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 ISSN 0121-5051






1General Director and Editor – INNOVAR, Full-time and Associate Professor, School of Management and Public Accounting, Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

As a result of an interaction process that took over six months, last December 2nd- 2016, the Colombian Network for Organizational Studies (REOC in Spanish) was formally created. This endeavor was promoted by Professors from EAFIT, Rosario y Jorge Tadeo Lozano universities and additionally supported in its foundation by Professors from the universities Externado, Militar Nueva Granada and the National University of Colombia (Bogota and Manizales campuses). This network emerges in a crucial moment for the strengthening of research in management in Colombia and Latin America. Its main purpose is to broaden the most conventional insights of organizational research with contributions from the Social Sciences, a critical reflection point of view and the search for a national and Latin American own identity. The conformation of similar networks date back from Europe (European Group for Organizational Studies -EGOS-, founded in 19734) and has expended to countries such as Mexico (Mexican Network of Researchers in Organizational Studies - Remineo5) and Brazil, among others6. In the development of the construction process of REOC, its founding members were called upon reflection about the scope and content of Organizational Studies. The next lines depict one of such considerations and are fully responsibility of the Editor.

We should start by recognizing the existence of a broad group of people, ideas and traditions on thinking that have consolidated at a slow pace theories, methodologies and proposals for explaining and comprehending organizations. These ideas have also run along with concrete values and positions about society and the human being, and the objectives this human being must pursue as well as the mechanisms of collective coordination functioning.

Ontological, epistemological and methodological differences make possible to characterize research schools, traditions, paradigms and programs on the topic. Opposition, born from different historical processes, diverse conceptions of society and differentiated dynamics for understanding organizations, states a geographically associated dichotomy that distinguishes the traditional theory around organizations of the United States (North America in general) from its counterpart organizational studies of European descent (González-Miranda, 2014). Such a distinction, which is in fact pronounced and visible in certain aspects, does not recognize the dynamics in the field of organizational studies also present in the United States. Therefore, geographic contraposition or boundary marks are perhaps incomplete or not precise. Some authors suggest different criteria for identifying its origin and current trends (Sanabria, Saavedra & Smida, 2014).

The distinction on the field offered by Clegg and Hardy (1996), who state that organizational studies cover issues related to organizations (understood as socially built empirical entities), the organization (as a conceptual body), and the organized (as the social-context process), ends being creative and well-supported from epistemological and axiological criteria. It is also accepted that organizational studies imply a concern for the organization, assuming it is a net of human relations and interactions of historical and contextual character. In this way, organizations could be understood as lacking of a unified teleological sense and affected by intrinsic conflicts innate to human condition and psyche. These are emerging entities derived from the complexity of social actions and the constant pugnacity in power relationships manifested through knowledge, legal forms and subjectivity. For this reason, the dualism in human actions, debated between the social structure and the individual agency, is at the core of the problematic issues approached by organizational studies. Thereby, this is an inter and multidisciplinary field of study under construction that embodies knowledge from the Social Sciences and gives priority to comprehension, as an intrinsic tool for change by means of thinking as an action. This body of knowledge is critical, either for having a stance about domination and exploitation relations or for its nature of systematic doubting about mainstream thought. Some of the most widely disseminated visions in organizations theory are questioned (especially those assuming the methodological individualism and the economistic-deterministic view of human behavior, as in the case of neoclassic economical rationality), while some other are complemented and enriched by organizational studies.

We are convinced the REOC will promote processes and articulate efforts to benefit the academic concerns focused on organizations in our context. We express our gratitude to our fellow partners, Professors Diego René González, Juan Javier Saavedra, Diego Armando Marín, Mauricio Sanabria, Mariano Gentilín, Juan Carlos Cuartas, Andrés Hernández, Olga Lucía Anzola, José Gabriel Carvajal, Pedro Sanabria, Carmen Ocampo, Manuel Zevallos and Francisco Ortega.

