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Historia Crítica

 ISSN 0121-1617

CHMIEL, Fira. Conquest of the Threshold: Spaces of Transit in Childhood Memories of Exile during the Last Dictatorships in Argentina and Uruguay. []. , 80, pp.129-151.   18--2021. ISSN 0121-1617.  https://doi.org/10.7440/histcrit80.2021.07.


In this work, I propose to explore the childhood memories of those who experienced exile during the last dictatorships in Argentina and Uruguay. I examine the spaces of transit and meanings stored in the recounted memories.


Based on interviews conducted by me, I focus on the biographical approach and socio-symbolic level when analyzing the narratives produced by the interviewees.


The work aims to contribute to a little-explored subject, such as the memories of those who experienced exile in childhood, with the purpose of recovering spatial dimension as a novel perspective in the construction of memory.


Based on an analysis of evoked experiences, the study highlights the affective link to spaces and meanings in relation to intermediate places of transit during forced migration: thresholds between the known world and the world to be known.

: Argentina; childhood; exile; memory; space; Uruguay.

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