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 ISSN 0121-5051






1 Director and Editor-in-Chief

As announced in the editorial of Innovar issue 83, we are opening this space to the discussion of topics that we believe are of interest to our readers. In this regard, and remembering that 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of uninterrupted publication of this journal, I consider it relevant to dedicate the upcoming editorials to show some of the milestones and challenges of the journal during this time, from the stories of those who were, at the time, editors of this journal. Thus, former Innovar editors will be able to present their experiences, anecdotes, and insights on the meaning of these three decades of publications in the management and accounting fields in Colombia and Latin America.

These editorials, which will be published starting in the next issue, will particularly identify historical and little-known facts that partly explain the academic recognition that Innovar has garnered. Reviewing some bibliometric indicators, such as Google Scholar Metrics H index or the Scopus impact factor, despite its shortcomings and criticisms (Adams et al., 2019; Molas-Gallart & Ráfols, 2018), is sufficient to demonstrate this recognition. However, this did not imply a change in the focus or purposes of the journal, as it continues to be a channel for the dissemination of research papers in the fields of management and accounting in the context of Latin American countries, whose needs and concerns differ from those of developed nations.

In line with the above, the origins of the papers we receive have extended. Although in 1991 Innovar was conceived as a means of disseminating the research conducted at the National University of particularly in the Departments of Business Management and Finance, our current issues include papers by researchers from Brazil, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Portugal and Colombia. I believe that this region-alist feature will be somewhat maintained in the short term, considering the particular needs of our context and socioeconomic reality, which justifies the interest of local academics in addressing issues of relevance to organizations in Latin America.

In this regard, while international public management journals inquire about particular cases in the implementation of transparency practices and organizational factors that promote or hinder that process, in our context, it is still important to consider how agreements on the extent to which public information is disseminated are reached and the tools available to citizens to access it, given certain characteristics of our environment such as limited Internet access. I believe that, in this way, Innovar remains loyal to its original purposes, even in an era in which publication in high-impact journals is privileged, regardless of whether research is relevant to diagnose and visibilize a problem or to propose alternatives for improvement.

Since its inception, Innovar wanted to avoid imposing obstacles that affect the type of papers published. Our readers can be sure that each issue contains contributions to management and accounting regardless of the authors' affiliation or origin, methodological design or ontological and epistemological positions. Furthermore, over these 30 years, we have maintained the reception of papers in four languages, Spanish, Portuguese, English and French, as a sign of our commitment to academic dissemination through intercultural dialog. However, and as mentioned above, most of the papers published in this journal are in Spanish and Portuguese, although English has gradually become a widely used language, unlike French, which continues to be that with the least content.

However, it is surprising that, after more than thirty years of publishing Innovar, the country's socioeconomic conditions have not changed much. In fact, reading the editorial of the first issue, written by Professor Francisco Rodríguez in 1991, is all it takes to see problems such as inequality, social injustice and violence persist. Sadly, Colombia remains one of the most unequal countries in Latin America, with a Gini index ranging from 0.56 to 0.67, depending on whether the estimate is based on household survey data or adjusted through the allocation of undistributed profit; with a poverty rate of 35% without including indigenous or afro-descendant peoples -for this minorities, it amounts to 64% and 48%, respectively- (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe [Cepal], 2021), and a total of 61 victims of 23 massacres as of March 17, 2022 (Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz, 2022). These are precisely the aspects that deserve to be considered in the studies conducted by local academics in management and accounting, and which could find a channel for their dissemination in Innovar.


Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz. (March 16, 2022). Masacres en Colombia durante el 2020, 2021 y 2022. https://indepaz.org.co/informe-de-masacres-en-colombia-durante-el-2020-2021/Links ]

Molas-Gallart, J., & Ràfols, I. (2018). Why bibliometric indicators break down: Unstable parameters, incorrect models and irrelevant properties. Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentado, 40. http://doi/org/10.1344/BiD2018.40.23Links ]

Adams, J., McVeigh, M., Pendlebury, D., & Szomszor, M. (2019). Profiles, not metrics. Clarivate. https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/campaigns/profiles-not-metrics/Links ]

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe [Cepal]. (2021). Panorama Social de América Latina. Cepal. [ Links ]

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