, 2. Focused on problematic use, and 3. Transgression of institutional norms, acting as triggers for the experience within and outside the university. These processes, in communication dynamics, shape social systems of bioregulation: socio-educational (indirect self-regulation), health-related (palliative care route), and regulatory (punitive student regulations), attempting to regulate FSU. Regulation is possible through the interaction of proximal and distal risk/protection factors, which can directly and indirectly drive FSU. Conclusions: Bio-regulation systems act as guarantors and shape symbolizations of the emotional, social, and institutional life of students with FSU, succeeding in proximal person-to-person processes (microsystem) but with little effectiveness in the mesosystem. It is proposed that universities create conditions for a regulatory structure of FSU that promotes favorable student development consistent with their professional training expectations. <![CDATA[LA RELEVANCIA DE LA ANTROPOLOGÍA EN EL PENSAMIENTO DE INGOLD]]> RESUMEN El objetivo esencial de este documento es mostrar los aspectos más significativos del libro Antropología: por qué importa de Tim Ingold. Para tal fin, se explora, describe e interpreta los cinco capítulos de manera analítica. Se concluye que el texto es un aporte novedoso, radical, holístico, original y crítico del panorama antropológico. En tal sentido, resulta de utilidad para intuir las condiciones de posibilidad de lo humano, esto es, la búsqueda de la diversidad cultural, sociopolítica, ambiental y humanista. Por otro lado, lo prolijo y sugestivo del marco proyectivo teórico del autor constituye una atrayente visión establecida en un arquetipo panorámico de la antropología y su quehacer pragmático. Por ende, este libro es de gran utilidad para estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado.<hr/>ABSTRACT The essential objective of this document is to show the most significant aspects of the book entitled Anthropology: Why It Matters by Tim Ingold. To this end, the five chapters are explored, described and interpreted analytically. It is concluded that the text is a novel, radical, holistic, original and critical contribution to the anthropological panorama. In this sense, it is useful to intuit the conditions of possibility of the human, that is, the search for cultural, sociopolitical, environmental and humanistic diversity. On the other hand, the prolix and suggestive nature of the author's theoretical projective framework constitutes an attractive vision established in a panoramic archetype of anthropology and its pragmatic work. Therefore, this book is very usefulfor undergraduate andgraduate students.