Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Suma Psicológica]]> vol. 30 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Lidando com a lacuna: O papel moderador da educação na relação entre a percepção subjetiva da saúde e da vida social e o tempo de utilização da Internet]]> Abstract Introduction: Internet addiction results in intense and frequent use. There is a gap in the literature in relation to the unawareness of problematic Internet use (PIU) in predicting Internet use time (IUT). Objective: To identify sociodemographic/psychological variables contributing and moderating IUT. Participants: 1,270 participants of the European Social Survey (EES), Round 8. Instruments: EES variables assessing Internet use (IU), health perception, well-being, social life, and sociodemographic variables, underlying the construct. Results: Age, education, sources of household income, social activities compared to others of the same age and subjective general health explain IU per day; and age, years of education, domicile and socially meeting with other people with whom to discuss intimate matters explain IU per week. Education was found to be a significant moderator in the relationship between subjective general health and IU per week; and in the relationship between socially meeting with other people and IU per day. Discussion: Maladaptive IU, when the perception of health is worse, and adaptive IU, when the perception of social life is better, are both suggested, depending on education. Conclusions: These findings point to the need to study IUT involving educational level, keeping in mind that what may be PIU at one educational level may not be the case at another.<hr/>Resumo Introdução: O vício da Internet traduz-se numa utilização intensa e frequente. Existe uma lacuna na literatura sobre o desconhecimento dos preditores do uso problemático da Internet (PIU) do tempo de utilização da Internet (IUT). Objetivo: Identificar as variáveis sociodemográficas/psicológicas que contribuem e moderam o IUT. Participantes: 1270 participantes da European Social Survey (EES), Round 8. Instrumentos: Variáveis ESS que avaliam a utilização da Internet (IU), perceção de saúde, bem-estar, vida social e variáveis sociodemográficas, sub jacentes ao construto. Resultados: Idade, escolaridade, fontes de renda familiar, atividades sociais em comparação com outras da mesma idade e saúde geral subjetiva explicam IU por dia e idade, anos de escolaridade, domicílio, convívio social com outras pessoas e quem para discutir assuntos íntimos explicam IU por semana. A escolaridade mostrou-se um moderador significativo na relação entre saúde geral subjetiva e IU por semana; e na relação entre encontro social com outras pessoas e IU por dia. Discussão: IU desadaptativa, quando a perceção de saúde é pior, e IU adaptativa, quando a perceção de vida social é melhor, dependem da escolaridade. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem o estudo do IUT de acordo com o nível educacional, pois o que pode ser um PIU num nível educacional pode não ser noutro. <![CDATA[Changes in food habits and food-related satisfaction before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in dual-earner families with adolescents]]> Abstract Introduction: Food habits have been associated with positive outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Family members may share protective factors, but each member may also respond differently to the pandemic. Aim: To examine food habits in different-sex dual-earner parents with adolescents, comparing reports from late 2019 before the pandemic (T1) and mid- 2020 during the pandemic (T2) in Temuco, Chile. Method: A sample of 193 families composed of mother, father, and one adolescent aged 10 to 15 responded to a questionnaire at T1 and T2. Non-parametric tests were used to compare family food-related habits and the satisfaction with food-related life of each family member at T1 and T2. An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was conducted to explore relations between T1 and T2 variables and between family members. Results: Frequency of family meals increased during the pandemic, and mothers increased their cooking hours. All family members improved their diet quality during the pandemic. Perceived family meal atmosphere and satisfaction with food-related life did not change. T1 food habits were not associated with T2 satisfaction with food-related life. Conclusion: These families changed their food-related habits during the pandemic, but their food-related life assessment was similar before and during the pandemic.