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 ISSN 0121-5051






1 Director INNOVAR, Associate Professor School of Management and Public Accounting Faculty of Economic Sciences National University of Colombia, Bogotá

In the last two months, Latin America has witnessed the advent of a set of protests that have put different governments against the wall and depict social tensions arising after almost three decades of the application of market-oriented economic policies. In fact, such policies have disregarded common interest matters which, therefore, belong to the public domain; for example, working conditions, education, and health and retirement systems (Castañeda-Rodríguez & Díaz-Bautista, 2017).

Despite the legitimacy of protests, this context of social turmoil also favors the emergence of violent outbreaks and vandalism, as shown by the intrusion of actors who only seek to create political and economic uncertainty. This situation creates an additional responsibility for demonstrators: to shield their manifestations against such intrusions, if their goal is to be able to effectively influence the decisions of the ruling class. Otherwise, as it has also occurred in other countries of the region, the government may resort to stigmatizing dissention and criticism in order to justify repression, and thus attempt to silence social protests (Cruz-Rodríguez, 2015).

In this regard, I think that Colombian current situation is worth mentioning as an example, considering that -despite the vandalism that accompanied the first days ("Decretan toque de queda...", 2019)- during the second week of the national strike, protesters, including students and other citizens, have largely managed to expose and expel those individuals who only seek to generate destruction. From Innovar Journal we call for this action to be maintained, so that the Government and the leaders of protests continue to debate in order to reach agreements, when possible; for which the participation of other instances, such as the Congress of the republic, are required. Only in this way the necessary (although unpopular) reforms could be undertaken, including pension and tax reforms.

As for issue 75 of Innovar Journal, four sections containing ten articles by national and foreign researchers are presented. These sections, already traditional for our readers, are: Management and Organizations, Marketing, Production, and Ethics and Society.

The first section in this issue, i.e. Management and Organizations, incorporates four research papers. The first of these is titled "Consumer Behavior towards Cassava Products", written by professors Heidy Margarita Rico Fontalvo and Pabla Eusebia Peralta Miranda, from the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Barranquilla, Colombia). This work studied the perception of 27 individuals in relation to the consumption of cassava products produced by the Mokaná community, located in the municipality of Malambo (Atlántico, Colombia), and then inquired about opportunities for their commercialization. Among other findings, a positive perception of respondents regarding cassava-based products is identified, as this tuber is attributed a good taste and is considered as an important source of nutrients. This, in addition to the interest generated by some derivates, such as cassava "chichi", which turned out to be highly appreciated, according to the market test carried out, accounts for market opportunities that could be explored by the Mokaná community and supported by the Government.

Professors Jorge Armando López Lemus, María Teresa de la Garza, and María Alicia Zavala -University of Guanajuato, Celaya Technological Institute, and La Salle University (Mexico), respectively- present their paper "Strategic Leadership and Negotiation and their Influence on the Perception of Prestige in Small Businesses". This work studies whether strategic leadership and negotiation strategies influence the perception of prestige and status based on surveys conducted on 418 young entrepreneurs and small business leaders in the state of Guanajuato (Mexico). The authors prove the existence of such influence, which indeed resulted being positive and significant, according to the results obtained after the application of a hypothetical structural equation model.

The third work within this section, titled "Characterization of Third Sector Organizations from the Perspective of Social Innovation. A Case Study Approach", is also an international contribution, prepared by University of Cordoba (Spain) professors José Hernández Ascanio and Manuel Rich Ruiz. The paper explores the relationship between the reality of third sector organizations with a particular focus on social action and the dynamics of social innovation. For this purpose, some analytical frameworks are proposed to later characterize this type of organizations by resorting to the experience of Córdoba Social Lab, a private initiative in Andalusia (Spain) whose objective is to support entities with a social calling. Among the main findings it is corroborated that, in general, there is a low articulation between the reality of these organizations and social innovations, partly because the latter is a concept comprising numerous and different social practices.

The fourth article in this section is "The Role of Leadership Styles in Organizational Citizenship Behavior through the Mediation of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction", elaborated by professors Ali Asgari, Somayeh Mezginejad and Fatemeh Taherpoury as part of an interinstitutional collaboration between the universities of Birjand and Shiraz, in Iran. Their work studies the associations between leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational support, and employees' job satisfaction using the answers provided by 201 administrative staff of the University of Birjand to a questionnaire applied in 2018. This work shows, for example, that transformational leadership, job satisfaction and employee perception regarding organizational support positively influence their citizenship behavior within the organization.

