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Educación y Educadores

 ISSN 0123-1294 ISSN 2027-5358

RESTREPO-ABONDANO, José Manuel    RESTREPO-TORRES, Marta Lucía. Five Challenges to the Exercise of Leadership by School Principals. []. , 15, 1, pp.117-129. ISSN 0123-1294.

This article hypothesizes on the reasons of the change of time that justify model of leadership that school headmasters must exercise, with the aim of collaborating and adapting, to guide their institutions to pedagogical and organizational innovation that answer families and societies expectation on the process of education in children and teenagers. Reviewing the literature on the subject, five large management nuclei were structured, defined as "challenges", to contribute with a perspective that integrates, in first place, aspects of the individual in the role of the headmaster, and throughout the document pose the multiple fronts of educational management to which the direction must give proper and efficient answer. It concludes on the urgency of introducing to the role of the headmaster a management perspective that includes, from self understanding, the ability to understand the changes and the technical competence to implement competitive management model.

: Education management; educestión educativa; calidad educativa; leadership; education strategies; administrador de la educación; private school.

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