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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

 ISSN 0120-3347



Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Fernando Raffán-Sanabriaa  b 

a Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia

b Professor, Universidad del Bosque and Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

1) Regarding the risk of hypotension in subarachnoidal regional anaesthesia for cesarean section, described by López Hernández MG et al., which of the following is true?

  1. There is a positive correlation with the waist-hip ratio.

  2. There is no positive correlation with body mass index.

  3. There was a significant association between neonatal birthweight greater than 3,900 g and the risk of hypotension.

  4. B y C are true.

2) The use of which of the following is recommended in the management of pruritus in the burned patient?

  1. Propofol in IV infusion.

  2. Oral gabapentin.

  3. Pregabalin.

  4. All of the above.

3) Regarding difficult airway predictors and aggravating factors described, all of the following is true, except for:

  1. Male gender in difficult ventilation.

  2. Male gender as a predictor for difficulty using supra-glottic devices.

  3. Female gender as a predictor of difficult surgical access to the airway.

  4. Male gender as a predictor of difficult laryngoscopy and intubation.

4) In a 6-year-old patient who cannot be ventilated or intubated, the first recommended option is:

  1. To awaken the patient.

  2. Emergency tracheostomy.

  3. Emergency cricothyroidectomy.

  4. Videolaryngoscopy.

5) Which of the following considerations is true about myotonic dystrophy type 1?

  1. It has autosomal recessive inheritance.

  2. Premedication with benzodiazepines is a valid option in crying patients.

  3. The use of volatile agents is indicated in myotonic crisis.

  4. Non-depolarising neuromuscular blockers may be used because they help mitigate the crisis.

6) Regarding the use of pulmonary ultrasound in the management of a newborn with tracheoesophageal fistula, the following is false:

  1. The presence of A lines indicate overt abnormal lung parenchyma.

  2. Provides postoperative follow-up for lung recruitment.

  3. The seashore sign represents a healthy lung parenchyma.

  4. Confirms selective ventilation.

7) Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a temporary cardiorespiratory support measure. From the coagulation point of view, targets include all of the following, except for:

  1. Activated thromboplastin time twice as high as the normal value.

  2. Platelet count higher than 100000.

  3. Fibrinogen between 150-300 mg/dl.

  4. ACT 160-180 seconds.

8) For the management of chronic shoulder pain secondary to osteoarthrosis, it has been observed that:

  1. Prevalence is close to 20%.

  2. Suprascapular nerve blockade is clinically less effective than the tricompartmental blockade.

  3. Prevalence is significantly higher in men.

  4. A and B are true.

9) The recommended reserve/transfusion ratio, as a cutoff point in order to optimize the use of packed red blood cells or red blood cell units in surgical patients is:

  1. Less than 1.5.

  2. Less than 2.

  3. Less than 2.5.

  4. Less than 3.

10) The levels of which of the following are elevated during pregnancy?

  1. Factor VII.

  2. Factor X.

  3. Protein S.

  4. A and B.


1. D.

2. B.

3. D.

4. B.

5. C.

6. A.

7. A.

8. A.

9. C.



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2. Cácers Jerez LE, Gomezese Ribero OF, Reyes Cárdenas LI, et al. Manejo del dolor en el paciente gran quemado: Revisión no sistemática de la literatura. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:52-57. [ Links ]

3. Alvarado Arteaga IM. Actualización en la via aérea difícil y propuesta de algiritmo simple,unificado y aplicado a nuestro medio. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:58-67. [ Links ]

4. Alvarado Arteaga IM. Actualización en la via aérea difícil y propuesta de algoritmo simple, unificado y aplicado a nuestro medio. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:58-67. [ Links ]

5. Alarcón Pérez Ll, Pastor Lain C. Barragán Gonzalez L y colbsManejo anetésico en el paciente pediátrico con distrofia miotónica tipo 1. Reporte de caso. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:75-77. [ Links ]

6. Fajardo Escobar AP, Bonilla-Ramirez AJ, Winograd Gómez V. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:78-81. [ Links ]

7. Berrio-Valencia M, McFarling MR. Manejo perioperatorio de paciente en ECMO_VA para cirugía no cardiaca. Reporte de caso. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:87-91. [ Links ]

8. Arcila Lotero MA, Mejía Aguilar MA, Rivera Dias RC, Montoya LP. Comparación de dos técnicas intervencionistas para el tratamiento del dolor crónico de hombro. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:27-33. [ Links ]

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10. Laberde-Sabogal CE, Torres-Gonzalez JV. Embolismo paradójico inminente, foramen ovale permeable y embarazo. Repoprte de caso. Rev Colomb Anestesiol 2018;46 1:82-86. [ Links ]

How to cite this article: Raffán-Sanabria F. Questions and answers. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. 2018;46:182-183.

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