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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

 ISSN 0120-3347



Response letter to the editor

Reply to Letter to the Editor

Daniel Alfonso Botero-Rosasa  * 

Oscar Leonardo Mosquera-Dussána 

Henry Oliverosb 

a Universidad de La Sabana, PROSEIM Research Group, Chía, Colombia.

b School of Medicine, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

We wish to thank you foryourcomments1 to the Article "Randomized cross-over clinical trial comparing to pharmacokinetic models of propofol using entropy indices,"2 and we would like to submit some considerations and clarifications. (i) A propofol bolus (1mg/kg) was administered to facilitate airway management in both treatments (Marsh and Schnider). (ii) To avoid sharp entropy index transitions and ensure that the study period corresponded to an anesthetized patient, the index was considered following a delta time, defined as the time between the start of the propofol infusion with the first sequence model until the end of airway management, once the patient reached a stable conscious state. (iii) The statistical tests proposed by Wellek and Blettner3 for the determination of the "carryover" effect did not show significant statistical evidence pointing to an effect of the first treatment over the second one. This indicates that the 20-minute washout period was enough to prevent the first treatment from having an influence on the second. Propofol is short acting, and time to recovery of consciousness ranges between 5 and 10 minutes following bolus administration, due to reduced concentration in a rapid distribution phase lasting 2 to 4 minutes. In our study, the washout period was much longer than this recovery time.


1. Torres Cruz J. Comment about “Randomized cross-over clinical trial comparing two pharmacokinetic models of propofol using entropy indices”. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2017;45: 80-81. [ Links ]

2. Mosquera-Dussán O, Cárdenas A, Botero-Rosas D, et al. Randomized cross-over clinical trial comparing two pharmacokinetic models of propofol using entropy indices. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2016;44:194-202. [ Links ]

3. Wellek S, Blettner M. On the proper use of the crossover design in clinical trials. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012;109:276-281. [ Links ]

How to cite this article: Botero-Rosas DA, Mosquera-Dussán OL, Oliveros H. Reply to Letter to the Editor. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. 2018;46:177.

Funding The authors declare having received no funding for the preparation of this manuscript.

Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest in the preparation of the manuscript.

* Correspondence: Universidad de La Sabana, Facultad de Medicina, Campus Universitario, Autopista Norte de Bogota, km 7, Puente Del Comun, Chía, Colombia. E-mail: daniel.botero@unisabana.edu.co

Creative Commons License This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License