<hr/>Resumen Introducción: Las prácticas alimentarias se han asociado con mayor bienestar durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Aunque en una familia se comparten condiciones de vida, cada miembro puede responder de modo diferente a la pandemia. Objetivo: Examinar las prácticas alimentarias en parejas con doble ingreso e hijos adolescentes, comparando reportes antes de la pandemia (finales de 2019, T1) y durante la pandemia (mediados de 2020, T2) en Temuco, Chile. Método: 193 familias compuestas por madre, padre y un hijo adolescente de 10 a 15 años respondieron un cuestionario en T1 y T2. Se utilizaron pruebas no-paramétricas para comparar hábitos alimentarios y satisfacción con la alimentación para cada miembro de la familia en T1 y T2. Se exploraron las relaciones entre variables en T1 y T2, y entre miembros de la familia usando el modelo de interdependencia de actor-compañero. Resultados: La frecuencia de las comidas familiares y las horas que la madre dedicó diariamente a cocinar aumentaron durante la pandemia. Los tres miembros de la familia mejoraron la calidad de su dieta durante la pandemia. La atmósfera percibida de comidas familiares y la satisfacción con la alimentación no cambiaron. Los hábitos alimentarios del T1 no incidieron en la satisfacción con la alimentación en T2. Conclusión: Los hábitos alimenticios de estas familias cambiaron durante la pandemia, pero la evaluación de su vida alimentaria fue similar antes y durante la pandemia. <![CDATA[Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS): Evidence of Validity in a Colombian Sample]]> Resumen Introducción: El objetivo de esta investigación fue confirmar la estructura interna de la Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) y recoger evidencias de su relación con otros constructos en una muestra colombiana de 902 adultos que consintieron participar voluntariamente. Método: Se realizaron análisis psicométricos con Teoría Clásica de los Test y el modelo de Rasch. Se recolectaron evidencias de validez de la estructura interna y de la relación de las puntuaciones con otras variables. Resultados: Se obtuvieron buenos índices en los coeficientes alfa y omega de McDonald, nueve de los 10 ítems tuvieron buenos ajustes en los índices infit y outfit, y el ítem ocho presentó DIF en el nivel educativo. Se confirmó la estructura unidimensional de la EROS y fue invariante respecto al sexo y nivel educativo. Los puntajes tuvieron correlaciones de magnitud alta con sintomatología emocional y variables afines a la Activación Conductual. Conclusiones: La EROS presentó altas calidades psicométricas para su uso en población colombiana; sin embargo, se recomienda su uso solo para evaluación de tamizaje, porque los niveles de información están centrados en un área reducida a lo largo de la métrica logit.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: The aim of this research was to confirm the internal structure of the Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) and to collect evidence of its relationship with other constructs in a Colombian sample of 902 adults who voluntarily consented to participate. Method: Psychometric analyses were performed using Classical Test Theory and the Rasch model. Evidence of validity based on internal structure and relations of scores with other variables was collected. Results: Good indexes were obtained in McDonald’s Alpha and Omega coefficients, 9 of the 10 items had good adjustments in the Infit and Outfit indexes, and item 8 presented DIF in the educational level. The unidimensional structure of the EROS was confirmed and was invariant with respect to sex and educational level. Scores had high magnitude correlations with emotional symptomatology and variables related to Behavioral Activation. Conclusions: The EROS presented high psychometric qualities for its use in the Colombian population; however, its use is recommended only for screening assessment because the levels of information are centered in a reduced area along the Logit scaling. <![CDATA[Resilience and dating violence: An explanatory-predictive and instrumental study with Colombian adolescents]]> Resumen Introducción: los estudios sobre resiliencia y violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes en Colombia son escasos, pues se ha explorado con mayor frecuencia la violencia en parejas adultas; además, la disposición de óptimos instrumentos de medida de la violencia psicológica en el cortejo adolescente es limitada. Objetivos: analizar la influencia de la resiliencia en la violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes; para ello, inicialmente se validó el Cuestionario de Violencia Psicológica en el Cortejo (PDV-Q). Método: el estudio es explicativo-predictivo y de tipo instrumental. La muestra incidental estuvo conformada por 700 adolescentes colombianos, con edades entre 15 a 20 años (M = 18.40; DT = 1.56; 29.3 % hombres). Se reconoció la confiabilidad, la validez de contenido y de constructo con análisis factoriales; posteriormente, se analizaron los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Resultados: se reconocieron evidencias adecuadas de validez y valores óptimos de confiabilidad del PDV-Q. El modelo SEM sugiere influencias inversas de la competencia personal sobre el rol de agresión y victimización; así como una influencia directa de la aceptación de uno mismo y la vida sobre la victimización. Conclusiones: los bajos niveles de aceptación de sí mismo y de la vida podrían ser un factor de riesgo de victimización; mientras que un alto desarrollo de competencias personales sería un factor de protección ante la victimización y la agresión en el cortejo adolescente. El PDV-Q posee óptimas propiedades psicométricas y es adecuado para medir la violencia psicológica en parejas de adolescentes colombianos.