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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía

 ISSN 0121-215X ISSN 2256-5442

TOSCANA APARICIO, Alejandra. El Géiser Water Park: A Community-based Tourism Experience in Mexico. []. , 26, 2, pp.279-293. ISSN 0121-215X.  https://doi.org/10.15446/rcdg.v26n1.59189.

This paper presents a study of the self-managed community organization of the El Geiser Water Park located in the community of Uxdejhe, municipality of Tecozautla, Hidalgo, Mexico. The resort belongs to a group of peasants (in Spanish “ejidatarios”) that transited to water tourism entrepreneurs by managing their common heritage: the territory, the geyser and hot springs. The success of the project has allowed them to control their own development, overcome marginalization conditions prevailing in the entity and strengthen community ties. The qualitative research is based on the theoretical basis of community tourism and empirical data obtained from direct observation in the field and interviews.

: spa; community-based tourism; ejido; geyser; water park resort; Uxdehje.

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