Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Suma Psicológica]]> vol. 31 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Affectivity and job satisfaction in Latin American workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cluster analysis]]> Abstract Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have experienced sudden changes in their lives, especially in their work dynamics. In this context, the balance of positive and negative affective experiences can influence workers’ job satisfaction. Objectives: Explore the levels of job satisfaction, related to positive and negative affect, in a group of Latin American workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The sample included 594 Latin American workers (M = 38, aged between 18 and 60; SD = 10.47), of both sexes, who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire online and two psychological measures of affect and job satisfaction. Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis and K-means were used as methods. Results: Four worker groups were identified: Group 1, high levels of positive and negative affect with high job satisfaction; Group 2, low levels of positive and negative affect with low job satisfaction; Group 3, high levels of positive affect and low levels of negative affect with high job satisfaction; Group 4, low levels of positive affect and high levels of negative affect with low job satisfaction. Conclusions: Groups with high levels of positive affect experienced high job satisfaction, while groups with high or low levels of negative affect and low levels of positive affect experienced low job satisfaction.<hr/>Resumen Introducción: Durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, las personas experimentaron repentinos cambios en sus vidas, especialmente en su dinámica laboral. En este contexto, el balance de las experiencias afectivas positivas y negativas pueden influir en la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores. Objetivos: explorar los niveles de satisfacción laboral, en relación con los afectos positivos y afectos negativos, en un grupo de trabajadores latinoamericanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: La muestra consistió en 594 trabajadores latinoamericanos (M = 38, entre 18 y 60 años; DE = 10.47), de ambos sexos, quienes respondieron de forma online un cuestionario sociodemográfico y dos medidas psicológicas de afectos y satisfacción laboral. Como método, fue usado el análisis jerárquico de grupos de Ward y el K-medias. Resultados: Se identificaron cuatro grupos de trabajadores: Grupo 1, niveles altos de afectos positivos y afectos negativos con alta satisfacción laboral; Grupo 2, niveles bajos de afectos positivos y afectos negativos con baja satisfacción laboral; Grupo 3, altos niveles de afectos positivos y bajos niveles de afectos negativos con alta satisfacción laboral; Grupo 4, bajos niveles de afectos positivos y altos niveles de afectos negativos con baja satisfacción laboral. Conclusión: Los grupos que experimentaron altos niveles de afectos positivos presentaron una alta satisfacción laboral, mientras que los grupos con altos o bajos niveles de afectos negativos y bajos afectos positivos manifestaron una baja satisfacción laboral. <![CDATA[Intervenções clínicas de saúde mental com adolescentes durante a pandemia de COVID-19: Uma revisão de escopo]]> Abstract Introduction/objective: Although social distancing measures affect adults, they have caused greater negative impacts in adolescents, especially for not being able to interact with peers at school. The study aimed to investigate the scientific production regarding psychosocial clinical mental health interventions with adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The search was carried out in the Embase, PsycNET, Pubmed, Scopus, and Scielo databases, covering the period from 2020 to 2023. Sixteen articles that met the pre-established inclusion criteria were analysed. Results: Regarding the psychological risk factors that the interventions sought to reduce, it was found that depression 50% (n = 8) and anxiety 43.7% (n = 7) were the most frequently selected outcomes in the studies. The interventions also sought to improve protective psychological factors (n = 9) such as resilience, coping, quality of life, well-being and emotional intelligence. Conclusions: It was possible to verify that several therapeutic methods can promote the mental health of adolescents in periods of social isolation, the main one according to the evidence, being mindfulness.<hr/>Resumo Introdução/Objetivo: Embora afete adultos, as medidas de distanciamento social causaram maiores impactos negativos em adolescentes, especialmente por não poderem interagir com seus colegas na escola. O presente estudo objetivou investigar a produção científica referente às intervenções psicossociais clínicas de saúde mental com adolescentes durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Método: A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Embase, PsycNET, Pubmed, Scopus and Scielo, sendo definido o período de 2020 a 2023. Dezesseis artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão pré-estabelecidos. Resultados: Em relação aos fatores de risco psicológicos que as intervenções procuraram reduzir, constatou-se que a depressão 50% (n = 8) e a ansiedade 43,7% (n = 7) foram os desfechos mais frequentemente selecionados nos estudos. As intervenções também procuraram melhorar os fatores psicológicos protetivos (n = 9), tais como resiliência, coping, qualidade de vida, bem-estar e inteligência emocional. Conclusão: Foi possível verificar que diversos métodos terapeuticos podem favorecer a saúde mental de adolescentes em períodos de isolamento social, sendo, pelas evidências, a principal delas, o mindfulness. <![CDATA[Persistent and Intrusive Negative Thoughts Scale (PINTS): Adaptação e evidências