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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía

 ISSN 0121-215X ISSN 2256-5442

CARVALHO, Yara Cristina de; GOMES, Guilherme Nascimento    CORAZZA, Rosana Icassatti. A Look at the Results of the Light for All Program Informed by Energy Justice Concepts and Approaches (2004-2010). []. , 31, 2, pp.501-518.   17--2022. ISSN 0121-215X.  https://doi.org/10.15446/rcdg.v31n2.89699.

Energy justice is an essential concept for socioeconomic development and involves basic needs (food, health, education, and housing), for human development. It can be articulated with the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), related to clean and accessible energy, considered the "golden thread" capable of linking economic growth, development, and sustainability. The objectives of this article are, on the one hand, to offer a systematic review of energy justice concept, identifying three fundamental approaches: distributive; procedural and recognition-based; and, on the other hand, to analyze the results of the Light for All Program (PLpT) in accordance with these approaches. Data on the evolution of access to electricity in the country and in terms of the number of connections made in the PLpT for the period 2004-2010 were retrieved, tabulated, spatialized and analyzed. Results analysis is informed by the approaches on energy justice. It is concluded that the PLpT can be understood as an action of extension of distributive justice through access to electricity, which favors, in the period, the expansion of the satisfaction of one of the basic needs and for the achievement of SDG 7


Article of reflection and review on the concept of energy justice, consolidated by Sovacool and Dworkin (2014; 2015) analyzed through the public policy Light for All (2004-2010). It is observed how the action of social policy programs can improve socio-spatial injustices and how they should be continuously evaluated and monitored.

: policy analysis; distributive justice; energy justice; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); energy poverty; Light for All Program (PLpT).

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