In addition, Marketing section introduces three research papers. The first of these, titled "An Empirical Approach to the Analysis of Consumer Perceptions on Packaging", signed by Paola Pignatelli and Eva Tomaseti Solano, researchers at the University of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain), presents an analysis on the characteristics of containers and their effect on the perception of the volume of products by consumers. These authors applied a survey through Facebook, obtaining 209 responses about perceptions on the content of different types of packaging after making changes in their size and color. In this regard, they found, for example, that small variations in the size of the package were not evident among participants, particularly if its height was reduced, and that dark colors suggest a greater amount of product.

The second work in this section is presented by researchers Matheus Dantas Madeira Pontes (Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira, Ceará, Brazil), Verónica Peñaloza (Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Ceará, Brazil) and Thayanne Lima Duarte Pontes (Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal) under the title "Impact of Financial Difficulties on Consumer Behavior: Gender Differences". After the application of the Attitudes towards Consumption scale to a group of 911 students and professionals in the state of Ceará (Brazil) in 2018, authors gathered data on their financial situation and consumption habits. Once validity tests for this type of studies (e.g. calculating Cronbach's Alpha to test the reliability of the scales used) were applied, authors found that women show a more rational and compulsive behavior towards purchases than men. Besides, authors state that women are more affected by the economic difficulties because of their compulsive consumption patterns.

Closing this section, professors Iván Alonso Montoya Restrepo, Javier A. Sánchez Torres, Sandra Patricia Rojas Berrio and Alexandra Montoya Restrepo, from the National University of Colombia, Bogotá and Medellín, and the University of Medellín (Colombia), participate with their research work "Lovemark Effect: Analysis of the Differences between Students and Graduates in a Love Brand Study at a Public University". This article identifies some factors that theoretically contribute to the generation of trust, commitment and loyalty of a customer for a brand, and then validates the relationships between these constructs based on the responses of 257 students and graduates of the National University of Colombia to a virtual survey. Researchers corroborate, among other things, positive relationships between brand experience and brand involvement, on the one hand, and brand loyalty, on the other.

Our third section (Production) is made up by two articles. One of these is authored by professors Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco, Carlos Fernando Jung, Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, and Cleiton Eduardo dos Reis, Faculdades Integradas de Taquara, both institutions in Brazil. Their work is titled "Agile Manufacturing Strategy for Outsourced Footwear Production", where they propose an efficient manufacturing method built on the premise of continuous improvement, based on a review of the literature, to subsequently apply such method to a satellite company in the footwear sector located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The authors report that their proposal resulted in reductions of 52% in rework rates and 41% in product delivery times.

Contributing to this section, professors Ronielton Rezende Oliveira and Henrique Cordeiro Martins, FUMEC University (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), present the research study "Project Management Office Performance: Divergence of the Perceptions Between Academic Instruction and Professional Experience". This paper approaches the influence of organizational factors such as information systems and organizational culture on the performance of Project Management Offices (PMO) in organizations. Authors gathered information through surveys applied to project managers or other professionals with similar roles. Data analysis was then carried out using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. Results show a divergent understanding of different organizational factors between respondents who perform activities under a PMO approach and those who do not.

The section Ethics and Society that closes our current issue introduces the research paper titled "International Standards for Social Accountability: Between Explanations and Managerial Apprehension", written by professors Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño and Wilson Ricardo Herrera Romero, from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and Universidad del Rosario (both in Bogotá, Colombia), respectively. In this article authors reflect on the existing gaps in the principles ruling International Accountability Standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative (CRI). Particularly, authors mention that the use and application of these standards can lead to their manipulation by companies, thus refraining their scope for evaluating the influence of a firm over its stakeholders.

Our editorial team expects that these ten articles will be of great interest to our readers and contribute to the academic discussion within the Social and Administrative Sciences. This is what gives meaning to the hard editorial work behind each release of Innovar Journal.

Referencias bibliográficas

Castañeda Rodríguez, V., & Díaz-Bautista, Ó. (2017). El Consenso de Washington: algunas implicaciones para América Latina. Apuntes del Cenes, 36(63), 15-41. https://doi.org/10.19053/01203053.v36.n63.2017.4425Links ]

Cruz-Rodríguez, E. (2015). El derecho a la protesta social en Colombia. Pensamiento Jurídico, 42, 47-69. Recuperado de https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/peju/article/view/55404/pdfLinks ]

"Decretan toque de queda por vandalismo en capital de Colombia" (23 de noviembre del 2019). Deutsche Welle. Recuperado de https://p.dw.com/p/3TZkmLinks ]

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