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Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad

Print version ISSN 1909-3063


CARRASQUILLA ACEVEDO, Paula Andrea. FAC'S characteristic capabilities as an element of deterrence in the framework of cooperation with NATO. [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.1, pp.49-75.  Epub May 07, 2021. ISSN 1909-3063.

The present research deals with Colombia's acceptance as "partner across the globe" by the NATO Council, which represents being NATO's ninth global partner and the single country in America to achieve such relevant status. However, beyond this significant event, little is openly known about the agreement and the progress it has made until the present. For this reason, this research seeks to provide valuable information of the progress, commitments and opportunities presented to the Military Forces within the framework of this important alliance. A qualitative methodological approach was applied, using information analysis and triangulation tools, which including inputs from expert staff and data from specialized sources on the subject. Subsequently, the research focuses on the opportunities of the Colombian Air Force under the agreement, considering its distinctive capabilities and deterrent potential. A structured analysis in the DOTMLPF model (Doctrine, Organization, Material and Equipment, Staff, Infrastructure) contrasts the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats (SWOT) of the Colombian Air Force to propose a strategic guideline that enhances the aerial power through deterrence.

Keywords : Distinctive capabilities; Colombian Air Force; deterrence; NATO; global partner.

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