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Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

 ISSN 0370-3908

GARCIA-Q., Hector; CARBONO-DELAHOZ, Eduino    BARRANCO-PEREZ, Willinton. Beta-diversity of the tropical dry forest in the northern Colombian Caribbean. []. , 45, 174, pp.95-108.   18--2021. ISSN 0370-3908.  https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.1267.

To analyze the beta diversity in the tropical dry forest of the northern Colombian Caribbean region, we carried out floristic surveys in four fragments in the departments of Atlántico, Bolívar, La Guajira and Magdalena between September 2018 and June 2019. Using known indices, we calculated the values of different components of the diversity and we observed heterogeneity in the composition between the sites and the modeling of their community structures dominated by species turnover. Few species were recorded simultaneously at all sites while many were confined to defined locations responding to an abundance distribution model that would fit the logseries type. A relevant feature was the low appearance of valuable wood species, possibly due to selective extraction. The fragments studied are justified as a biological conservation objective, but given the high variation in the composition of species found, it would be convenient to incorporate more fragments to cover greater diversity of the dry forest in the northern Colombian Caribbean.

: Composition; Distribution of abundances; Fragmented forests; Similarity; Spatial species turnover; Structure.

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