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Hacia la Promoción de la Salud

 ISSN 0121-7577

GOMEZ ACOSTA, Andrés. PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTORS OF SELF-CARE IN HEALTH. []. , 22, 1, pp.101-112. ISSN 0121-7577.  https://doi.org/10.17151/hpsal.2017.22.1.8.

Objetive: Determine the extent to which coping styles, self-efficacy, positive mental health and healthy beliefs, interacting, predict the occurrence of self-care guidelines with a sample of 570 young adults. Method: a test battery composed of validated instruments to assess the presence of the variables was applied. With the information obtained a descriptive analysis, the average differences and correlational analysis, and a multivariate analysis with structural equation model SEM were developed. Results: High scores are identified with the psychological protective factors, beliefs and health practices; also significant differences in self-care according to sex and socioeconomic status, and significant correlations between adaptive psychological factors and self-care in health. Finally, the SEM which show greater adjustment explains the 39% of the variance associated with healthy self-care practices. Conclusion: The model, although not conclusive, can provide conceptual and empirical support for creating self-care strategies in health promotion with young adults.

: Self-Care; protective factors; health promotion; multivariate analysis; young adults.

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