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Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá)

 ISSN 1657-0308 ISSN 2357-626X

MORENO-MIRANDA, Milton Mauricio. Impacts on mobility as a result of the Transmicable project in Ciudad Bolívar. Accessibility, infrastructure and changes for residents around Mirador del Paraíso station. []. , 24, 2, pp.17-26.   23--2022. ISSN 1657-0308.  https://doi.org/10.14718/revarq.2022.24.3073.

Sustainable mobility and mass transportation systems have become viable alternatives to improve travel times in cities. Although there are various means, the aerial cable is an optimal alternative in territories with complex topography. This study focuses on analyzing the changes in travel times, urban infrastructure and accessibility in general in the surroundings of the Transmicable station in the Mirador del Paraíso neighborhood, in the locality of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá. Through the results of the application of surveys, the impact of the implementation of this transportation system is evidenced, focusing on the aspects already mentioned, in order to relate them to the principles of sustainable mobility and its application to the urban development of cities, not only in terms of mobility, but also in terms of infrastructure.

: accessibility; aerial cable; non-motorized mobility.

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