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Studies on resilience and psychological violence in adolescent couples in Colombia are scarce, since violence in adult couples has been explored more frequently; in addition, the availability of optimal instruments for measuring psychological violence in adolescent courtship is limited. Objectives: Analyze the influence of resilience on psychological violence in adolescent couples; for this, the Psychological Violence Questionnaire in Partners (PVD-Q) was initially validated. Method: The study is explanatory-predictive and instrumental. The incidental sample consisted of 700 Colombian adolescents, aged 15 to 20 years (M = 18.40; SD = 1.56; 29.3 % men). Reliability, content and construct validity were recognized with factor analysis; Subsequently, structural equation models (SEM) were analyzed. Results: Adequate evidence of validity and optimal reliability values of the PVD-Q were recognized. The SEM model suggests inverse influences of personal competence on the role of aggression and victimization; as well as a direct influence of the acceptance of oneself and life on victimization. Conclusions: Low levels of acceptance of oneself and of life could be a risk factor for victimization; while a high development of personal skills would be a protective factor against victimization and aggression in adolescent courtship. The PVD-Q has optimal psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring psychological violence in couples of Colombian adolescents. <![CDATA[An application of cognitive diagnostic models in the evaluation of reading comprehension in Chilean university students]]> Abstract Introduction: Reading Comprehension skills are fundamental to the academic performance of university students. These abilities are not innate; therefore, systematic training is required before entering university. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the reading comprehension skills of Chilean University Students. Method: A sample of 579 students participated in the study, responding to four texts that comprise the Reading Comprehension Strategies for University Students (ELCU). An automated platform was used to apply and correct the test with immediate results and feedback. The tool allowed the use of a broad and representative sample of the various regions of Chile. The ELCU was developed using a cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) considering cognitive, metacognitive and linguistic strategies. The ana-lyses were performed using two different approaches: The Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM) and the deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (DINA) model. Results: The rejection of the LLTM implies that the strategies do not differ in cognitive complexity (difficulty) while the adequate goodness of fit to the DINA model allows to characterise the students according to their reading abilities. Conclusion: The ELCU test provides reliable and valid information on the reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of university students.<hr/>Resumen Introducción: Las habilidades de comprensión lectora son fundamentales para el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Estas habilidades no son innatas; por tanto, se requiere una formación sistemática antes de ingresar a la universidad. El objetivo principal de este artículo fue evaluar las habilidades de comprensión lectora de estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Método: En el estudio participó una muestra de 579 estudiantes que respondieron cuatro textos que componen las Estrategias de Comprensión Lectora para Estudiantes Universitarios (ELCU). Se utilizó una plataforma automatizada para aplicar y corregir la prueba con resultados y retroalimentación inmediatos. La herramienta permitió utilizar una muestra amplia y representativa de las distintas regiones de Chile. ELCU fue desarrollado mediante evaluación diagnóstica cognitiva (CDA) considerando estrategias cognitivas, metacognitivas y lingüísticas. Los análisis se realizaron mediante dos aproximaciones diferentes: The Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM) y the Deterministic Inputs, Noisy “and” Gate (DINA) model. Resultados: El rechazo al modelo LLTM implica que las estrategias no difieren en complejidad cognitiva mientras