Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Opinión Jurídica]]> vol. 12 num. 24 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<B>Use of International Human Rights Charter</B>]]> El presente documento pretende hacer una aproximación a las nuevas construcciones jurídicas en la que el uso del canon internacional de los derechos humanos tiene una presencia e influencia innegable en los ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales. Esto, derivado de la coyuntura presente en la que las fuentes normativas, plasmadas en tratados, convenciones, protocolos e incluso declaraciones internacionales de derechos humanos, aunados a la jurisprudencia emanada de organismos supranacionales, se han convertido en referencia casi obligada de los operadores jurídicos de los Estados nacionales. Así, ante dicha premisa nos ocuparemos en el presente documento de analizar cómo se ha dado este proceso de articulación del ordenamiento internacional de los derechos humanos con el nacional, que ha llevado al uso del citado canon internacional para legitimar y motivar las resoluciones de parte de la jurisdicción nacional.<hr/>This article in intended to make an approach to the new juridical constructions where the use of the International Human Rights Charter is undoubtedly present with an influence on national juridical systems. This, together with present conditions where regulation sources contemplated in treaties, conventions, protocols, and even international declaration of human rights, in conjunction with the jurisprudence issued by supranational entities, has become an almost mandatory reference of legal practitioners of national states. Based on such a premise, this article will be used to analyze the way this international organization of human rights has been articulated to the national one, and this has made it possible to use such international charter to legitimate and motivate the national jurisdiction resolutions. <![CDATA[<B>Sense and Scope of Jurisdictional Fulfillment in Relation to the Spain Law (Protection of Rights)</B>]]> El presente texto pretende realizar un análisis del alcance actual de la tutela de los derechos, en particular de la tutela civil que normalmente se identifica con la tutela jurisdiccional. La reserva para el Estado de la declaración y ejecución del derecho no tiene hoy un alcance absoluto, de forma que cabe entender que la aparición de nuevos modelos procesales y formas de ejecución privadas encaja en el orden jurídico actual sin necesidad de violentar los principios constitucionales que conforman el modelo de plenitud jurisdiccional.<hr/>This article is intended to perform an analysis on current scope of protection of rights, specifically the civil protection which is frequently identified with jurisdictional protection. Currently, reservation for the state for declaration and execution of law does not have a total scope, so it should be understood that emergence of new procedural models and private execution means is framed within current juridical system, without going against constitutional principles comprising the jurisdictional fulfillment model. <![CDATA[<B>Construction of the Concept of Alimony in Colombia</B>: <B>A Look through the Jurisprudence of Colombia Constitutional Court</B>]]> El artículo ofrece desde la perspectiva de la dogmática constitucional, la forma en que la Corte Constitucional de Colombia viene protegiendo el derecho alimentario. Es así que se realiza una revisión de los diferentes aspectos por los cuales puede ser reclamado el derecho y de las maneras en las cuales los jueces contribuyen o no a su protección. La relación entre el derecho alimentario y la protección de este ha debido reconstruirse apelando a referencias marginales ocasionales, quizá demasiado accidentales en momentos determinados, al 'derecho alimentario', el cual, por no estar precisamente consolidado en la mente de los operadores jurídicos, se encuentra de manera dispersa y fragmentaria en una casuística considerablemente extensa. Es por esto que este artículo lleva a evaluar el papel del juez constitucional en el proceso de reclamación que los titulares de los derechos han llevado a cabo en las situaciones en las cuales los han visto vulnerados. Mostrar las indecisiones, las vacilaciones, las discrepancias entre los jueces acerca de aspectos que deberían ser axiomáticos en la práctica jurídica parece una tarea relevante y útil en el proceso de consolidación del Estado social de Derecho y de la protección del derecho mismo.<hr/>This article provides the way Colombia Constitutional Court has been protecting the right to alimony, from the perspective of the constitutional dogma. In this way, a revision of several aspects through which such right can be claimed and the ways judges protect or not such a right is performed. Reconstruction of the relationship between alimony and protection of such a right has been made appealing to occasional marginal references maybe too accidental at specific moments to the ''alimony,'' which is dispersedly and fragmentarily placed within a significantly extensive casuistry since it is not accurately consolidated in legal practitioners' mind. For this reason, this article leads to the evaluation of a constitutional judge's role within a process to claim rights in situations where such rights have been violated. Indecision, hesitation, and discrepancy among judges about aspects that would be axiomatic in the legal practice seem to be a relevant and useful task within a process to consolidate the Social Rights Sate and protection of the right in itself. <![CDATA[<B>Uma nova tônica nos Direitos Fundamentais</B>: <B>acesso internacionalizado de um Direito Fundamental<A NAME="topo1"></A></B>]]> O presente trabalho objetiva propor uma nova tônica nos Direitos Fundamentais. Os Direitos Fundamentais tem como fonte o Direito Constitucional e, bem assim, esperar-se-ia uma contensão no território estatal, limites da soberania constitucional