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Print version ISSN 0123-921X

Tecnura vol.27 no.78 Bogotá Oct./Dec. 2023  Epub Nov 10, 2024 


Taxonomy for supply chain strategic decision

Taxonomía para caracterizar las decisiones estratégicas de la cadena de suministro

Rafael Guillermo García-Cáceres1

Nini Johanna Rodríguez-Álvarez2

Cesar Augusto López-Ramírez3

1Associated Professor, Doctor of Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - UPTC. Sogamoso, Colombia. Email:

2Master of Industrial Engineering. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia. Email:

3Master of Industrial Engineering. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - UPTC. Sogamoso, Colombia. Email:



The characterization framework proposed in this work presents the strategic decisions and their characteristics and the strategic characterization structure of the supply chain.


This article presents a framework for the strategic characterization of supply chains. The structure is supported by a group of studies that have identified and established the relationships between the decisions of the supply chain.


The framework defines the various aspects of the chain that are described from the decision-making paradigm in a strategic environment. In this way, a decision-making selection process can be developed and a structure can be created to analyze the effectiveness of its management.


The present work resulted from the discovery of a research gap related to the lack of adequate support methodologies for making strategic decisions, providing a holistic view of the chain’s competitors. An attractive future research perspective could also encompass tactical decisions alongside current strategic ones.

Keywords: Characterization; supply chains; strategic decision



El marco de caracterización propuesto en este trabajo presenta las decisiones estratégicas y sus características y la Estructura de Caracterización estratégica de la Cadena de Suministro.


Este artículo presenta una estructura para la caracterización estratégica de cadenas de suministro. La estructura se soporta en un grupo de trabajos que han identificado y establecido las relaciones entre las decisiones de la cadena de suministro.


La estructura define los aspectos que describen la cadena desde un paradigma de decisión, en su contexto estratégico, para desarrollar los procesos de toma de decisiones y establece las bases para analizar la efectividad de sugestión.


El presente trabajo resultó del descubrimiento de una brecha de investigación relacionada con la falta de metodologías de apoyo adecuadas para la toma de decisiones estratégicas, brindando una visión holística de los competidores de la cadena. Una perspectiva de investigación futura atractiva también podría abarcar decisiones tácticas, junto con las estratégicas actuales.

Palabras clave: Caracterización; cadena de suministro; decisiones estratégicas


The evaluation of the characterization of a Supply Chain constitutes one of its basic management needs. According to (Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (2014).), the characterization of an object corresponds to its organized description, as a probable first step in the systematization of an experience. The characterization is based on exhaustive documentation of the phenomenon in question, from its origins in the past to its current condition.

This work is supported by the systematic literature review ((Xiao, Y. and Watson, M. (2019).), whose deployment is presented below.

  • Search the Literature

  • Extracting Data

  • Analyzing and Synthesizing Data

  • Report Findings

Search The Literature

The literature on the topic shows a number of works that have tackled SC characterization, most of them focusing on tactical aspects. In some of these cases, not only is the scope of the decision level unclear, but an adequate theoretical paradigm is also lacking. Table 1 is a summary of some of these works, with an emphasis on the decision levels they address.

Table 1 Summary of SC characterization works 

Source: Authors.

A clearly strategic approach to the SC has been developed by (García-Cáceres, R.G. and Olaya, E.S. (2006).), (García-Cáceres, R.G., Torres-V. S., Olaya-E, E.S., Díaz-G, H.B., Vallejo-D. M.R. and Castro-S., H.F. (2009).), (García-Cáceres, R.G., Núñez-Moreno, A., Ramírez-Ortiz, T. and Jaimes-Suárez, S.(2013).), (García-Cáceres, R.G., Perdomo, A., Ortiz, O., Beltrán, P. and López. K. (2014).), (López-Ramírez, C.A. and García-Cáceres R.G. (2020) .), and (Martinez-Albarracín, K.D., Rivera-Roncancio, L.M. and García-Cáceres, R.G. (2019) .) paying special attention to network decisions. This body of work intends to feature SCs in the context of local and international markets, especially in terms of facility network structure and agent identification, roles, and relationships. In turn, in turn, (Torres, S and García-Cáceres, R.G. (2008)) have addressed SC organization and governance forms about outsourcing and vertical integration. (Stephens, S. (2001) .) has characterized SC processes, while (Lambert, D.M., Cooper, M.C. and Pagh, J.D. (1998) .), (Lambert, D.M. and Cooper, M.C. (2000).), and (Lambert, D.M. and Enz, M.G. (2017).) have studied SC facility deployment. Therefore, the current review of the literature reveals that none of the available CS characterization studies have focused on the selection of decisions mentioned in (Riopel, D., Langevin A. and Campbell, J.F. (2005) .) and (Campbell, D. and Craig, T. (2005) ). In this context, this article develops a holistic conceptual framework for the characterization of strategic CS decisions


Methodological proposal

In approaching SC decisions and relationships at the strategic and tactical levels, (Riopel, D., LangevinA. and Campbell, J.F. (2005) .) found five strategic decisions taking place in a hierarchical structure comprising two levels. In turn, (García-Cáceres, R.G. and Olaya, E.S. (2006) .) have characterized SC problems and their interaction with SC decisions. These works provide a rigorous description of the context surrounding SC characterization, the strategic aspects of which constitute the focus of the present work. Table 2 sets out the strategic decisions of the SC and the aspects considered under each of them context surrounding SC characterization, the strategic aspects of which constitute the focus of the present work. Table 2 sets out the strategic decisions of the SC and the aspects considered under each of them

Table 2 Strategic decisions 

Source: Authors.

The strategic decisions explained in Table 2 are related to each other by a nested hierarchy ((Riopel, D., Langevin A. and Campbell, J.F. (2005) .), which, in turn, impacts tactical decisions. The top levels of this hierarchy can be seen at the top of the table, while the lower levels can be seen at the bottom. According to the literature review, the only strategic planning processes supported by a theoretical background are those based on the Economic Theory of Transaction Costs. Otherwise, the decision-selection processes found in the literature are based on SCM.


The current SC characterization framework details the strategic decisions in question, which it couples to the SC strategic characterization structure. This framework identifies the relevant features that need to be characterized and embeds them in a hierarchical decision structure. The SC strategic characterization here developed can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3 SC Strategic Characterization Structure 

Source: Authors.


The present work resulted from the discovery of a research gap related to the lack of adequate methodologies to support the selection of strategic decisions. Since it is aimed at decision-makers, some usage guidelines deserve attention: the strategic decisions themselves and their characteristics, and the actual supply chain characterization framework, which provides decision-makers with a holistic view of the competitors in the chain.

An attractive prospect of future research could also encompass tactical decisions along with current strategic ones


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Cómo citar:García-Cáceres, R.G., Rodríguez-Álvarez, N.J. y López-Ramírez, C.A. (2022). Taxonomy for supply chain strategic decision. Tecnura,27(78), 123-14

Received: September 28, 2021; Accepted: March 13, 2023

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