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Print version ISSN 0121-182XOn-line version ISSN 1909-7727


MARQUES SILVA, Alexander. Administrative Law as an Instrument for the Perpetuation of Democracy. Prolegómenos [online]. 2022, vol.25, n.49, pp.101-114.  Epub June 30, 2022. ISSN 0121-182X.

democracy suffers several conceptual and practical distortions increasingly due to technological evolution. This fact interferes both in human relations and in the relations between private, physical or legal persons among themselves and between them and the State. Faced with this problem and the relationship between administrator and administered, it is clear that Administrative Law assumes an instrumental role for the perpetuation of democracy. This article aims to demonstrate the use of Administrative Law in the democratic State and, with the specific objectives, demonstrate the origin and evolution of democracy and administrative law. In this context, the possibility of using the various existing instruments in Administrative Law as a means of perpetuating democracy is analyzed. The methodology used was analytical and, as a theoretical reference, several classic authors are used in the conceptualization of democracy and Administrative Law, in addition to jurisprudence of higher courts to demonstrate the practical application.

Keywords : democracy; administrative law; public right; sources of law; evolution.

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