psicométricas em universitários brasileiros]]> Resumo Introdução: o pensamento repetitivo negativo (PRN) pode ser caracterizado como pensamentos intrusivos sobre preocupações (atuais, passadas ou futuras), experiências negativas e autocríticas, manifestando-se de forma excessiva e persistente. Em um processo transdiagnóstico, identifica-se que o PRN contribui para o aparecimento e manutenção de transtornos múltiplos. O presente estudo objetivou adaptar a Persistent and Intrusive Negative Thoughts Scale (PINTS) para o contexto brasileiro, averiguando as qualidades psicométricas do instrumento. Método: procedeu-se a dois estudos com participantes de diferentes estados brasileiros. No estudo 1 (n = 258), foi realizada a adaptação da PINTS e uma análise fatorial exploratória. No estudo 2, (n = 270), foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória além de reunidas evidências de validade convergente. Resultados: primeiramente, o estudo 1 apontou uma estrutura unifatorial da medida. A partir do estudo 2, foram corroboradas a estrutura unifatorial e a adequada consistência interna (precisão), o que demonstrou que a PINTS se relacionou positivamente com a afetividade negativa (estresse, ansiedade e depressão) e com a ansiedade cognitiva de provas. Conclusão: conclui-se que a PINTS apresentou qualidades métricas satisfatórias, sendo uma medida curta e de fácil aplicação, podendo ser uma ferramenta útil para pesquisadores que buscam investigar o PRN desadaptativo e os seus correlatos.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Repetitive Negative Thinking (RNT) can be characterized as intrusive thoughts about worries (current, past, or future), negative experiences, and self-criticism, manifesting excessively and persistently. In a transdiagnostic process, it is identified that the RNT contributes to the onset and maintenance of multiple disorders. The present study aimed to adapt the Persistent and Intrusive Negative Thoughts Scale (PINTS) for the Brazilian context, investigating the psychometric qualities of the instrument. Method: Two studies were carried out with participants from different Brazilian states. In Study 1 (n = 258), the adaptation of PINTS and an exploratory factor analysis was performed. In Study 2 (n = 270), a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, and evidence of convergent validity was gathered. Results: Firstly, in Study 1, a unifactorial structure of the measure was indicated. Through Study 2, the unifactorial structure was corroborated, demonstrating adequate internal consistency (precision), demonstrating that PINTS positively correlated with negative affectivity (stress, anxiety, and depression) and cognitive test anxiety. Conclusion: It is concluded that PINTS exhibited satisfactory metric qualities, being a brief and easy-to-administer measure, potentially serving as a useful tool for researchers investigating maladaptive repetitive negative thinking and its correlates. <![CDATA[Psychometric validation of a dictionary to measure intergroup emotions in a political context]]> Resumen Introducción: el estudio de las emociones intergrupales ha sido foco de atención en las últimas décadas para explicar su incidencia en los fenómenos de participación política, decisión electoral, protesta social y acciones colectivas, entre otros. No obstante, aún existe evidencia contradictoria sobre el papel de las emociones en las actitudes y los comportamientos políticos, por lo que se requieren medidas fiables para su investigación. En la actualidad se cuenta con múltiples herramientas de medición que se vinculan a las innovadoras estrategias digitales de comunicación política, entre las que están los diccionarios especializados para la detección del lenguaje emocional y sus diferentes valencias (Garzón et al., 2020). No obstante, se requiere ampliar la evidencia de validez de nuevos corpus lingüísticos que amplíen los diccionarios existentes en español para clasificar las narrativas de los discursos políticos. Este estudio se propone validar una herramienta que permita hacer análisis lingüísticos en contextos políticos. Método: se realizó un estudio instrumental y se analizaron narrativas de gobernantes de 14 países latinoamericanos, los cuales se escogieron por el idioma español del diccionario para establecer medidas de validez de constructo y convergencia. Resultados: existencia de cuatro componentes factoriales (dos positivos y dos negativos) que agrupan las emociones intergrupales, aumentando el número de las existentes y delimitándolas en el contexto político. Conclusiones: si bien se aportan elementos para hacer estudios a partir de emociones intergrupales relacionadas específicamente con un contexto político, es importante señalar que pueden abordarse en diferentes dimensiones para una visión más holística, en el entendido de que las variables socioculturales y de coyuntura política pueden determinar errores, de ser abordadas desde una sola perspectiva metodológica<hr/>Abstract Introduction: The study of intergroup emotions has been the focus of attention in recent decades to explain their incidence in the phenomena of political participation, electoral decision, social protest and collective actions, among others. However, there is still contradictory evidence on the role of emotions in political attitudes and behaviors, so reliable measures are required for their investigation. Currently, there are multiple measurement tools that are linked to innovative digital strategies for political communication, including specialized dictionaries for the detection of emotional language and its different valences (Garzón et al., 2020). However, it is required to expand the evidence of validity of new linguistic corpora that expand the existing dictionaries in Spanish to classify the narratives of political discourses. This study aims to validate a tool that allows linguistic analysis