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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía

 ISSN 0121-215X ISSN 2256-5442

CERONI ACOSTA, Mauricio Bruno. Territory and Historical-Geographical Materialism: Approaches and New Perspectives. []. , 31, 2, pp.463-475.   17--2022. ISSN 0121-215X.  https://doi.org/10.15446/rcdg.v31n2.89020.

Within the Marxist world geography, and particularly in Latin America, there are very few studies that give account of a deep analysis on the understanding of materiality and its relationship with the territory, however it has been the analysis of social space that has led the debates within the critical geography. The purpose of this article is to explore and reflect on the concept of territory within historical-geographical-materialism, to contribute to the debate on a key concept within geography. We started with the main referential authors of Marxist geography and we analyzed them in terms of the main texts that delve into the concept of territory within critical geography, especially the Brazilian and French schools. The analysis results are that on the one hand, it is central to understand and define materiality as the essence of the territory, and on the other hand, conceptualizing the matter in a dynamic way allows a more complete understanding of the relationship between society and nature.


Reflection article that focuses its discussion on the discussion about the conceptualization of the territory within the historical-geographical materialism.

: geography; Marxism; materiality; nature; territory.

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