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Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras

Print version ISSN 0122-2066


ALVAREZ JIMENEZ, Jairo  and  LOPEZ CAUSADO, Alexánder. For the Control of the River: The Port of Magangué and the Thousand Day´s War in the Colombian Caribbean (1899-1902). Anu.hist.reg.front. [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.2, pp.219-242.  Epub June 30, 2020. ISSN 0122-2066.

The article presents an analysis on the importance of the river port of Ma- gangué during the development of the thousand days’ war in the Colombian Caribbe- an region. Firstly, it highlights the interference of this conflict in the region and then, it reviews the events that took place in the town of Magangué (Department of Bolívar) during the conflagration; and that additionally served for the later reality that the war adopts in the north of the country. The text begins by using the information of the media to understand the development of the Colombian civil wars, accentuating the role of Magangué as a river port during the 19th century, then it is made reference to the thousand days’ war in the Department of Bolívar, and finally it is analyzed the situ- ation of conflict which was lived in Magangué towards the year 1900, with the victory and later defeat of the liberal revolutionaries. This includes, for example, the part of the conservatives, on the Magdalena River, and would lead to the literal unleashing of guerrilla warfare as a military strategy among opponents of the government.

Keywords : Civil War; Magangué; River Port; Liberals; Conservatives.

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