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Revista Colombiana de Educación

 ISSN 0120-3916

MARTINEZ MORA, Nathalia    SILVA BRICENO, Orlando. Heterocultural Societies: Bets from ulturality and the Potential of Education. []. , 69, pp.237-251. ISSN 0120-3916.

This article proposes the analysis of the category of heterocultural societies or heteroculturality as an alternative perspective to the multiculturalism concept. The heteroculturality that houses as principles those of heterogeneity and cultural heterarchy, includes interculturalism as a strategy for the constitution of new forms of social organization from the recognition of the existence of different ways of knowledge, power and being. It takes as its starting point the widespread idea of school as a Western cultural device, to distance from the promotion of the monocultural project that has been historically implemented in the Latin American societies from that institution, and that crosses much of the reflections that are made regarding this in the academic field. As a consequence it is proposed redefining the role of the school, curriculum, education and social sciences, and the openness to diverse educational settings from the logic of the intercultural dialogue, to promote the construction of a hetercultural horizon in the context of contemporaneity.

: Heterocultural societies; intercultural dialogue; educational settings.

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