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Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana

Print version ISSN 1794-4724


JIMENEZ-JIMENEZ, Sebastián  and  MARQUES, Daniela Filipa. Impact of Child Neuropsychological Intervention on the Development of the Executive System. Case Study. Av. Psicol. Latinoam. [online]. 2018, vol.36, n.1, pp.11-28. ISSN 1794-4724.

This article shows the impact of infant neuropsychological intervention in the organization of school activity in a case with alteration in the executive system. The development of this cognitive system has shown that when affected has implications in school learning. This case report is about an 8-year-old girl with altered executive functioning and failing to read and write. Brief Infant Neuropsychological Evaluation, Infant Neuropsychological Evaluation (ENI), WISC-IV Intelligence Scale and the Neuropsychological Battery of (BANFE) Executive Functions were applied. The evaluation revealed weaknesses in domains of inhibitory control and cognitive planning. A neuropsychological intervention program was designed and applied to correct these aspects. Twelve sessions of 45 minutes and a comparative analysis of pre and post intervention results were performed. The results showed improvement in both executive functioning and school activities compared to the initial evaluation. It is concluded that the intervention focused on the direction and organization of the cognitive activity of the executive system benefits the learning of literacy.

Keywords : Executive function; inhibitory control; planning; school learning.

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