in political contexts. Method: An instrumental study was carried out and narratives of governors from 14 Latin American countries were analyzed, which were chosen by the Spanish language of the dictionary to establish measures of construct validity and convergence. Results: Existence of four factorial components (two positive and two negative) that group intergroup emotions, increasing the number of existing ones and delimiting them in the political context. Conclusions: Although the study provides elements to carry out studies based on intergroup emotions related specifically in political context, it is important to point out that it can be approached from different dimensions for a more holistic vision and in the understanding that socio-cultural and political juncture variables can determine errors, if they are approached only from a single methodological perspective. <![CDATA[The role of organizational climate as a mediator between the will to change and eudaimonic well-being]]> Resumen Introducción: la gestión eficiente del cambio y el bienestar de los empleados se han convertido en factores determinantes para el éxito organizacional. Este estudio se centró en analizar el papel mediador del clima organizacional en la relación entre la disposición al cambio y el bienestar eudaimónico de los colaboradores. Método: se contó con una muestra de 510 participantes de tres países (Colombia: n = 158, 31 %; España: n = 201, 39.4 %; Ecuador: n = 151, 29.6 %), con una edad media de 36.47 años (DE = 12.61), quienes respondieron el Test de Clima Organizacional (Focus-93), un Test de Disposición al Cambio Organizacional (CEDCO ) y un Índice de Bienestar Eudaimónico (EWB). Resultados: los análisis multivariados y de regresión con ecuaciones estructurales indicaron una capacidad predictiva limitada del cambio organizacional en el bienestar, y la influencia positiva de aquel en el clima organizacional, además de una relación moderada entre el bienestar y el clima organizacional. No obstante, la relación entre el cambio organizacional y el clima subraya la importancia de la gestión efectiva del cambio para incidir en el bienestar de los empleados. Conclusiones: estos hallazgos enfatizan la necesidad de diseñar estrategias que fomenten el bienestar de los empleados a través de la gestión del cambio y la promoción del clima organizacional positivo en entornos organizacionales específicos.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Efficient change management and employee well-being have become determining factors for organizational success. This study focused on analyzing the mediating role of organizational climate in the relationship between willingness to change and eudaimonic well-being of employees. Method: There was a sample of 510 participants from three countries (Colombia: n = 158, 31%; Spain: n = 201, 39.4%; Ecuador: n = 151, 29.6%), with an average age of 36.47 years (SD = 12.61), who responded to the Organizational Climate Test (Focus-93), a Test of Readiness for Organizational Change (Cedco ) and an Index of Eudaimonic Well-being (EWB). Results: The multivariate and regression analyzes with structural equations indicated a limited predictive capacity of organizational change in well-being and the positive influence on the organizational climate, in addition to a moderate evaluation between well-being and organizational climate. However, the evaluation between organizational change and climate highlights the importance of effective change management to influence employee well-being. Conclusions: These findings emphasize the need to design strategies that foster employee well-being through change management and the promotion of a positive organizational climate in specific organizational settings. <![CDATA[Psychometric properties of the Classroom Collective Moral Disengagement Scale among peruvian adolescents]]> Resumen Introducción: la desconexión moral colectiva (DMC) emplea mecanismos que distorsionan la percepción moral y justifican comportamientos cuestionables en un grupo, y permiten que estos se desvinculen éticamente de acciones perjudiciales. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Desconexión Moral Colectiva en el Aula en adolescentes peruanos. Método: se analizaron 646 adolescentes peruanos de siete instituciones educativas secundarias (edad promedió 13.73 años). La escala se tradujo al español y se evaluó mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio y teoría de respuesta al ítem. Resultados: se encontró que el instrumento sigue un modelo unidimensional con 17 ítems, presentando adecuados índices de ajuste y confiabilidad (a = .97; w = .97). La invarianza por sexo y edad se confirmó, demostrando equivalencia en ambos grupos. Los resultados de la Teoría Respuesta Ítem (TRI) respaldaron la fiabilidad y validez de la escala. Conclusiones: se ha demostrado que la escala posee niveles destacados de calidad psicométrica, lo que la hace idónea para su aplicación en la evaluación de estrategias que podrían representar un riesgo para el ambiente escolar de esta población.