This issue of INNOVAR is made UP by four sections: Marketing, Strategy and Organizations, Education and Employment, and Public Administration. Nine articles are published expecting they are found interesting by our readers and relevant for the comprehension-intervention of organizational problematic issues.

In the section Marketing we include three research papers by academics from different countries in Ibero-America.

From Spain, Professors Juan Miguel Alcántara and Salvador del Barrio-García, affiliated to the University of Granada, present the research "The Moderating Role of Uncertainty Control, Long-term Orientation and Individualism on the Perceived Risk about Websites Acceptance". This work seeks to set out an acceptance and processing model for the information about customers in a website, looking for identifying the role that certain cultural values play (specifically uncertainty control, long-term orientation and individualism) in the creation of attitudes, such as loyalty, toward the website. An experimental design was performed using a fictitious website with 491 participants from Spain and Britain. The study allowed to conclude that businesses playing in international markets through e-commerce sites should emphasize cultural differences when designing their marketing strategies.

Professors Leslier Valenzuela and Eduardo Torres from the University of Chile, author the paper "Does Customer Value-oriented Management Influence Financial Results? A Supplier's Perspective". This study is aimed at proving the influence of Customer Value Management on the financial results of a company, from the perspective of the market share, the gross margin and the return on equity. An empirical work is developed from surveys to 107 sales executives at one of the biggest banks in Chile. The model presents four hypothesis related to the influence of customer value-oriented management in an increase in the retention rate of customers, improvements in investment costs, the income generated by customers and, finally, the financial value of the company. This research concluded that customer/client value-oriented management has a positive influence in the retention rate and the optimization of finding customers, as well as in the financial results of businesses.

The third contribution in this section introduces the paper "EMCASER: Mexican Scale for Measuring Service Quality in Restaurants", written by Mexican Professors Jorge Vera and Andrea Trujillo, associated to the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico City. This research purpose was to develop a scale for measuring service quality in restaurants for the context of Mexico. The paper presents the proposed scale, which is made UP by 29 attributes, and the results of the different empirical tests that allowed to adjust the instrument and increase its reliability and validity. EMCASER contrasts with the prevailing scale worldwide (SERVQUAL), since this new instrument focuses on a specific sector and acknowledges the cultural traits of the Mexican context, thus contributing with better aspects for brand loyalty management.

In the section Strategy and Organizations for this issue, two research works are presented.

In an international cooperation, Professors Melquicedec Lozano-Posso, from Icesi University, Colombia, and David Urbano, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, contribute to our current issue with the paper "Relevant Factors in the Process of Socialization, Involvement and Belonging of Descendants in Family Businesses". This work is framed within family business studies. Academic literature has identified three phases or stages in the process of generational succession in this type of enterprises. For this reason, the research arises from the question: Which causal relationships are evidenced among the factors that comprise the three stages of the process of socialization, involvement and belonging of descendants? By means of case study methodology this work analyzes four family businesses (two small and to big sized) where second and third generation descendants are involved. As a result of this exercise, a codification and a categorization of the causal relationships is offered, for then making a contrast of hypothesis based on a sample of 274 family businesses located in the local department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Findings confirm a dependency in the evolution of the business among each one of the stages, fact that will allow to optimize the preparation of descendants for striving in the continuity of the business.

From Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Colombia, Professor Diego Armando Marín participates of this issue with the study "Understanding Exploitation and Exploration in Organizational Learning: A Theoretical Definition". This work theoretically defines two key skills in organizational learning: exploitation and exploration, on the basis of a systematic literature review. These categories, derived from the seminal work by March (1991), are in the middle of the current debate on innovation, knowledge management and organizational strategy. Professor Marín develops an analytical literature review and proposes a characterization of the two skills, either as substituting or complementary, for understanding the organizational learning process.

Two papers shape the section Education and Employment for this issue.