que la adecuada bondad de ajuste al modelo DINA permiten caracterizar a los estudiantes según sus habilidades lectoras. Conclusión: La prueba ELCU permite obtener información confiable y válida sobre la capacidad de comprensión lectora y la conciencia metacognitiva de los estudiantes universitarios. <![CDATA[Medo da covid-19 e sofrimento psicológico: o efeito mediador da “infoxicação” durante a pandemia]]> Resumo Durante a pandemia, o medo da covid-19 afetou a vida das pessoas, principalmente associado à infoxicação, que corresponde ao consumo excessivo de conteúdos que comprometem a capacidade de absorção e de filtragem quanto à relevância e à veracidade deles. A presente pesquisa objetivou verificar o papel mediador da infoxicação na relação entre medo da covid-19 e as sintomatologias de ansiedade, estresse e depressão. Contou-se com 424 pessoas da população geral (M = 25.48, variando de 18 até 75 anos; DP = 8.63), em maioria mulheres (56.1%) de diferentes estados brasileiros, que responderam a EPININ, FCV-19S, DASS-21 e questões demográficas. Correlações, seguidas de regressões e modelos de mediação demonstraram a contribuição do medo da covid-19 e da infoxicação nos sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e estresse. Discute-se como níveis elevados de medo, quando mediados pela busca exacerbada por informações, tendem a prejudicar a saúde mental durante a pandemia. Contudo, o acesso excessivo aos meios digitais foi associado ao aumento do sofrimento psicológico. O dado obtido é resultante da infoxicação, pois esta atuou como mediador do adoecimento mental no período pandêmico.<hr/>Abstract Abstract: During the pandemic, the fear of COVID-19 affected people’s lives, mainly associated with infoxication, which corresponds to the excessive consumption of content that compromises absorption and filtering capacity for relevance and veracity. This research aimed to verify the mediating role of infoxication in the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. It counted with 424 people from the general population (M = 25.48, ranging from 18 up to 75 years; SD = 8.63), mostly women (56.1%) from different Brazilian states, who responded to EPININ, FCV-19S, DASS-21 and demographic questions. Correlations, followed by regressions and mediation models demonstrated the contribution of the fear of COVID-19 and infoxication in the symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. It is discussed how high levels of fear, when mediated by the exacerbated search for information, tend to harm mental health during the pandemic. However, excessive access to digital media was associated with increased psychological distress. The data obtained is the result of infoxication, as it acted as a mediator of mental illness in the pandemic period. <![CDATA[Fear of Covid-19, anxiety, and depression during the pandemic: A network analysis]]> Abstract Introduction: Covid-19 has generated several psychological impacts on people’s lives and brought new challenges for dealing with the pandemic’s repercussions. Objective: The objective was to analyse the relationship between the symptoms of fear of Covid-19, anxiety, and depression using different samples extracted at three distinct time-points. This study performed a network analysis of the fear of Covid-19 and anxiety- and depression -related symptoms based on data collected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Three yearly cross-sectional surveys were conducted based on independent samples (2020-2022) of Brazilian adults (Time-point 1, Time-point 2, and Time-point 3 with 1,520, 1,523, and 1,517 participants, respectively). The Fear of Covid-19 Scale, the Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (7 items), and the Patient Health Questionnaire (9 items) were applied. The network structure invariance, the global strength invariance, and the strength of centrality index between the samples were compared. Results: Items from the three instruments had high values (&gt;70%) in all samples (excluding the fear of Covid-19 at Time-point 3). Depression and anxiety symptoms increased, while fear-related behaviours decreased. Network analysis indicates that networks became progressively more parsimonious, and few edges connected different scales. Network comparisons revealed similar structures, but key differences were found: Time-point 1 showed significantly higher global connectivity, and changes in edge weights were observed only within the scales. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the pandemic had a greater disorganising impact at its beginning, with a continuous increase in the mental health symptomatology and a reduction in the ratio between fear and anxiety and/or depression.<hr/>Resumen Introducción: El COVID-19 generó varios impactos psicológicos en la vida de las personas imponiendo nuevos desafíos para confrontar la pandemia. