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Acta Agronómica

 ISSN 0120-2812

ARROYO ARBOLEDA, Michell Alejandra; RENDON BENJUMEA, Alejandra Estefanía; MARTINEZ GIRON, María Isabel    SERNA COCK, Liliana. Emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability of rice husK meal (Oryza sativa) under different pH conditions and ionic strength. []. , 70, 4, pp.415-420.   11--2023. ISSN 0120-2812.  https://doi.org/10.15446/acag.v70n4.78743.

Rice husk meal (Oryza sativa L.) is obtained and its emulsifying capacity (CE) and emulsion stability (EE) are evaluated at two particle sizes (> 250 and < 250 |om), three pH (5.5-2.5, and 1.5) and three ionic strengths (0, 0.2 and 0.5 M of NaCl). The EE was determined at two temperatures (50 and 80 °C). Rice husk meal at particle size> 250, pH 5.5, and ionic strength of 0.5 M NaCl was found to have the best CE (3.3 ± 0.03 mL /g ). The lowest EC (1.5 ± 0.0 mL/g) was obtained at a particle size < 250 μm, pH 1.5 and ionic strength of 0.5 M of NaCl. The highest EE (47.2 ± 0.03 %) is obtained at 50 °C, particle size> 250 μm, pH 5.5, and ionic strength of 0.2 M of NaCl . It is found that rice husk meal has emulsifying properties and these properties are influenced by extrinsic factors such as particle size, pH, ionic strength, and temperature. The above indicates that rice husk meal is an alternative to the use of emulsifiers of animal origin, so it could be used very particularly in vegan preparations, or in general in the food and cosmetic industries.

: emulsification; stability; particle size; lignocellulosus.

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