"Methodology for the Analysis of Problems and Limitations in University Entrepreneurships" is the title of a Chilean-Spanish collaboration authored by Professors Nikulin, Viveros, Dorochesi and Lay Bobadilla from the Federico Santa María Technichal University, Chile, and Professor Adolfo Crespo from the University of Seville, Spain. This paper is aimed to present a structured methodology that allows to contextualize and analyze university entrepreneurships, taking into account the concrete resources (real) an entrepreneur counts on, posing the priorization of options and solutions. This work is supported in the method developed by the Theory of Inventive Problem-solving, since the tools offered by this approach allow understanding conflict situations in a context of scarce resources. Additionally, the paper introduces a case study performed on a university entrepreneurship in Valparaiso, Chile, that serves for validating the methodology exposed.

Professors Rivero, Dabos, Marino and Rodríguez, affiliated to the National University of Central Buenos Aires, Argentina, present the paper "Impact of Formal Education in Management Graduate Programs: Analysis of Career Transitions in MBA Graduates". This research sought to deeply explore changes and career transitions of a group of professionals graduated from a prestigious MBA program in Argentina. The sample was made UP by 24 graduates of such program in the last five years at the time of the study. Based on Grounded Theory, the dominant typologies on professional career transitions of the studied subjects were identified, as well as the motives for such transitions. Results allow to structure a theoretical model for explaining the relations and conditions in the professional career transitions processes that are typical of nowadays labor environment.

Our last section, Public Administration, includes two academic papers.

Professor Francisco Azuero from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, and Alexander Guzmán and María Andrea Trujillo from CESA School of Business, also in Colombia, introduce the paper "Legal Stability Contracts in Colombia: An Analysis from Information Economy and Political Economy". Within the context of normative changes lived during the last ten years in the country, this paper studies the Legal Stability Contracts (CEJ in Spanish) from the perspective of information and political economy in order to promote private investment in Colombia. By means of a solid theoretical analysis and data from secondary sources, authors draw that CEJ are the manifestation of a system for income redistribution and generation that brought benefits only for the signatory businesspeople. These contracts also show a disruptive inconsistency of public policy objectives that promote a short-term flow of investment instead of creating physical capital in the long-term, just for demonstrating government results.

Originating from the University of Granada in Spain, Professors Alcaide-Muñoz, Rodríguez-Bolívar and López-Hernández feature the research paper entitled "Bibliometric Analysis of ICT Implementation in Public Administrations: Contributions and Research Opportunities". This study had the purpose of performing a bibliometric analysis about the evolution in the adoption of ICT in public administration. E-Government has become a central instrument for reform programs in public administration during the last fifteen years due to the capability for modernizing administrative or management processes and broaden accountability. However, more gaps and conceptual and practical issues are identified in its implementation. This work emphasizes a low degree of maturity in the process and suggests the construction of stronger theories for e-Government and the completion of quantitative studies as an opportunity for academic research.

We hope this issue of INNOVAR will please our readers. As usual, we are eager to receive academic contributions in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese languages, from Professors and researchers from all regions, related with organizational and business fields from a broad or particular referent of the Social Sciences.

Referencias bibliográficas

Arendt, H. (2002). Comprensión y Política. (Las dificultades de la comprensión). Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 26, 17-30. Recuperado de http://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/12041/11611. [ Links ]

Clegg, S. R., & Hardy, C. (1996). Introduction. Organizations, Organization and Organizing. En: S. Clegg, C. Hardy, & W. Nord (ed.). Handbook of Organization Studies. London: SAGE. [ Links ]

González-Miranda, D. R. (2014). Los estudios organizacionales: Un campo de conocimiento comprensivo para el estudio de las organizaciones. Innovar, 24(54), 43-58. [ Links ]

March, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87. [ Links ]

Sanabria, M., Saavedra, J., & Smida, A. (2014). Los estudios organizacionales ('organization studies'): fundamentos, evolución y estado actual del campo. Bogotá: Escuela de Administración, Editorial Universidad del Rosario. [ Links ]

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