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre los síntomas de miedo al COVID-19, ansiedad y depresión utilizando diferentes muestras extraídas durante tres períodos de tiempo distintos. Fueron analizadas redes del miedo y los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión usando datos recolectados durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Tres encuestas transversales anuales basadas en muestras independientes (2020-2022) de adultos brasileños (punto temporal 1, punto temporal 2 y punto temporal 3 con 1520, 1523 y 1517 participantes, respectivamente). Se aplicaron la Escala de Miedo al COVID-19, la Escala de Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada (7 ítems) y el Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente (9 ítems). Se compararon la invariancia de la estructura de la red, la invariancia de la fuerza global y la fuerza del índice de centralidad entre los tres puntos temporales. Resultados: Los ítems de los tres instrumentos tuvieron valores altos (&gt; 70 %) en todos los puntos temporales (excluyendo el miedo al COVID-19 en el punto temporal 3). A lo largo de los tres puntos temporales, los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad aumentaron, mientras que el miedo disminuyó. Las redes se volvieron progresivamente más parsimoniosas y pocas aristas conectaron diferentes escalas, con estructuras similares. Conclusiones: La pandemia tuvo un mayor impacto desorganizador en su inicio, con un aumento continuo de la sintomatología de salud mental y una disminución de la relación entre miedo y ansiedad o depresión. <![CDATA[30 years of research on child abuse: A bibliometric analysis (1991-2020)]]> Resumen Introducción: el maltrato infantil es un problema global que afecta el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas, pudiendo tener consecuencias a lo largo de su vida. A pesar de la necesidad de investigar para erradicar este fenómeno, no se ha realizado una aproximación bibliométrica de sus avances recientes. Método: este estudio examinó 16 708 artículos sobre maltrato infantil indexados en la Web of Science entre 1991 y 2020 para establecer las tendencias de investigación. Resultados: el maltrato infantil es un campo activo, influenciado principalmente por Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido, y revistas de la categoría estudios de la familia, especialmente Child Abuse &amp; Neglect. Los artículos más relevantes abordan el tema como parte de las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia o se centran en su evaluación. Considerando los artículos más relevantes, los temas más estudiados (sujetos, investigación, maltrato y tipos de maltrato, familia y parentalidad, y trastornos) y los principales focos (maltrato, investigación, sexo, reportes y abuso sexual), es posible que el área se esté reestructurando desde la perspectiva del ecobiodesarrollo, con énfasis en el tratamiento y la prevención. Se discuten sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas. Conclusiones: este estudio actualiza las tendencias de investigación en el campo del maltrato infantil, proporcionando un panorama comprensivo que sugiere una evolución hacia la integración de múltiples disciplinas y enfoques. Los resultados destacan la importancia de seguir investigando este problema global, así como la necesidad de evaluar las intervenciones existentes para reducir su impacto en el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Child abuse is a global problem that affects children’s development and can have consequences throughout their lives. Despite the need to research to eradicate this phenomenon, there has not been a bibliometric approach to its recent advances. Method: This study examined 16,708 articles on child abuse indexed in the Web of Science between 1991 and 2020 to establish research trends. Results: Child maltreatment is an active field, mainly influenced by the USA, Canada and the UK, and journals in the family studies category, especially Child Abuse &amp; Neglect. The most relevant articles address the topic as part of Adverse Childhood Experiences or focus on its assessment. Considering the most relevant articles, the most studied topics (subjects, research, maltreatment and types of maltreatment, family and parenting, and disorders) and the main foci (maltreatment, research, sex, reporting, and sexual abuse), it is possible that the area is being restructured under the ecobiodevelopmental perspective, with emphasis on treatment and prevention. Its theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Conclusions: This study updates research trends in the field of child maltreatment, providing a comprehensive overview that suggests an evolution toward the integration of multiple disciplines and approaches. The results highlight the importance of further research on this global problem, as well as the need to evaluate existing interventions to reduce its impact on children’s development.