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Collective Moral Disengagement (CMD) employs mechanisms that distort moral perception and justify questionable behaviors within a group, allowing members to ethically disengage from harmful actions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Classroom Collective Moral Disengagement Scale (CCMDS) in Peruvian adolescents. Method: A sample of 646 Peruvian adolescents from seven secondary educational institutions (average age 13.73 years) was analyzed. The scale was translated into Spanish and assessed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory. Results: The instrument was found to follow a unidimensional model with 17 items, showing adequate fit indices and reliability (a = .97; w = .97). Invariance by sex and age was confirmed, demonstrating equivalence across both groups. The IRT results supported the scale’s reliability and validity. Conclusions: The scale has been shown to have high levels of psychometric quality, making it suitable for evaluating strategies that may pose a risk to the school environment for this population. <![CDATA[Attitudes toward debt and financial stress in emerging adults: mediating role of planning and impulsive buying]]> Resumen Introducción: la preocupación por las finanzas es una de las principales causas de estrés financiero, especialmente en grupos poblacionales con ingresos y trabajos inestables. El objetivo de este artículo fue determinar si las actitudes austera y hedonista hacia el endeudamiento se relacionan directamente con el estrés financiero e indirectamente a través de las actitudes de compra planificada e impulsiva en adultos emergentes. Método: el diseño fue transversal, con un alcance correlacional-explicativo. Se aplicaron escalas de autorreporte en formato en línea a una muestra conformada por 624 adultos emergentes (63.1 % mujeres). El promedio de edad fue 20.44 (DE = 3.35). Resultados: el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las actitudes austeras se vinculan directamente con el estrés financiero, y también indirectamente a través de la compra planificada. En cuanto a las actitudes hedonistas, se encontró una asociación directa con la compra impulsiva, pero no con el estrés financiero. Conclusiones: el estrés financiero aumenta cuando los adultos emergentes tienen actitudes de compra más austeras y planificadas. Por lo tanto, tales actitudes pueden presionarlos a hacer un uso más eficiente del dinero. Sería interesante en futuros estudios tener muestras de otros rangos etarios que permitan comparar la evidencia encontrada para contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias de educación financiera basadas en la evidencia científica.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Worry about finances is one of the main causes of financial stress, especially in population groups with unstable income and jobs. This article aimed to determine whether austere and hedonistic debt attitudes are directly related to financial stress and indirectly through planned and impulsive buying attitudes in emerging adults. Method: The design was cross-sectional, with a correlational-explanatory scope. Self-report scales were answered online by a sample of 624 emerging adults (63.1 % women) with an average age of 20.44 (SD = 3.35). Results: Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that austere attitudes are directly linked to financial stress, and indirectly through planned purchases. Regarding hedonistic attitudes, a direct association with impulsive buying was found, but no relationship with financial stress was observed. Conclusion: Financial stress increases when emerging adults have more austere and planned purchasing attitudes, therefore, they may feel pressure to make more efficient use of money. It would be interesting in future studies to have samples from other age ranges that allow comparing the evidence found to contribute to the development of Financial Education strategies based on scientific evidence. <![CDATA[Environmental and climate change education in Latin America: A scoping review]]> Resumen Introducción/objetivo: La educación ambiental y la educación para el cambio climático son dos iniciativas fundamentales para Latinoamérica; sin embargo, pocos trabajos han descrito a profundidad la investigación disponible en la región sobre estas. Método: Se implementó una revisión de alcance tipo Prisma de trabajos empíricos (análisis cuantitativo, cualitativo y mixto), en español, inglés o portugués, en Scielo, Redalyc y Scopus. Resultados: un total de 66 artículos conformaron la base final. En general, la educación ambiental y la educación para el cambio climático han sido abordadas interdisciplinariamente, aunque con un predominio del campo educación. Los dominios incluyen el conocimiento ambiental, actitudes proambientales, prácticas de siembra y cuidado animal. Hay reportes en todos los niveles de formación, con una mayoría en educación superior. Los efectos de las intervenciones son positivos; sin embargo, solo en una investigación se reporta el registro de seguimientos y en pocas hay registro de comportamientos. Conclusiones: las implicaciones para el diseño de actividades educativas de educación ambiental y educación para el cambio climático consisten en que estas aborden problemáticas ambientales locales, integren diferentes disciplinas, incluyan actividades de interacción con la naturaleza y duren más de un semestre lectivo.<hr/>Abstract Introduction/objective: Environmental education and climate change education are two fundamental initiatives for Latin America, however, few works have described in depth the research available in the region on them. Method: A Prisma-type scoping review of empirical papers (quantitative, qualitative and mixed analysis), in Spanish, English or Portuguese, was implemented in Scielo, Redalyc and Scopus. Results: a total of 66 articles made up the final database. In general, environmental education and climate change education have been approached interdisciplinarily, although with a predominance of the field of education. The domains include environmental knowledge, pro-environmental attitudes, planting practices and animal care. There are reports at all levels of education, with a majority in higher education. The effects of the interventions are positive; however, only one research reports a record of follow-ups and in few there is a record of behaviors. Conclusions: the implications for the design of environmental education and climate change education activities are that they should address local environmental problems, integrate different disciplines, include interaction activities with nature and last more than one school semester.