It is with great satisfaction that we share with our readers the news that the Colombian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (CJOG) has been accepted in PubMed Central, the complete text repository of literature of biomedical and life science journals in the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health in the United States. This way, the journal is available in complete text, not only from the page of the Colombian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies (FECOLSOG), but also from the CJOG and from PubMed Central (See at:
With this achievement we complete one of our goals when we arrived at the editorial direction of the CJOG. Currently we are included in the Medline, PubMed Central, Directory of Open Access journals (DOAJ), Scopus, SciELO and Publindex data bases. Thus, we are one of the three Colombian health science journals that are part of Medline and PubMed Central data bases. With the entrance into PubMed Central we Maintain the commitments we acquired when entering Medline in terms of scientific quality, editorial, ethical behavior and scientific integrity, open access, and registry and identification of the CJOG (DOI).
As new goals to be achieved in the mid-term, we would like to increase the number of secondary studies, such as systematic reviews (Scoping, qualitative interventions, diagnostic tests, or in case reports), or knowledge transference products such as evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments, or brief policy reviews in the CJOG. We invite the residents of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public Health, sexual and reproductive health, and epidemiology graduate students, as well as professors and researchers of universities in the country and the region to publish their works in this modality of secondary research, since it not only answers very relevant questions for clinical, coverage, and public policy decision making, but it also allows obtaining results in reasonable terms and with greater control of times than those of primary studies. In the short term we will start a set of face-to-face and virtual training sessions with the support of universities that have had editorial experience in this type of research. We will continue with support to authors in Colombia and the Ibero-American region to offer manuscripts of the best scientific and editorial quality to our readers for the benefit of the sexual and reproductive health of our women during their life cycle.
On the other hand, in the mid-term, we plan to have all published studies written in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, so that our work can be read by researchers in other regions of the world. We must remember that English is the language of science, thus we will ask the authors to send their documents in their native tongue and in English too.
Lastly, we want to thank the members of the current and former FECOLSOG boards of directors, the current manager, evaluating peers, the members of the editorial and scientific committees, the authors who have trusted our journal to publish their studies. To the staff at Biteca, our editorial ally, to Doctor Clara Arteaga, our expert in ethical topics, for her effort, commitment, and dedication.