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Print version ISSN 0123-7799On-line version ISSN 2256-5337


PEREZ-HERNANDEZ, Andrea K. et al. Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic Theory for a Local Vision System of Robocup Humanoid League. TecnoL. [online]. 2013, n.30, pp.33-50. ISSN 0123-7799.

At this paper we shown the development of an algorithm to perform edges extraction based on fuzzy logic theory. This method allows recognizing landmarks on the game field for Humanoid League of RoboCup. The proposed algorithm describes the creation of a fuzzy inference system that permit evaluate the existent relationship between image pixels, finding variations on grey levels of related neighbor pixels. Subsequently, it shows an implementation of OTSU method to binarize an image that was obtained from fuzzy process and so generate an image containing only extracted edges, validating the algorithm with Humanoid League images. Later, we analyze obtained results that evidence a good performance of algorithm, considering that this proposal only takes an extra 35% processing time that will be required by traditional methods, whereas extracted edges are 52% less noise susceptible.

Keywords : Fuzzy systems; robotics; humanoid robot; vision system.

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