do Estado. O problema é que os novos direitos que nascem e estão em processo de serem reconhecidos existem, de per si, em um mundo global, não se limitando à fronteira Estatal. Entre estes direitos que existem além dos territórios, pode-se citar o patrimônio cultural, o ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, a paz, a democracia, entre outros. Como o Estado lidará com estes direitos? Que desafios enfrentará o Estado ao reconhecer estes direitos? Este trabalho irá se dedicar primeiramente à compreensão tradicional dos Direitos Fundamentais, constatando que, tradicionalmente, a Terceira Geração é o limite hodierno dos Direitos Fundamentais. Na sequência, apresenta-se a nova tônica com a chamada Quarta Geração de Direitos Fundamentais e sua consequente aplicação internacionalizada. Procura-se, com isso, apresentar questionamentos sem, contudo, ter a pretensão de respondê-los integralmente.<hr/>This paper aims to propose a new perspective about Fundamental Rights. Indeed, the source of this legal institute is the Constitution itself and, precisely because of that, the traditional perspective expect a restrain of it inside the border of the territorial constitutional State's sovereignty. And that is the reason for the problematic: some of the new Fundamental Rights does not restrain itself in the State's border. Example of this new Fundamental Rights is cultural heritage, ecologically balanced environment, peace, democracy etc. How does the State shall deal with this new rights? Witch challenges the State shall confront if recognize this rights? This study shall focus on the traditional border of the Fundamental Rights, the Third Generation of it. Then, the objective is to present the new paradigm of the Fundamental Rights, the Fourth Generation and its consequent internationalized access. The main goal is to present questions, assuming the commitment of does not answer it fully. <![CDATA[<B>Biopolítica e racismo ambiental no Brasil</B>: <B>a exclusão ambiental dos cidadãos<A NAME="topo1"></A></B>]]> O presente artigo se propõe a analisar abiopolítica, sua influência nas decisões do poder soberano e sua face excludente frente às questões ambientais.Para isso, serão postos em discussãoo biopoder e a biopolítica, o racismo ambiental com a exclusão dos cidadãos e a formação de grupos outsidersambientais e o problema da seca no Nordeste brasileiro.A gestão da vida se tornou fator de decisão nos sistemas políticos modernos e contemporâneos, o binômio ''viver e morrer'' deixa as ciências biomédicas e aflora na seara política.A politização da vida se evidencia com o racismo ambiental e com as novas categoriais da política: estabelecidos e outsiders, cidadãos e subcidadãos, inclusão e exclusão.<hr/>This article aims to analyze thebiopolitics, its influence on the decisions of the sovereign power and its excluding face front to environmental issues. Therefore, it will be brought to the discussion the biopower and the biopolitics, the environmental racism with the exclusion of the citizens and the formation of the environmental groupsoutsidersand the problem of drought in northeastern Brazil.The management of life became deciding factor in modern and contemporany political systems, the concepts ''live and die'' lets biomedical sciences and touches on policy. The politicization of life is evident with environmental racism and the new categorical policy: established and outsiders, citizens and under citizens, inclusion and exclusion. <![CDATA[<B>Is an International Corporate Human Rights liability framework needed?</B>: <B>An Economic Power, Business and Human Rights, and American Extraterritorial Jurisdiction analysis<A NAME="topo1"></A></B>]]> All companies, regardless of the sector they belong to, can positively or negatively impact human rights. Governments are increasingly aware of the benefits that free trade brings their nations, which has led them to do whatever is necessary to attract foreign investment, even if it means to act against the interests of their own people. The power relationship between corporations and states generates a tension derived from their nature: while the objective of states is the welfare of its members, the purpose of corporations is profit. It is in the crack generated by the collision of powers and purposes between these two actors, that this article is intended to raise the discussion on the need to establish an international framework for corporate liability for human rights violations. To achieve its goal, the article will analyze the opportunities and obstacles raised by the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the American context and its relationship with the developments in the business and human rights field.<hr/>Todas las empresas, sin importar el sector al que pertenezcan, pueden tener un efecto positivo o negativo en los derechos humanos. Los gobiernos están cada vez más conscientes de los beneficios que implica el libre comercio para sus naciones, y esto los ha llevado a realizar lo necesario para atraer la inversión extranjera, incluso si se tiene que actuar contra los intereses de sus propias poblaciones. La relación de poder entre las empresas y los estados genera una tensión que surge de su propia naturaleza: mientras el objetivo de los estados es el bienestar de sus miembros, el propósito de las empresas son las utilidades. Debido a la grieta producida por el choque de poderes y los propósitos existentes entre estos dos actores es que este artículo pretende generar la discusión sobre la necesidad de establecer un marco internacional para responsabilidad corporativa para las violaciones de los derechos humanos. Para lograr este objetivo, el artículo analizará las oportunidades y los obstáculos que surgen con el ejercicio de la jurisdicción extraterritorial en el contexto de los Estados Unidos y su relación con los desarrollos en el campo de los derechos comerciales y humanos. <![CDATA[<B>Temporary copies and private