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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

 ISSN 0120-3347

CALVACHE, José Andrés et al. Risk of bias assessment of clinical trials published in the Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología. []. , 40, 3, pp.183-191. ISSN 0120-3347.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rca.2012.05.013.

Introduction: Randomized clinical trials (RCT) are one of the most reliable methods of scientific investigation in health sciences. It is a corner stone of evidence based medicine and the backbone of high standard knowledge. Several types of errors can compromise the results and affect its validity. Objectives: To assess the risk of bias of the clinical trials published in the Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología (RCA) medical journal by applying the «risk of bias detection» tool of the Cochrane Collaboration. Methods: All the clinical trials in the RCA journal were found by carrying out a systematic research. These trials were randomly distributed among 6 evaluators trained in the use of the «risk of bias detection» tool of the Cochrane Collaboration. Results were presented descriptively, graphically and chronologically to each of the 6 parameters that conform the «risk of bias detection» tool. Results:The RCA journal has published 40 volumes as of 1973. The searching process identified a total 75 RCT up until 2009. The frequency of RCT publication has risen with time. The cities with most publications were Bogotá DC and Medellín, and most trials were related to the management of acute and chronic pain. The greatest risk of bias (29% of all RCT) was found in the concealing of randomization sequences (parameter 2). 30% of the studies showed four or more parameter values of low risk of bias. A trend of decreasing proportion of high risk values was observed as time passed. Conclusions:There is a sustained trend of improvement and risk reduction in RCTs' in the RCA journal.

: Clinical trials; Randomized controlled trial; Selection bias; Anesthesiology.

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