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Revista EAN

 ISSN 0120-8160

FALKENSTEIN-AVILA, Hans David; REDONDO-MENDEZ, Andrea Carolina    PINZON-MUNOZ, Carlos Andrés. Development of the creative economy in Argentina: example for the Colombian case. []. , spe, pp.115-134.   29--2022. ISSN 0120-8160.  https://doi.org/10.21158/01208160.n0.2020.2753.

The aim of this article is to analyze the applicability of the growth strategies for the Argentinean cultural sector to the Colombian case, based on Stiglitz's development theories and the neo-Shumpeterian theory of innovation, all through three variables of analysis: legislation, institutionality, and cooperation. Argentina has become a major factor to be taken into account when developing policies, in terms of know-how, education, training, and infrastructure, which would allow us to analyze whether Colombia can achieve competitive advantages in the international market for the cultural sector. We used a qualitative methodology with a documentary approach, including secondary sources that allowed the identification of strategies and the analysis of the possibilities for implementation. As the main result, we identified the endogenous process of growth of the Argentinean cultural sector, as it links institutional and regulatory diversity, as well as education, and integrates civil society in the construction of creative cities, as is the case of Buenos Aires. In the case of Colombia, there is a need for strategies that go beyond the institutional and normative to support the cultural sector, so that it is possible to link larger budgets and greater inclusion, in order to integrate all Colombian artists and creators in decision-making and policy making.

: creative economy; cultural sector; Stiglitz development theories; neo-Shumpeterian innovation theory; cultural policies.

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