digital copy as limits of the copyright</B>: <B>- Transposition of directive 2001/29/CE to Spain law-</B>]]> La Directiva 2001/29/CE de la Unión Europea puso a la vanguardia jurídica el régimen aplicable a las reproducciones provisionales y la copia privada como excepciones al derecho de reproducción. Dado que España, como Estado miembro de la Unión Europea, debía transponer al derecho nacional la directiva en mención, es necesario definir el alcance de su incorporación, para identificar los criterios aplicables al caso concreto, para determinar la licitud de las copias privadas y de las reproducciones provisionales de las obras protegidas, los efectos de estas frente al titular de los derechos de autor o conexos y las posibles afectaciones al usuario por las medidas anticopia. Con este propósito, se contrastará el enunciado normativo comunitario frente al adoptado en el derecho interno, coadyuvados de algunas decisiones jurisprudenciales y desarrollos doctrinales recientes.<hr/>2001/29/CE Directive of the European Union put the regime applicable to temporary copies and private copies as exceptions to the copyright at the juridical leading edge. Since Spain, as a member state of the European Union, should harmonise such directive with the national law, it is necessary to define the scope of its incorporation to identify criteria applicable to the specific case in order to determine legality of private copies and temporary copies of protected works, the effects of such copies on the copyrights holder or related rights, and possible damages for the user for the anti-copy measures. With this purpose in mind, the community regulatory statement will be compared to the one adopted in the internal law, in conjunction with jurisprudence decisions and recent doctrinal developments. <![CDATA[<B>Assisted Reproduction and Affiliation. Three Cases</B>]]> Este artículo analiza uno de los principales problemas jurídicos que plantean las técnicas de reproducción asistida: determinar la filiación del nacido y la forma en que nuestros jueces de la República han resuelto este conflicto en los casos específicos de alquiler de vientre, inseminación asistida con donante, e inseminación post-mortem, teniendo en cuenta que, a diferencia de la filiación biológica, el consentimiento de los donantes de gametos y de los receptores es un elemento necesario para determinar la paternidad.<hr/>This article analyzes one of the main juridical problems arising from assisted reproduction techniques: to determine affiliation of the newborn and the way our judges of the Republic has used to solve this conflict in specific cases of surrogacy, donor-assisted insemination, and post-mortem insemination, bearing in mind that, unlike the biological affiliation, consent of gamete donors and recipients is a mandatory element to determine parenthood. <![CDATA[<B>Statute on freedom in the Chilean criminal process thirteen years after applicability of the accusatory system</B>]]> En este estudio se identifican tres institutos que tienen directa incidencia en el régimen de la libertad del imputado durante el curso del proceso penal: el control de identidad, la detención por flagrancia y la prisión preventiva. Se describen, analizan y critican las principales modificaciones legislativas que los mismos han experimentado desde el año 2002, y se identifica, además, la tendencia a extender los límites objetivos y subjetivos de las restricciones a la libertad y a desnaturalizar sus fines estrictamente cautelares.<hr/>Three institutions having direct impact on the freedom system of the indicted person during the course of a criminal process are identified: identity control, detention for flagrancy, and preventive detention. The main legislative modifications such institutions have experienced since 2002 are described, analyzed, and discussed, and the tendency to extend objective and subjective limits of freedom restrictions and to denaturalize its strictly protective goals is also identified. <![CDATA[<B>Development planning</B>: <B>Economic, political o legal issue?</B>]]> Colombia tiene una larga tradición en la planificación del desarrollo. En el proceso se ha dirimido el conflicto entre lo político y lo técnico en favor de lo político; a la vez que las metas de crecimiento y estabilidad han estado por encima de la política social, se empiezan a desarrollar asuntos como sostenibilidad, prevención de riesgo en lo ambiental, fortalecimiento de la democracia participativa, autonomía y desarrollo de las regiones y superación de la pobreza, y se establecen normas jurídicas para hacer obligatorio se cumplimiento. Aunque el concepto de desarrollo humano ha permeado el proceso, no ha sido el primordial, y la problemática que pretende resolver, en el fondo, es la misma que más de doscientos años atrás, cuando se reconocía que teníamos un país rico en recursos, pero con una población llena de carencias, lo que hacía que el objetivo fuera el de generar empleo que otorgue ingresos.<hr/>Colombia has shown a long tradition on development planning. During the process, the conflict between political and technical issues has been resolved in favor of the political issues; as growth and stability goals have been above the social policies, issues such as sustainability, environmental risk prevention, strengthening of participative democracy, autonomy, and development of regions and fight against poverty have been developed and legal norms to enforce such policies have been set. Although the concept of human development has infiltrated the process, such concept has not been an essential issue, and the problems intended to be solved are, in essence, the same we have experienced for over two hundred years when Colombia was identified as one country rich in resources but having a poor population, so the main goal was to create employment to generate income. <link></link> <description/> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 02:02:10 05-02-2025-->