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Revista Colombiana de Cirugía

 ISSN 2011-7582 ISSN 2619-6107

TORREGROZA-DIAZGRANADOS, Eduardo de Jesús    TORREGROZA-CASTILLA, Juan Pablo. Diagnostic screening tests. []. , 37, 4, pp.673-683.   24--2022. ISSN 2011-7582.  https://doi.org/10.30944/20117582.2105.


Screening diagnostic tests are those tests that help to identify a risk factor or genetic mutations that predict the subsequent onset of the disease, as well as tests that reveal structural alterations of the disease before the disease progresses and becomes symptomatic.


A literature review was performed to establish the scientific theoretical fundamentals that support diagnostic screening tests and the conditions and requirements that must be met to introduce them in the clinical setting or as public health programs.


The conceptual difference between early detection and early diagnosis and the difference between prevalence screening and incidence screening was established. Indications and scientific criteria for conducting screening tests were presented. The importance of the duration of the lead time in the efficacy of early detection diagnostic tests was pointed out. The reasons why it was necessary to carry out a randomized clinical experiment to evaluate the efficacy of early detection diagnostic tests for early diagnosis in the secondary prevention of the disease were confronted.


Screening diagnostic tests make it possible to introduce interventions in the field of primary prevention, as well as in the setting of secondary prevention of diseases.

: early diagnosis; mass screening; diagnostic techniques and procedures; diagnostic screening programs; predictive value of tests.

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